Challenging the Spider Again


A loud cry was released by the spider as if trying to inform all the demons that Noel and Anna had come back for revenge. 

It might be due to the fact that they knew both of them had reached Spirit Transcendence rank, they were mobilizing all their demons right away.

No, Noel could see the deep wisdom the spider had. There was no way the Ancient Demon Spider wouldn't have realized that Noel and Anna were capable of knowing there would be a trick in this battle. That was why the spider chose to not hide anything and make a head-on clash. 

Noel raised his head, seeing the spider that was charging its energy to utilize its poison ray.

Because the fire wings were unusable, he summoned a single ice wing on the left side of his back. The transformation of his body into a half spirit indeed caused several changes such as his wings. He believed that he had to use a fire wing on the right side if he wanted to fully fly.