
"We're finally back." Anna stretched her body. "To think that driving for too long will make you stiff…"

Noel walked out of the carriage while saying, "This is not our car, so of course, it's not the best."

"Fair enough. I can't expect too much from a carriage that we bought out of nowhere." Anna chuckled.

Noel looked at the mansion with a serious face. 

Noticing his worries, Anna said, "Don't worry. I'm sure that Tristan is fine. Let's ask Dimitri about it. No, if I'm not wrong, Andreas is to go back after this, right?"

"Yeah. The escort is only necessary until they meet Duke Lorelei. I'm sure that Duke Lorelei will provide an escort or even come with them personally. Even without him, he will probably ask two grandmasters to help." Noel nodded.

"See? That's why it's going to be fine."

"…" Noel smiled wryly. "Now that I think about it, where is Dimitri? He usually senses us from afar and greets us…"