Ch 117: Betrayed Kai's Trust

Inside this different living room that was nearby the kitchen. Everyone I knew and Kai's other friends gathered like a sleepover party. We were all over the floor and on couches to watch this movie.

"More pizza rolls are here!" Rome announced with this goofy Italian accent. When he placed a big tray on the coffee. That already had a ton of other snacking foods on it.

Here we are; a bunch of grown adults acting like teenagers. Rome took a seat next to Kai's right on the floor. Jack was on my right with me sitting next to Kai. Rose, Ace, Ivan, Mia, and Glenn sat behind us on the couch. And that was everyone I knew the most from everybody else here. I tried the pizza rolls and Rome cooked them very tasty.

"Would you like to try one?" I asked, offering one to Kai but he gawked at it weirdly. Pinched between my fingers before he took it to sniff it.

"It smells funky!" Kai squinted his face and I couldn't help but laugh with everybody else.

"Try it Kai," Rose taunts before sipping her drink. "I dare you."

"At least try one for me," I innocently played it to guilt him out.

Everyone laughed to know what I was up to. Kai inhaled deeply like this was so painful for him to do. Everybody around watched with eagerness to see Kai take one bite.

His face turned sour and he spits it out gagging. "What is that burning sensation on my tongue!"

He got up choking as everyone was dying from laughter.

"It's only a little spicy but it won't kill you, Kai!" Rome teasingly mocked him as he ran off into the kitchen.

None of us could stop laughing. Momentarily, he returned and sat down between Rome and me. I kissed his cheek to reward him for trying something new.

"It wasn't that bad now was it," I said, buttering him up.

"It was disgusting," Kai grumbled before curving a half-smile on his lips.

"Try another one Kai, maybe you'll like it better the second time," Rose teasingly said.

"Why don't you try one, Rose? I know you never tasted one." Kai grinned looking at the large screen tv like he knew something about Rose that I didn't.

"No, thanks, I'm pregnant and I don't need heartburn," Rose exclaimed as everyone else laughed, including Kai.


Shortly after Mr. Collin came home from a long busy afternoon at the office. He was mentally exhausted and ready for a warm human meal. When he passed outside that living room the gang was in. With Duncan and a few other advisors alongside him. He outwardly smiled to see Victoria resting up against Kai to watch the movie.

Witnessing Victoria coming around warmed his heart. Without interpreting the group, he crossed by and went to the dining room to be with his wife Mrs. Collin.


Another day had passed when I smiled about Kai's reaction whenever he tried a pizza roll yesterday. I couldn't help but outwardly giggle about it while I turned on my laptop.

I got myself all comfy on the bed as the screen lit brightly and then other functions started to electronically boost. I gave it a minute to warm up and soon enough it was ready to use.

After I entered the password. My screen came on and showed all my files and other icons I had on display.

"There you are," I whispered to myself with a huge smile.

Nothing was touched. Thank goodness, I have passwords on almost every file. I got on my email and looked it over. The University sent me an email application to apply for this coming year which starts in August. Of course, I wanted to press on with my career but I wasn't sure if Kai would let me return.

'You have to see Kai only wants to control you.' What Orlando said at the theater, started replaying in my memory.

'I can't move on! I won't move on because I love you...' Tears started forming in my eyes to hear his voice speaking in my head as if he was here next to me.

'I'm sorry Orlando I don't love you anymore...I love Kai so you have to move on to one of your other collections of girlfriends.' What I said to Orlando haunts my mind and a teardrop falls on my keyboard. How could I lie to him like that?

Bing! I looked down at the screen and saw a few chat bubbles pop up. It was the perfect distraction that I needed.

"Hey, Victoria! It's been a while. How have you been?" One of the chats was from a guy I spoke to at the University. His name was Benjamin but I just called him Ben.

I replied to Ben and a few others that had been asking about me. I'm kinda surprised since at the University, I didn't hang out with them a lot but most of us had shared classes.

"Is Kai around for us to chat?" A message from Crystal popped up. My gut twisted like it was a bad idea to say anything to her.

"No!" Regardlessly, I texted.

"Talk to me then. Have you been ok?" She typed back real quickly.

"Yes, I've been fine," I replied in the bubble.

"I'm glad. Smiley face" typed Crystal. "We've been worried about you."

"I know, but I promise Kai hasn't done anything to me," I shared with her as I looked at the door. Now I was getting nervous Kai might walk in and see I betrayed his trust.

"You're wrong, Victoria! He's controlling you!" Crystal said with a sad crying face.

"He's not..." That's all I could type since I'm denying this to her.

But Kai just gave me some of my stuff back. I don't wanna lose everything again if he finds out I'm talking to her. It's one step in the right direction. So I don't wanna go back to where I had nothing. Plus if things go that badly between Kai and me. I plan on fleeing and I'll need money to do that. It will be a long shot to escape someone who has so much power but I'll still try if I must.

"Yeah, like I bet you aren't looking around the room to make sure he doesn't know we are speaking." Crystal nailed it dead on.

"Wow, she's good," I muffled out loud as I tried to assemble what else I could say to her.