Another day, another surprise

"Have you heard that the King has sent a Royal edict to the pill king's Villa?"

"yeah… I heard that the queen is ill, and the royal physicians are unable to save her."

It was the next morning, In the city, people were gossiping about a certain matter, the King's ill wife.

That was the hot topic of everyone's tongue.

The whole kingdom was in turmoil as the news of the Queen being ill spread like a wildfire.

There were rumors about it being an incurable disease, while some say it was a curse.

Whatever that might be, Yang Kai was totally unaware of that, sleeping peacefully with Wang Min in his arms.

The people were staring at the carriage from the Royal Palace.

"Look, that's the Royal Family seal!"

The people were gossiping and looking at the luxurious Carriage in front of them, which was well decorated with great craftsmanship, and the server tail horses pulling the carriage kept dashing forward with their heads up in pride.

Within a few breaths, the carriage passed by them.

"Quick, we don't have much time, we have to get to Tianming city by tomorrow!"

Someone from the carriage shouted at the coachman.

Inside the carriage, there were four people, three women sitting on a side with graceful attires, and in front of them an old man who appeared to be in his sixties, sitting with a stern expression on his face.

"Elder Li, we have to do something about it, mother's condition is getting serious, if not for her being a cultivator, we might've lost her by now…"

The girl in the middle, who was the most elegant-looking, spoke with a frown.

"Young Miss Qing, don't worry, I believe if it is the pill king, her highness will be fine in no time."

The old man said with a reassuring look.

Back at the Yin-Yang Harmony Sect, a bunch of outer disciples could be seen in the arena.

Some were Armed with their respective weapons and some were bare-chested.

All the rings in the arena were occupied, and the disciples were sparring against each other.

Mostly the female disciples had a sword in their hands.

"Sister Li, why don't you spar with me?" A tall and well-built woman stepped forward and asked another woman, who was staring at her.

The woman looked very small, with a petite figure and a small, cute face.

"huh? Me?" the girl turned her face and asked in surprise.

"Yeah… why don't we spar a bit?" the tall woman said with a mocking smile.

The petite girl looked at the woman, who was around six feet tall and had a toned body and good assets over her chest and bust.

"You sure are huge…" the girl muttered before turning her head to the audience who were gathered around them like a gang war.

"Don't tell me, you're scared~?" the tall girl said in a teasing tone.

"Scared? of you? Why don't we see that after the match, who is scared of who?"

The petite girl showed a vicious grin making the onlookers gulp.

The girl seemed very easygoing and timid at a first glance but looking at her mocking expression, they became curious.

"hmmph! Wait for the match? What can you do in a few months?"

The Tall girl sneered at her.

"We will see about that, now scram Zou Shi…" she said looking at the tall girl.

The girl gritted her teeth hearing that, but didn't say anymore, "I will settle the scores with you in the annual ranking tournament, Sister Li Xiu"

She said and turned around to a bunch of girls, who were waiting for her, with similar mocking expressions.

Li Xiu remained there for a few seconds then suddenly her expression turned grave, and she immediately left the arena.

"oh, shit! What should I do now… I can't even break through to the foundation establishment realm… ahh! Fucking headache!"

She gritted her teeth in frustration as she blankly stared in front of her.

"looks like I don't have a choice in this…" she said as she started to walk towards the disciple hall.

The disciple hall was filled with disciples of both inner and outer court disciples and with both male and female disciples.

Arriving at the disciple hall, Li Xiu wandered around a bit, before spotting someone she was looking for.

"Senior sister Xiang,!" she called her out as she approached her.

A girl with long and beautiful crimson hairs turned around.

"oh, it's Li Xiu… what do you want?" the girl frowned looking at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu Smiled wry and bowed to her, "Sister Xiang, I knew I could find you here… I was wondering if you're on a mission right now?"

She said with a cheeky smile.

The Red-haired girl knitted her brows and asked, "You want to tag along don't you?"

Li Xiu scratched her wrist and smiled, "as smart as ever, Sister Mu Xiang…"

Mu Xiang shook her head and sighed. "you should focus on your breakthrough, I know you won't listen to me anyway… I just accepted a Mission from the Task board."

Li Xiu smiled genuinely and cheerfully hugged Mu Xiang's waist.

"Sister Xiang is the best!"

"Okay, Okay! I got it now get off me!" Mu Xiang pushed her off in a bashful manner.

"This is an escorting quest, we are going to escort a second-generation Merchant to Tianming city. Do you think you can do it?"

Mu Xiang looked at Li Xiu.

"how about the pay?" Li Xiu asked excitedly.

"it's said five spirit stones, but in conditions, like we have to escort him unscathed." Mu Xiang said a bit worriedly.

"five spirit stones?! I think this mission gonna be hard…" Li Xiu mumbled.

"it's fine if you don't want to, I will be carrying this mission with Brother Xu…" Mu Xiang said coldly.

"hehe…When did I tell you I don't want to? I am coming!.."

Li Xiu said and stopped, then looked at her, "and when did you become so close with Xu Wen?" she asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"w-what? We are not close or something, Brother Xu is an inner court disciple so I decided to invite him…"

Mu Xiang said a bit nervously.

Li Xiu looked at her with a frown, 'what is an inner court disciple is going to do with a few power stones? Hmmph!'

"Sister Xiang, let me tell you, this Xu Wen is a Wolf, and you're nothing but a delicious sheep for him, you better keep a safe distance..."

Mu Xiang nodded her head awkwardly and they headed outside.

As they were heading outside, Li Xiu's frowned as she noticed someone.

Her eyes spotted a young man, a very handsome young man walking towards the disciple hall.

Long black hairs tied in a ponytail, with a well-structured face, perfectly clear eyes with a sharp jawline.

She didn't know him not seen him before.

She stopped and looked at the young man.

"what is it Li Xiu?" Mu Xiang also stopped and looked at the way she was looking.

"that young man…" Li Xiu mumbled as she looked at him.

"oh, him? Are you perhaps interested in him?~"

Mu Xiang asked her teasingly.

"what? No way!" Li Xiu said.

"that is good, but even if you are interested, it's no use…" Mu Xiang sighed.

Li Xiu looked at her with confusion, "why is that? His looks are one of the best if not the best among all the Young men I have ever seen."

Mu Xiang sighed and explained, "his name is Yang Kai, he is in the sect from a young age, from what I heard, he is impotent."

Li Xiu widened her eyes in shock as a grin formed on her face when she blankly stared in the air.

[new quest - seduce Yang Kai and make him fall in love with you.

Reward - spiritual roots, two mystery boxes.

Failure penalty - breasts will get shortened.

Time duration - 365 days ]

A blue semi-transparent screen appeared in front of her, which only she could see.

"that would be interesting… " she stared at his departing back.

As she was staring at his back, he turned back and looked at her, with a smirk.

(a/n - sorry for the late update. And thank you for your support.)