Chapter (49)

Hu couldn't believe that Dan was under surgery. He just left them for two hours!

His chest was burning, he couldn't hear the noises, all he could see was her.

"Take this, drink before I see you on the same bed."

His father was standing beside him, behind the large window of the surgery room.

Grabbing the glass of water, he took a sip, but it was too cold, or did his nerves get sensitive?

"I didn't know that Tian Taio had such facilities, a hospital under his mansion."

"He had to be cautious and I see his daughter took after him, a mere troublemaker."

The man smiled but quickly rubbed it away.

"Bella is up the stairs, she is scared."

"I called my mother, she is terrified too. What happened to the girls? What were they up to do?"

"I don't know, your sister was panicked so I waited for you not to cause her trauma!"

"I don't get this, I can't wait more but I can't also leave here."