Ch 69: Life or Death

"I can't understand what happened to you father!" Kai is irked, feeling disgrace for his family. "You once thought they were nothing more than food!"

"Things had long changed from that period," Mr. Collin tried to reason. "Is this how you see Victoria? Once you turn her, she will still have that memory as a human."

Kai grinned evilly. "Memories fade," he said wickedly when he had Ms. Thorn stop at the edge of his father's desk side to his right. "Mia has barely any relation to being a human. Victoria will kill that eternal humanity within her too."

Mr. Collin glanced at Ms. Thorn standing dead still on his left. Not even her eyes blinked once. He knew Kai had fully hypnotized her to his volition.

Mr. Collin could only cleverly think of how to get Kai to stop since he has no control over him. Yet, he thought of something bold that would cut into Kai worse than a saber. The idea was a long shot and risky but Ms. Thorn was already doomed to die. Thus it's the best idea he could come up with. In such a hostile life-or-death situation.

"That may be Kai," He started, hoping in the back of his mind this didn't backfire and ultimately end the girl's life. "However, unlike you, Ivan stole Mia from her family as an infant while they slept. I remember he came to us with the infant in his arms, just born within the hours. He showed us the infant human girl and asked for you to welcome her into the coven. Like the good Alpha that you are, you always gave that inviting blessing. Ivan raised Mia, he named her and she grew up with us. Mia grew up knowing we were vampires and she wasn't threatened by us. We were her family and she knew Ivan was her mate."

Kai's grin turned menace and his right hand clenched the arm of the chair. Rome knew what Mr. Collin was doing.

As he continues talking to purposely hits that sensitive nerve in Kai. "You failed to do that with Victoria. Once she learns who we are she will be scared of us."

"No, she won't," Kai's eyes turned darkly blood-red. "She'll understand everything!"

Mr. Collin didn't stop and fed fuel to that already lit flame. "You're delusional Kai, Victoria is already showing to be fearful of you. Once the truth is revealed to her, she will fear us all. She will try to flee because you failed to raise your mate. You left her alone in this world to fall in love with Orlando..."

Kai hissed out a louder roar! A total of four canine teeth grew into sharp pointed fangs. The hidden fangs on his lower teeth came out sharply piercing. As Kai hissed ghastly, his golden warm tan withered and turned crispy dry brown. That angelic appearance shriveled up on his face. His attractive appeal like he was ascending from heaven changed into a demonic creature crawling out from the underworld.

The chair flew back as he stood and disappeared before their sight! A huge boom was heard from the office's doors slamming into the walls from inside the office!

Everyone looked at Ms.Thorn as her posture rocked dizzy for a second. She held her head looking around confused and blinked her eyes several times. With her free hand, she rubbed away that itchy scratching, feeling that burnt her eye sockets.

Then she peeked at her surroundings. "Huh..." She was startled as to how she ended up here in Mr. Collin's office. "I-l..."

She couldn't recall the last fifteen minutes. After she told him Kai and his friend Rome were coming up. The last she remembered was ascending down the elevator for a lunch break because Mr. Collin had politely asked her to do so.

Come to think of it, Mr. Collin always sends her away after she announces Kai is here to see him. So how did she get in here was beyond her recognition. Is what she was thinking, but she was so dumbfounded to speak.

Mr. Collin smiled faintly in such relief that Kai got so upset that he released her mind and fled. Which was his intention but it worked by a long shot. Mr. Collin wasn't sure if Kai would take his anger out on her and do something profoundly horrid to Ms. Thorn. Like throw her out the window and release her from his mental hold while she falls over a thousand feet to her death! Yeah, that would be pretty horrid, thought Mr. Collin. There wouldn't be any flying in to save her because of the witnesses. Her frightful screams would draw in many shocked onlookers if she were to plummet down from his tall building. Mr. Collin seethed in many emotions right now but showed a kind soft smile to the confused girl.

"Ms. Thorn, I feel you should take a few days off," Mr. Collin casually said like nothing had happened.

Ms. Thorn looked at everyone, including Rome who wasn't a threat to her.

Rome actually liked Ms. Thorn. Unfortunately, he couldn't go up against his Alpha to save her.

"Forgive me, Mr. Collin, sir. I do not recall how I got in here." She said utterly lost.

"Oh, I called you in but you seemed dazed. You were telling me you weren't feeling well." Mr. Collin smoothly lied without a flaw in his voice to give off any suspicion.

She held her head saying. "I suppose I do need a break. I feel slightly strange."

"Please, allow my bodyguard to escort you home."

The young woman didn't argue as Mr. Collin waved a signal to the man on his left who wore the sunglasses. He knew Duncan was the gentleness vampire of their species. The Lights were tender creatures and most were practically vegetarians and only drank animal blood.

"Right this way, please," the bodyguard said gently to the confused girl. Then he led her out of the room and closed both doors.

Meanwhile, Rome kinda sat there plotting an idea in his head. "You know..." His thoughts traveled for a second during his ponder. "Might I suggest something useful?"

Mr. Collin sort of rolled his eyes, afraid to even ask. After all, this was Rome, he thought. Not to belittle him but Rome wasn't one to come up with clever ideas. He barely took any serious situation that would occur seriously. Unless something devastating happened to anyone within their coven. Would be the only time Rome gets serious. Ms. Thorn or these messy kills weren't a big ordeal to him. Other than the fact, that he'd miss Ms. Thorn but being human evidently she will die at some point. Is what Mr. Collin was guessing that Rome is likely thinking this.

"And what would that be Rome?" Despite the building vamp ache throbbing in his temple, he asked anyway. But he mentally prepared himself to hear something stupid.

"To make things easier on most of us. Why don't we buy a funeral home or even a morgue?" Rome shared his inkling. "This way when Kai hunts we can cremate the bodies and nobody would ever suspect anything."

Mr. Collin's eyes lit up to like this idea. "I think you have something there Rome." Until he sighed. "But it's a shame since I like to return the bodies to their loved ones for proper burial."

"Unfortunately, Kai neither cares nor understands that," Rome said, reminiscing about Kai trying to figure out why Victoria cried over her campus friend Elena during the funeral. That was the first time Rome had ever seen Kai try to find an understanding of human emotions.

"I'll need to make a few calls." Mr. Collin sighed heavily.