Returning Home

It wasn't a secret nor a predicament for the people of the Zhao dynasty to show respect for their rulers.

In the era of Brutes, the power to survive is much of a necessity for people living under someone's shadow. Like every hierarchy, the top was occupied by great figures like the Crown Prince.

Zhao Yang was on his way to the palace. Unlike most of the nobles, he never used carriages to travel, he always preferred riding a horse or a beast.

Even people from the palace frowned upon his behavior and wanted him to act like a noble. But for him, faking was just too tiring… he was aloof and couldn't care less about some petty mannerisms.

Zhenya was in front of him leading the guards and Zhao Yang was surrounded by eight guarded men with royal white robes. Zhao Yang was still looking a bit tired but was enjoying the wonderful view of the colorful Dalia.

"Young master, the Li clan Young masters have returned from their maturation training period."

One of the armored guards said politely, making others change their attention.

"Oh… the Li family? The Gauntlet Warriors from Li Clan?"

"Yes young master, that Li Clan, their patriarch selection game is going to take place."

Hearing about the Li Clan's patriarch selection game, Zhenya raised her eyebrows and looked back at Zhao Yang.

"Young Master, I remember his Majesty asked for your presence at the palace…"

"What? Father wanted to see me?"

Hearing her Zhao Yang was confused, there wasn't a way he could think of his father suddenly calling him.

"Yes, the maid from the tower informed me before."

"Okay then, we will discuss about the Li family later." Zhao Yang was confused and pretty reluctant to see his father.

'Damn it! Did he find out…'

It was around noon at that time, the sun was shining in the brightest light, and Princess Ming had arrived for the coronation of the crown prince.

Everyone was busy decorating every nook and cranny to celebrate this day.

Upon arriving at the capital, Zhao Yang could see the streets had flyers and small flags decorated everywhere.

Zhao Yang followed by Zhenya and the guards descended from the horse and made their way towards a seemingly luxurious and elegant-looking stagecoach.

The crafting was remarkable and the materials used to decorate did their job. Which still didn't change his perspective a bit.

"We are already here, do we really need to use this?"

He never liked to use these stagecoaches to travel, he always prefers to travel using a horse.

"Yes, it is! Today is the day of your coronation, and you must use this stagecoach whether you like it or not."

"You're going to be a king from this day, please mind your behavior"

Even if he wanted it or not, he couldn't just take things lightly, and Zhenya always did the job to make sure he did.

She is the only person he always listened to, not even his father the king could make him listen to his every command.

"Sigh… I got it." Zhao Yang braced himself and took a seat inside the stagecoach.

It took a few minutes to reach the palace entrance, when they came all the servants and maids were gathered around the way to greet their Young Master.

Zhao Yang just smiled at them and waved his hands a few times, before they reached the front of his private chamber.

Three servants took the horses with them to the stables and the guards took their position outside his room. Only Zhenya and Zhao Yang entered.

"I should just go and meet father right?" Zhao Yang asked awkwardly.

"No, we have sent the messenger to send your arrival to his Majesty. We have to wait for his consent."

She declined him without giving him a chance to retaliate.

"Okay, at least I can go visit my mother right?"

There shouldn't be a problem for him to meet his mother, as she spent most of the time in the garden or around her chambers.

"Young Master, I don't think that's possible either… she is with his Majesty right now."

Zhao Yang frowned gearing that, it wasn't unusual for a couple to be together, but Zhao Yang knew better about their relationship, there is no love or affection between them.

Their marriage consisted because of the mutual benefits of their Clans, the Yi Clan.

He knew for the better that they have better things to do in their free time than to spend it together…

Unless it was something really salient…

'The coronation ceremony is tonight, maybe they are discussing these matters?' He didn't try to pry into this matter.

As he was pacing around his room, his eyes didn't miss a seemingly large figure rushing from outside.

"Young Master!"

"Fatty Guo?"

Fatty Guo, as he knew as his best friend from the Guo Clan, grew up with him, attended the same sect together, and now after a year, he got to see him.

The Fatty rushed and jumped over him, only to be dodged by him and slammed onto the floor.

"Fatty, are you trying to crush me or what?!"

"Arhh… Young Master, I came running to welcome you as soon as I heard your arrival."

Despite hitting the floor flat he quickly got up, and was smiling like a fool.

Zhao Yang chuckled a bit, then turned to Zhenya.

"Zhenya, I am going for a walk around the Villa. call me when father is free."

He didn't wait for her reply and went out.

With the huge garden surrounding his chamber, they decided to have some tea.

The Koi Pond was the best possible place for some tea and chat, the tea brewed from seven different ginseng and herbs, had the smell to attract every passerby, with beautiful maidens displaying their beautiful Zither arts, was enough for the short term of heaven in most folk's eyes.

"Young Master, how does it feel? You're going to be an Authority from today, are you excited?"

Fatty could be seen as more excited than Zhao Yang becoming a king than himself, In addition, Zhao Yang wasn't interested in becoming the Ruler or Authority.

What he was passionate about wasn't power or fame, but it was really his mother's wish to see him on the throne.

And Zhao Yang could do anything in his power to keep his mother's wish…

Not quite, what he was truly after wasn't a word of fame, but the Qilin Royal Bloodline.

Qilin, a beast from myths, was supposed to hold the power over lightning, only the ruler himself, and the Li family patriarch.

It was said that by inheriting the Qilin blood essence, one could gain the Qilin bloodline. By which their lightning affinity will soar above the sky, they will hold the power to summon lightning over their will.

"I am pretty excited, to be honest. So tell me how's your business going?"

< A/N - well, I forgot about the story so I had to review my manuscript, which I couldn't find. so this chapter was late. Don't worry, you will get another chapter by tomorrow. Have a nice day >