A cripple

Inside the dark void a tattered soul floating aimlessly.

'Lu Bai forgive me, if there is a next life, I want to be together with you.'

his consciousness filled with guilt and regret.

but suddenly, a bright light flashed across the dark void.

the blinding light shot at his soul. a warm burst of energy covered his soul.

'hmm? what is this feeling?' he couldn't see the light, but he felt a warm sensation over his body.

his soul energy started to recover, along with his soul.

he didn't know how much time has passed because the time and space Laws did not affect the void.

the refreshing feeling continued but then, a sharp pain rose in his chest.


opening his eyes he found himself surrounded by a lot of people, Wearing ancient Chinese outfits.

"huh? where am I? I was dead right?" he said as he looked at his chest.

his eyeballs almost popped out of his sockets, looking at his blood-soaked clothes.

he woke up struggling and looked at the young man in front of him.

the crowd started to scream "Kill!, Kill!, Kill"

the young man turned to Yang Kai and sneered.

"you're still alive? what an insect!"

he said as he dashed at him, with inhuman speed.

"w-what?!" Yang Kai cried out, as soon as the young man's first launched at him.

"Stop this at once!"

when his fist was just about to hit him, a yell came from his behind.

"haah, haaah..."

Yang Kai breathed deeply.

following the yell, a middle-aged man appeared above them.

"h-he is flying?"

Yang Kai was dumbfounded, looking at the man, floating above them.

"How dare you! unofficial matches are banned. who gave you the guts? leave this place at once!"

the man slowly descended to the ground and glared at Yang Kai.

The young man who was hitting him earlier lowered his head.

"Forgive me, Elder Wang! but he is the one, who tried to molest my partner so..."

"hmmph! save your blabbering. and get out of here."

The elder dismissed him and looked at Yang Kai with disdain.

"it's you again? I told you this sect isn't for you, you should just leave or go to some other sect!"

Even though he scolded him, he looked concerned.

"b-but I.." Yang Kai couldn't understand a single thing.

As he was trying to figure out what was going on, he felt a sharp headache.

he squatted down grabbing his head before he passed out.

"ah... what a pain in the ass!"

The elder stomped his feet.


Yang Kai opened his eyes, looked around the room he was in, and sighed.

"Oh no... it's real! shit!"

he cursed remembering the dream he just saw.

he saw the full life experience of this young man, whose body he was in.

This was a world of cultivation!

where people thrive for strength with only one common goal in their mind, Immortality.

here, those people who aren't cultivators were referred to as mortals.

cultivators can do whatever they want. for them, mortals are like ants, they can just crush them whenever they want.

In this harsh environment, Yang Kai was an orphan, he grew up on the streets. his life is so pathetic and miserable that he felt disgusted remembering the experience.

it was until 5 years ago, that he was brought to the sect by an Elder.

according to his fortune-telling, the Elder believed that this kid will bring good fortune to this sect.

The kid seemed diligent, he never complained about anything and worked hard.

This sect, the Yin-Yang Harmony sect, specialized in a different cultivation method, the Dual Cultivation method.

this was a unique method of cultivation, where a male and a female, indulge themselves in sexual acts to harness each other's Yin and Yang Qi and raise their cultivation.

and the cultivation levels were divided into six stages.

elementary profound realm,

spirit profound ream,

true profound realm,

earth profound realm,

heavenly profound realm,

and the sovereign profound realm.

then each realm was divided into ten stages.

In this sect, there is a strict rule that only adults are allowed to dual cultivate with a partner.

Yang Kai turned sixteen a year ago, but...

"Fuck! Fuck! how is this possible? what am I supposed to do? my dignity as a man is gone..."

that's right, he was a cripple down there. he couldn't even get his little brother up, so how was he supposed to dual cultivate with a partner?.

how is he going to conquer the heavenly maidens if he can't use his tool?.

he could see the divine beauties calling him...

[ tsh, Looking at the host's pathetic state, the Scandal system is activated. ]

while he was wailing and cursing inside his head, he heard a female voice.


he startled and stood up.

"show yourself whoever it is!"

he exclaimed and slowly started to move towards the door.

[ don't act like a simp, man up! I mean... forget it! ]


he frowned looking at the rectangular, semi-transparent hologram.

"a system? like those novels?"

[ yes, something like that, now stop sobbing like a widow and get the fuck outside. ]

He wryly smiled and shook his head.

"yeah... you're right... wait! you're a system, right? Scandal system? what the heck is this?"

[ the Scandal system is designed especially for you! and I am your assistant, I will help you operate the system. ]

he nodded in understanding and stepped out of the room.

"others can't see or hear you right?"

[ Affirmative. ]


"Brother Yang!"

As he was thinking about what to do, a female voice came from behind.

he instinctively puffed his chest a bit and put on his charming smile.


"about the monster hunting quest..."

the girl was about to say something, stopped. and looked at him from head to toe.

Yang Kai also looked at her from head to toe. he knew this girl. she was Elder Wang's daughter, and his good friend, Wang Min.

"umm... strange, you... look different."

she said with a frown.

"ah, Sister Min must be joking, I am the same, Yang Kai. if anything, Sister Min has gotten even prettier"

Wang Min smiled but didn't say a thing.

"what is Sister Min Looking me for?"

"oh! right, I talked to brother Ning Cai, and he agreed to take you with us to beast hunting. tomorrow at 6 in the morning, meet me at the gate."

Yang Kai smiled wryly and nodded his head.

"Sister Min, you can just call me Kai,"

he said as she turned to leave.

she stayed silent for a second then nodded her head up and down, and without looking back she left.

"Ning Cai? why did he agree to take me with them?"

he pondered for a second, the brother Cai she was talking about was the young master of the Ning Family.

he was very arrogant and egotistic, and he was eyeing Wang Min for a while now.

"Maybe he wants to humiliate me in front of her?"

he chuckled thinking about it.

"by the way, system assistant, what is your name?"

[ huh? are you trying to hit on me? in your dreams! I don't like pathetic hosts like you! ]

he smiled awkwardly.

"I am not interested in 2d either, well you're not even 2d."

[ huh? who are you calling 2d? I am the best system assistant out there. you should be grateful. ]

she stated, annoyed by him.

"oh... so you don't have a name huh? I will think of a good name for you..."

this time the assistant didn't say anything.

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