Ch 89: Painkiller

My eyes flutter awake when I stare at the ceiling half dead.

"Ah." Whenever I bend one knee upward from underneath the Egyptian cotton red sheet. My entire body felt sore, and my groin is extremely achy. I didn't even drink but yet I felt like such a drunk. Waking up from a hangover!

Then my mind reminisces about that magical night I had with Kai. Surprisingly, he was pretty supportive when it came to taking my purity. Especially, whenever Kai's demeanor can be fairly menace and crude.

Just when I was going to sit up. The bedroom door opened and Kai walked right in wearing his shades. He wore a punk-style dressy suit. I noticed he has a glass of water and something else cupped in his other palm. His smile shone as he strode to my bedside.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, taking a seat next to me and held out his hands toward my way. " Take this pill, it will help with the pain."

I sat upright and then took the pill and water asking. "What kinda pill is this?"

"Just some non-drowsy painkiller," answered Kai.

I was hesitant about taking it, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and swallowed the pill down with the water.

Once the pill was down, I asked giving him back the glass, "when are we leaving for our honeymoon?"

"As soon as you're ready," he replied with a smile and then kinda eyed my naked body underneath the cotton sheet. "Do you need help getting a shower?"

"Nope!" I said that louder than I meant to, but Kai laughed at me.

Before he bent in a little closer to my face. "It's not like I haven't seen anything."

Then he kissed my lips sweetly before I could utter anything. Whenever our lips separated, instant butterflies fill my stomach. I had to mentally hit myself from being zoned out on those tinted sunglasses, hiding his eyes.

Kai got up and I shuffle out of bed with the sheet wrapped around my nakedness. I could tell by that look on Kai's mouth. He was trying his hardest not to laugh at how adamant I was being. About letting him see my nude body. Regardless if I lost all my virtue to him, I was still being modest.

Taking my first step, once I stood. My leg limped and wobbled weakly.

"Ahh!" I ended up stumping in Kai's direction! And he scooped me up bridal style in his arms. Sneakingly, he stole a smooch on my lips without me seeing it coming.

Oh, gosh... I was drying here! Here I am butt-naked underneath a thin fabric sheet being carried by this man.

Oh, the irony of my fortune!

"Why don't you allow me to draw you a bath, my love?" Kai romantically cooed as he took me into the bathroom.

He sat me on the toilet seat and then fixed me a bubbly bath from inside the jacuzzi bathtub. While I just watched awestruck by this gorgeous man.

The classy black punk-style vest, dress shirt, and black pants suit him all too well. Without him even purposely making a muscle, I could see his beautifully built body toning as he moved from underneath those clothes.

Once the bath was prepared, he assisted me into the tub with a lot of care. "Take your time, we aren't in any rush, and holler if you need any help." He told me before he shut the door to give me some privacy.


I relaxed back after I bathed. By that time the painkiller kicked in and worked. So I'll at least gave myself a good thirty-minute soak before I get out.

Once I drained the water I got out and looked at my naked wet body in the mirror. I saw many love bites on my neck and mainly on my boobs. He has a weird pointed tooth mark embedded on my right nipple that could be mistaken to resemble a fang.

"Goodness, Kai you're like a vampire," I muffled softly when I checked my right sore nipple.

Once, I dried and threw on this laced black dress to wear. Then I took the time and coated those bruised love bites Kai left me with concealer. Next, I applied some makeup to my face.

Afterward, I felt refreshed and covered my face in the prettiest makeup. I was ready to roll!

When I left the bedroom I found Kai at the bar. Just chilling with Rome and Jack.

"Hey, my love, are you feeling better?" Kai asked, gleaming at me.

"I am," I gave an ordinary reply. "I'm ready to leave."

Rome then chippers strangely eagered, "alright then let's get going!"

Oh, no, don't tell! No, wait it's our Honeymoon, so why on earth would Rome be coming?

"Guess you'll be dropping Kai and me off at the plane," I said, playing it all cool and whatnot while deep inside I was hoping he wasn't coming.

Rome chuckled with a childish glee. He stood up and bopped my nose with his finger, telling me. "Dropping you off! Are you kidding me? Jack and I will be tagging along, princess."

Oh, he surely gloated all too merrily on this one as Kai and Jack laughed when they too stood up from the bar.

"You have got to be kidding me here!" I looked at Kai confirming my dreadful assumption.

"Yes, for your protection, I wanted Jack and Rome to come with us during our honeymoon. I just don't trust Rex and his gang." Kai confirmed it.

"Wonderful!" I mistakenly blabbed out sarcastically but that only made them laugh at my lack of enthusiasm to hear the news.

"Oh, come on princess," Rome whimsically overlapped his arm on my shoulders. "I'm not that bad!"

I couldn't help but giggle at him dancing his brow at me. "No, you aren't Rome, but you could be less annoying."

"What's the fun of that!" Rome chuckled at me as I rolled my eyes doing my best to hold in my smile.

Well, Rome might be a pain, but he's never once done any harm to me. So I honestly couldn't protest on this one. I just found him annoying.

"Let's head out of here," Jack said, heading to open the door.


Before I knew it, I was inside the same plane I had already been on. From that day Kai kidnapped me when he bailed me from Egypt. Kai buckled me up and then sat next to me. Apparently, Jack was one of the pilots, so he left to help fly the plane.

Rome asked me all friendly. "So princess, tell me what you want me to whip up for breakfast after we take off?"

"Pancakes with strawberries and whip cream will work if that's available," I replied, smiling.

"Of course, it will be my pleasure, princess," Rome said before sitting across from us. The plane started to move as I noticed again they didn't buckle. I never understood why they didn't buckle up. They never cared about their safety, but certainly made sure to care for mine.