Ch 103: Mangalarga Marchador

The market was packed with tons of people and entertainment. Only for me, Kai sucked up his hatred for crowds as we walked around.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me while we walked hand and hand together. "It's a little after 1:00."

"I suppose I should eat something," I giggled when I heard my stomach rumbling.

Kai laughed from hearing it too. "I'd say so. I even heard your belly talking over the noises." He teased and kissed my head.

"Lead the way," I giggled at his cuteness. Compared to last night's dinner. Today, Kai was certainly making up for it. He was being so romantic with a dash of charm. It was hard not to get swallowed up by him being so loving.

We went to this excellent outdoor dining restaurant that had a lovely beach view. It was near the horse racing track that would be starting later.

Once we got to our table, I ordered my food and Kai only wanted his ruby bottle drink and that strange cake he always ate. This time, I didn't question him about it. Once my fresh steak salad came, I ate while Kai drank his drink.

"Did you wanna make any wagers at the horse race?" Kai asked when I swallowed down my greens.

"If you want to," I replied unsure since I didn't have money.

Kai laughed lowly. "You can make all the bets you want. I'll spend whatever you wish. If there is anything that you want, I'll always buy it. Money will never be a worry for us."

For the moment, I was muted since Kai was treating me like his queen. Aside from my freedom away from him. I guess he would give me all that I needed.

"What about the money I had in my account?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"I have it," Kai replied.

"When will I have access to it?" I asked.

"Whenever I know I can trust you won't run away again," Kai flatly said in a serious voice.

I raised a brow and said. "But I haven't..."

"Yes, you have behaved but that doesn't mean I trust things between us just yet. Until I do, I will be managing the account." Kai interrupted in a gruff tone.

"Says the man who's never been in a grocery store," I slightly sassed.

"Will talk about this later," Kai curtly said to end the argument.

I guess he had a point. We can argue this out later.


After we ate our dessert, Rome and Jack drove us to the famous racehorse track. We all placed some wagers and took our seats in the high-class VIP section.

The mangalarga marchador horses were beautiful whenever the race started. Rome sat next to my left so he and I started pigging out on snacks. Kai sat to my right with Jack next to him. They both looked at Rome and me, weirdly eating.

"Watch this, Princess," Rome leaned over whispering into my ear.

The next thing I saw was him flicking some seasoned popcorn at people. They'd turn around and we'd act casually like it wasn't coming from our direction.

Once they turned forward, I hit Rome's chest telling him lowly toned. "Would you stop messing around! You're a grown man yet you're worse than a kid!"

Kai, Rome, and Jack laughed lowly from hearing me chid.

"I am a little boy at heart, Princess," Rome teased, which made Kai and Jack laugh further.

Kai leaned into my face to kiss my cheek. "You can ever stop Rome from messing around."

I giggled at his truthful statement.

Like a goofball, Rome leaned into my other ear whispering, "Just admit it, princess, you'd be bored without me."

"Stop calling me, Princess," I chuckled!

"Never!" Rome said just when he tossed a piece of popcorn down the cleavage in my black dress.

"Rome!" I playfully scolded as I was trying to move my bra around to get it out without anyone noticing.

Kai, Jack, and Rome laughed themselves to death. Everyone was staring at us weirdly. And I was beaming red from humiliation thanks to these goofballs I am stuck with.


Once the race was over Kai, Rome, and Jack collected the money prize from us winning our bets. Both horses I bet on won so Kai collected my money as well. This was the first time I've ever won anything on a gamble.

"Where to now?" Kai asked, wrapping one arm over my shoulders.

"Can we check out the horses?" I asked with bright eyes since I knew Kai hated animals. And I could tell he was contemplating it, behind those shades.

"You can't say no to that pretty face," Jack teased to witness me begging.

"I suppose we could," Kai chuckled and then kissed my hair.

Altogether, we went into the enormous barn and saw tons of horses. Some weren't in the stalls but were being groomed and cared for by their riders. Others were being shown off to be sold. Suddenly, I kinda slump back on my steps to see Hector was here looking to buy a horse.

"What's wrong, babe?" Kai stopped and asked me. "Do you still want to see the horses?"

"Y-yes... I-l kinda tripped..." I stuttered a horrible lie but I did my best to smile.

"Well, be careful," Kai smiled and took my hand into his.

Then we sauntered past Hector while I dared not look his way. I tried to just hide my body between Kai and Jack. Rome was still eating while walking next to Kai. So the three of them were oblivious that Hector assaulted me sexually. And thank goodness, Hector never saw me.

Finally, we stepped outside and I saw this beautiful Mangalarga Marchador horse. She was white in the front. Before her white color mixed into this silver-gray; in the middle on her back and down to her rear. She was beautiful and pregnant at that.

"She's young and on sale for grabs," said this man holding her reins. "She's well tamed and tempered but she is pregnant with twins."

"She is so beautiful," I said, touching above her nose. She neighs delightfully at me like there was a connection between us. Unfortunately, I couldn't possibly get her.

"How much?" I heard Kai ask somewhere behind me.

"16,000 is what she's worth," the man verified. "But I have to cut the price since nobody wants a pregnant..."

Kai cut him off, "16,000 and I'll take her for my wife."

"What!" Rome, Jack, and I said at the same time. Did we all hear him correctly? This is Kai we are talking about. The guy who despises animals.