Unexpected Situation?

"This is…" Noel's expression turned grim when he was looking at the airport.

"What's wrong?"

"We have been hunting here for two days. Tomorrow will be the third day, and Dimitri should be arriving somewhere in the evening." Noel crossed his arms as if he were bothered by something.

"Are you thinking that this has gone too well for us?" Anna asked. 

"I can say it's going well, but…" Noel fell silent for a moment. "The fact that nothing happens is more concerning. Do you know what scares me the most?"

"The Demon King? Your parents?" Anna answered jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. 

"No. It's the unknown." Noel shook his head helplessly. "I'd rather fight against a Demon King than an unknown. If it's a Demon King, I can prepare for its arrival at the very least. But if I have to fight the unknown… I can't help but overthink it. What is their strength? How much people they have? That kind of stuff."