
"The number of casualties during the winter is… 2." 

"!!!" Noel raised his eyebrows. "2? Are you serious?"

At first glance, it looked like Noel was dissatisfied with the result. However, the real truth was that Noel was simply shocked. 

This result was beyond his imagination. 

"Yes. Both of them also have their own illnesses, so the severe cold makes their immune systems finally give up." Rose nodded. "We have more than eight thousand people in our city. Only two have died. While the winter has yet to end, we believe that the number wouldn't reach five."

Noel sucked a cold breath. In the first place, a big city with twenty to thirty thousand people usually loses more than a hundred people. So, it was shocking that Noel only suffered two casualties. While it was true that every death saddened him, it didn't change the fact that he was already successful in managing the winter, especially since his town hadn't been completed yet.