Mysterious Person

"Enemy!" Andreas' shout alerted everyone.

The spirit grandmaster hurriedly backed off, taking this chance to get away from Andreas. He was fortunate enough to survive because Andreas was distracted.

But his luck ran out the moment he fought Tristan. 

While it was true that Tristan was Noel's student, his lack of experience was causing him to have a delayed reaction.

Even Sandra, who was considered weaker than him, reacted fast enough to twist her body in the direction of the incoming person.

Meanwhile, Tristan was a little bit too focused on the spirit grandmaster. 

His inexperience confused him as to why Andreas let this spirit grandmaster go. Since Andreas didn't have any intention to kill this spear grandmaster, Tristan ended up activating the meteor rune on the car and shooting it at the grandmaster.

'Eh?' The spear grandmaster widened his eyes in shock when he found the giant lump of energy that was about to hit him. "No—*Boom!*"