Ch 56: No Affection From Kai

I had no idea what he meant by that first comment. But more importantly, I didn't care to worry about that right now. I had other problems and needed to get away from this blood-sucking creep. His second statement was far more alarming.

"Get your hands off me you psycho!" I yanked my hand away. "You killed my friend!"

"Indeed, she tasted yummy but she wasn't you," said this wicked man as he started to take small steps toward me.

"I swear I'll scream!" I raised my voice.

Yet his creepy smile grew bigger. "Go ahead my love, it will make the chase more fun for me," Rex said wickedly.

I backed up and he pounced in to grab me. But I ducked low and crawled under the wedding gowns hung on the rack. His hand missed grabbing me by a mere smidge. I crawled to the opposite side as I heard his footsteps coming after me.

"Help!" I screamed and got on my heels, and ran out of the enclosed room. While I heard him following me at an unhurried pace. I turned around and saw he grinned at me while he walked like a normal person.

I looked forward, "someone help!" I yelled across the floor. A lot of people looked at me from making a scene. But that was the idea, I wasn't about to get myself kidnapped! At about that time Mr. Collin's bodyguards came running to me along with Mrs. Collin, Veronica, Zoey, and Mia.

"Victoria, what's wrong?" Mia asked me as I dived into her arm.

"He's here!" I panicked. "He's after me!"

Everyone looked around as Mrs. Collin asked. "Who's after you?"

I pointed and turned my head to look behind me."The man that killed..." I stopped out of breath to see he was gone. I looked everywhere and all I saw were people looking at me like I was a lunatic

"H-he killed E-Elena," somehow I stammered in shock.

"I'm calling the sheriff," Mrs. Collin said as she took her phone and a tissue out of her purse. "Your nose is bleeding dear."

Things ran together from the shock and I went into tunnel vision. Before I realized what was going on, the police came with the sheriff. Mr. Collin and many men arrived too. The sheriff gently asked me several questions about the man. As I was explaining what the man did and said to me. Kai, Rome, Ivan, Ace, and seven more of Kai's friends showed up. They each listened intensely to every word I said. Kai showed no ounce of emotions behind his shades. His arms remained folded under his vast chest. It turned up on the security footage that showed Rex came with four other men that killed Elena. However, I was puzzled as to how he found me since the guards were at the only entrance to this store from inside the mall.

"Did he tell you his name?" The sheriff asked me with a smile after he had finished writing down the description of what Rex said to me.

I took a breath in the chair I sat on. "Rex," I breathed again, upset. "Somehow he knew my name from seeing me at the club. It's like he's been stalking. He's a crazy psycho, he licked the blood off my finger from that nosebleed I had."

"If I'm not mistaken, I'd say he's from some kinda gang or cult that likes to drink blood. They don't fully drink it, since they only intake small amounts of it. They've been known to target certain victims to harsh them."

I muttered deeply, "so they're after me?"

The sheriff touched my shoulder and said. "It's nothing to worry about Ms. Perkins. We will handle the situation."

The sheriff then walked away. "Mr. Collin may have a word with you." I heard him address and Mr. Collin obliged by following the sheriff elsewhere in the bridal store.

Meanwhile, Kai just sorta stared at me through those shades when I stood up. It was hard to tell what he was thinking since he offered me nothing to read from him. But he gradually approached me. "Like I told you before, Victoria. You need to be careful about going into your time gap."

I was pretty upset telling Kai. "Like I have any way to control it."

Kai did not comment and sorta backed up saying nothing else.

Just like that, Kai walked away. Along with his friends all following him. Ivan was the last to follow after he kissed his wife Mia. Yup, this was my future husband-to-be. I shouldn't be surprised that Kai didn't give me any hug or kiss to make sure to comfort me. Nor was I given any form of affection to show me that he cared. He just left me here after hearing what I said to the sheriff.

Kai's pretty cold behavior made me wish Orlando was here. Orlando would have held me and kissed me. He knew how to comfort me when I cried. Whereas Kai lacked that ability to help me to feel secure. A lot of the time, Kai lacks to show me any form of affection. Makes me wonder why he insists on marrying me.

Other than Mrs. Collin coming over to hug me along with Mia, Zoey, and Veronica. That was the only form of care I was given.

"We can go back home," Mrs. Collin said.

I shook my head and then said. "No, they're gone now. I'll be fine to continue shopping."

Like I wanted to go back to the mansion. I liked my time to be out rather than be cooped up all the time.

At first they each looked at me oddly. "If that's what you wanna do, Victoria. Then we will continue shopping." Veronica told me sweetly.

"It's better than going back to the mansion and doing nothing again," I giggled and they smiled.

So that's what we did and I honestly felt better shopping and trying on a variety of different wedding gowns. Honestly, I wasn't having that bad of a time. More importantly, I felt better about the situation that had happened.