
Noel was meditating in the middle of a snow field. 

"It seems that you can withstand the cold." The Arctic Queen squinted her eyes. "Mind Separation. While the concept is simple, the process is not. Try to circulate your energy in the opposite direction. 

"Let the energy in your right body flow to the left side of your body, while the energy in the left side of your body flows downwards."

Noel tried to do it. Because of his habit, the flow gradually turned into a vortex in a counter-clockwise direction. 

"That's not how you're supposed to do it. Create two individual flows that, even if they touch each other, they won't merge."

Noel's eyebrows twitched. He followed her instruction, but the moment the energy from the right side touched the energy on the left side, it ended up fusing with each other and creating a single flow. 

"Imagine this snow is built up inside your body. Using it as a bridge to avoid that flow."