Noel vs Spider (3)

Two of the Superior Demons released a beam to destroy the barrier. Unfortunately, even when the beams exploded at the same time, the barrier remained intact.

The other two Superior Demons rammed their bodies onto the barrier. Both of them had quite big bodies, so when they hit the barrier, the ground shook a bit. 

Just like the previous attack, the spiritual barrier remained intact. Still, this was the difference between rune cards and rune spells. If these spiritual barrier runes were made of rune spells, Noel could pour in more energy, which would completely withstand their attacks.

But the rune cards contained a limited amount of spiritual energy. The attacks had scratched the surface. Another attack would probably crack them and one last attack would destroy them. 

The ancient demon spider was quite shocked to find how easily Noel blocked the Superior Demons' attacks. It immediately let out a cry.