Ch 23: Signed with Tears

The door came flying open before I had a chance to answer it! My mouth dropped to see Kai and Ace here. Even past those shades, Kai's demeanor looked menacing like he was about to butcher me!

"A-h..." Kai came around me fast and covered my mouth before I could scream! Behind Ace's legs, my bodyguards were knocked out. As Kai held me in his strong grip. Ace quickly gagged my mouth with a tie and then he put a black sack over my head. I couldn't see anything but I know Kai flipped me over his shoulder. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and sick! It felt as if I was flying for how fast he ran. Flop!

My body was tossed on something soft and I heard what sounded like doors slamming. A loud vroom rattled and I heard what sounded like tires squealing. The sack was pulled off my head and the gage was untied.

"Hello again, Princess," I heard Rome's annoying tease.

Once my vision came back I found I was in a sports car. Rome was driving... No speeding down the street! Kai was in the passenger seat and Ace was sitting next to me. My wedding dress was all bunched up and torn. My hair was falling out of my up-do.

"Did you honestly think you'd get away from me that easily?" Kai's voice came out very chilling and sharp. He stayed, relaxed back in his seat and never once turned around to look at me.

Rome asked since I never answered. "Where too, Kai?"

"To the psych ward I think my delusional fiancee needs help," Kai said in a more ominous yet seemingly humorous aspect.

Rome chuckled and sped up faster.

I screamed, "you can't do this, Kai!"

"I can and I will," Kai taunted his power play and turned around with a snicker on his lips yet he still wore the shades. "Unless you sign the marriage certificate and a contract right now then I'll stop."

"I won't," I shuddered.

"So be it then," Kai told me facing the front windshield.

I saw the signs of the institution coming up. Was he truly doing this? Tears swelled my eyes and I couldn't help but cry. Other than hearing me cry and the engine roaring. The whole car was silent. I saw the lot and brown brick building up ahead. Rome pulled up into the lot and drove slower along the sidewalk to reach the entrance. The anticipation was heavy and I couldn't bear this again.

"Ok, I'll sign it!" I shout in tears.

Rome stopped the car at the doors.Kai didn't look at me when he handed me back this folder with a pen clipped to it.

"Sign now or else I drag you inside and tell them a sob story," Kai threatens. "You won't see daylight again unless you marry me."

Ace also notified, "sign your name correctly."

I open the folder and find the legal marriage document. Along with a contract with Kai, it was a way to control me. My hands shake, picking up the pen. Then it didn't help that I could barely read anything because of the tears overfilling my eyes. I wanted to read what the terms of the contract were but I couldn't stop my eyes from blurring.

"I'm waiting, Victoria!" Kai's piercing voice caused my body to shake.

I ended up dropping the pen. My hand was shaking when I picked it back up.

"I need help signing it," I mumbled beneath my breath.

A slender long tan finger points at the line where I sign. I signed my name on the marriage certificate and then I saw Ace's hand put that paper behind the contract.

"Your last signature goes here for the contract," Ace said, showing me the next line. I sulk heavily and two teardrops hit the paper. Once I was done signing my freedom and life away.

Ace took everything off me and closed the folder. "It's done," he said handing it to Kai.

Kai opened the folder and shuffled through the papers to double-check everything. "Hmm, a bonus for me since you signed with your tears," Kai said humming like this demented monster that reeked of pure depravity. Just hearing his voice made my stomach turn sour.

"Drive us back home, Rome," Kai ordered. "Because of your disobedience Victoria, I will be punishing you once I get you back home."

I cried more tears when he said that. Rome laughed as Ace said, sighing. "Take it easy on her, Kai."

"Not to worry, Ace," Kai answered in this casual tone. After all that threatening, Kai now sounds so handsome and normal.

Rome pulled out of the parking lot and before I even knew it. I was at the Collin family mansion again.

Kai hands Ace the fold telling him, "put this in my office for me."

Without answering, Ace took the folder, and then we walked to the entrance.

Wearing my torn wedding dress, Kai gently took my wrist and walked me inside. I was very much embarrassed to be seen like this. Mr. Collin was sitting with some high-class Noble men in his huge living room.

"Welcome back," Mr. Collin said in a normal manner. He made me feel as if I didn't run away to my lover and try to marry him. Before I was kidnapped again by his deranged son. Even the other Noble men, who looked flawless in their preserved age. Each man gave me a welcoming smile as Kai gently trudged me past them.

"Lunch will be served soon, Kai," Mr. Collin informed. "Victoria will need to eat."

"Will be in my room send someone up to get us," Kai responds and then he puts us in the elevator.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked pretty much shuddering when the door closed and he pushed the button on it.

Kai showed a questionable flirty half-grin, "you'll find out my love."

My bones were rattling underneath my flesh. Yet I felt hot from the way he said his words sounded seductive and sexy. All at the same moment, I was terrified of him. But I didn't understand how he could easily make me melt for him in such a hot way. How can he have this effect on me? He made me feel hot for him! I shouldn't feel this way whenever he's my kidnapper and I love Orlando! This isn't right!