Ch 86: I Love You [R-18]

Still, he kept plowing me over the edge as I clung to his back. His hips slam so hard that he lifts my bum off the mattress before he crashes me back down and repeats the intense motion. Our sweaty bodies bounced and gilded together rapidly.

"I'm cumming!" Kai officially groaned loudly and then howled like a wolf. As I groaned with him. I felt his warm seed spewing inside me. His stream mixed with my honey. Our bodies still slapped loudly together. I could feel the white rose petals sticking to our salty sweaty bodies. Then he slowed down the thrust breathing heavier than me. Whenever I thought he'd be done I couldn't be more wrong on that inward assumption.

Once Kai regained his heavy breath, he sped up again. He kept going, never once pulling out after he released his seed. Gosh, Kai's stamina was the beastie! His hard rock cock was the dragon! Between his dragon and momentum, it was a deadly storm brewing inside my deep sea.

We kissed each other, spinning and gliding our tongues together in a sexy salsa dance! Until he yanked away to bite and kiss down my throat. Underneath him, I could feel my boobs rolling like balls up against his hot heated chest.

"Ohh, Kai..." I whispered in a softer groan as his pace turned more romantic.

"Do you need me to stop?" He asked as I felt his hot breath fanning my neck.

"N-No..." I gasped breathlessly and then swallowed some overbuilt-up saliva. "D-Don't s-stop!"

He chuckled a bit before his one hand groped up my right leg side. Then his other palm pinched and kneaded into my left breast. He thrust harder until unexpectedly he pulls out and hoists his body up. Is he done?

Now I wanted to see what was happening in the dark setting. No matter how hard I tried to open my eyelids to see what was going on; they stayed shut! I couldn't peel them open since Kai demanded that I shut them.

"Ah!" I yelped from being startled by Kai's rough movement. He picked my waist up and then rolled me flat on my stomach. He yanked my hair back and made my throat feel like it was being stretched. Slightly, he propped my waist up and spread my legs open with his knee.

Then I felt his long dragon grazing around to search for my slit opening. Just to help him, I raised my hips more for Kai to find it more quickly. Once he found my sloppy wet entrance, he pushed his dragon into my sea. Then he overlapped his body over top of mine. And smashed my hips into the bed as he thrust me to do it in a flat doggy-style position. The position was so hot and arousing. White rose petals cover our bodies as our hot wet flesh rubbed up against one another in the frenzy of sexual motion.

He moved most of my hair to overlap my right shoulder and pumped his groin and sack into my butt cheeks. His husky breath breathed into my left ear before he gave it a nibble. Then the pace of his thrust got faster. As he nibbles more precious kisses down my nape. I scream and holler out his name several times.

The movement was so right to feel our sweaty bodies connecting like this.

I grunted lowly and whined when my body spasms from this overload of orgasms. The intense orgasm shooting in my hot pool sent multiple electrifying waves scorching throughout my body.

All the while Kai's grunts reverberated within the room. I could feel his seed spilling out into my love channel. His body slapped loudly into my naked butt. I groaned and then my head fell flat into the soft bedding. My legs were numb and weak. Then my entire body felt too heavy to lift.

"Open your eyes babydoll," Kai merely whispered, trying to recuperate his breath.

"I can't..." I gasped and felt like I was dwindling into a relaxed Paradise.

"Do you need some water?" Kai kissed my temple and asked me.

"No, I'm just tired." I scarcely murmured without any energy left in my momentum.

Just before I fully faded I felt my naked body being enveloped in his arms for some snuggles between his armpit.

Then he kissed my sweaty strands of hair. "I love you..." His voice chimed away from my conscience.