Ch 53: Guilty, Lost, & Alone

"How dare you show your face here!" I looked right and saw a girl who lived by Elena's room shouting at me. "You get away with murder and now you think you have the right to be here!"

She yelled more than enough to make a scene. I backed away from where I came from.

"Yeah, that's right you better run, you piece of trash!" I heard her yell as I dash down the stairway. Some women sharing the dorm building were looking at me. None of them were at Elena's funeral but I could tell by their face they thought I was guilty of murdering Elena.

Once I ran out of the dorm building. I just ran off as more eyes and gossip about me were being whispered around. My mind was going on cycles from this panic attack everyone was causing me to have.

Without even meaning to, I ran into the same picnic table that Elena was murdered on. My vision didn't lie to show me that it is the same table I sat at when Rome came to talk with me.

Only now it too was squared off in caution tape from reaching it. The stains of Elena's blood were still on the top of the table right where I saw her get stabbed in my time gap vision. Tears started to fall from seeing it before my eyes.

"Are you remembering what you did to poor Elena that night?" I turned around and saw a vast guy talking to me with a few other guys and some ladies with him. I didn't personally know him but Elena shared some classes with him. She even confessed to me that she had a crush on him but nothing else was mentioned about it.

"Get out of here you creep!" A young woman yelled next to him. "Nobody wants you here!"

Without any hesitation, I picked up my feet and ran. There was nothing left for me here. I lost Orlando and everything else I once called home. I didn't even have any way to reach my professor this time. Since I left for Egypt I no longer heard from him. It was official I was now broke and homeless. There was nowhere else to go but the streets. So the street is where I ran after I got straight off the campus. My heart was pounding hard and my stomach gurgled and rumbled from hunger.

Nonetheless, I walked the sidewalk as tears flowed down my cheeks. A raw cry was released from my vocal cords. Each time I took a breath it felt so painful. I could hardly breathe anymore and my legs grew weaker as I wandered up the sidewalk alone. The images of Orlando with that other woman killed whatever I had left in my heart. The only thing I had to keep me company was my shadow walking alongside me. Never once have I been so lost.

I stepped off the sidewalk heaving by this tree but nothing came up from my stomach being empty. Lucky, nearby was a bench so I took a seat to gather my thoughts and rest my feet.

"You're a survivor, Victoria," I muttered to myself to cling to whatever little strength I had left. Once my mind cleared those devastating images of Orlando withered. The idea of finding somewhere to sleep at the park crossed my mind. I dried my tears and stood up to walk again.

Vroom! This loud engine revved up behind me. Without looking, I fasten my pace because I didn't wanna see Orlando or Alejandro. I heard the car following so I ran faster. Regardless of the fact I know I can't outrun a car, I still ran.

"Victoria!" I stopped dead from hearing my name and turned around to see Kai get out of Rome's car. He started walking up toward me. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Rome drove up to me rolling down his window.

"Need a lift, Princess?" Rome flashed me a charming smile while Kai just reached me.

I was speechless so Kai took my hand. Everything that happened ran together and all I could do was bawl when Kai put me in the back seat. Once he got in the passenger seat, shutting the door. Rome sped off down the road.

"How did you find me?" I questioned while I cried wheezing and puffing.

"We never left, Victoria," Kai replied with very little emotion in his tone. I had a million questions running together in my head but I was in a tunnel vision. So I couldn't speak the whole ride back to Mr. Collin's mansion. Once we arrived Kai took me back to the bedroom while I sobbed lightly.

"Tomorrow you are going shopping for your wedding dress," Kai said heading into the bathroom.

"You planned for this to happen?" I asked as he came back out handing me a few tissues.

"In some ways, yes," Kai divulged. "However, you were in control of what happened when you found Orlando with another woman. Rome and I waited from afar to make sure you made the right choice."

"He's been cheating," I wept as more tears rolled down.

"I'm sorry, Victoria," Kai uttered softer. "You gave me no other choice but to let you see for yourself that Orlando is disloyal to you. I tried to tell you so now I hope you will believe me."

I dried my tears asking Kai. "You were never planning on terminating the contract or the marriage certificate?"

"No, I wasn't and that's why I wasn't giving you back your stuff," Kai conceded. "Now with that being mentioned. You will be my wife and I better never catch you trying to go after Orlando. From this very moment you are to never associate yourself with the Mill family that includes Crystal."

"But Alejandro, Crystal, Zach, and everyone else are my friends," I said while shedding more tears.

"Not anymore!" Kai rigidly said in a menace icy manner. "This time if you disobey me there will be a price you will pay!"

He was very serious before he softened when leaning in to kiss my wet teary cheek.

"All will be set right now, my love," Kai said before he turned around and left the room. I face-planted my entire body on the bed, crying like Belle in the Beauty and the Beast movie. Eventually, a maid came in to drop me off some food but she said nothing and only left me here to cry alone. I was utterly alone while the life I had crumbled into a black hole. Nothing but darkness surrounded my eyes. As I faded into the blackness.