Ch 176: Sacrifice the baby and Mate

An hour must have passed when the doorknob turned open. Stepping in was Dr. Riley, Rome, Mrs. Collin, and the beautiful woman I remember seeing on my honeymoon in Rio. Kai told me she worked for him and I remember he said her name was Darlene.

"How are you feeling, Victoria?" With dismay in her eyes, Dr. Riley stupidly asked me.

My anger blared in fury so I refused to answer and instead asked, "where's Kai?"

"Not home at the moment," Rome chuckled. "But anyways this is Darlene, Kai ordered that she keeps you company and does whatever else you need."

"I want out of this room!" I gritted. "I don't want a playmate! Who does he think he is to lock me up like this!"

"Over you being a powerless human. Kai's a very powerful vampire," Rome chuckled amusingly as Dr. Riley and Mrs. Collin flashed him a firm glare.

"Now let's relax, Victoria. You need to remember you are pregnant and all this yelling isn't good for the baby you carry. If you're upset the baby picks up on it and becomes distressed too," said Dr. Riley when looking back at me.

I shout, still in disbelief, "I'm not pregnant! The ultrasound my friend's mom gave me didn't show any baby on it!"

Mrs. Collin sighed dearly, "sweetheart, I know this isn't easy to understand but you aren't carrying a human, and because Kai's been around you. The baby learned how to use its supernatural gift for its protection."

"What?" Is all I could say from being flabbergasted about this.

So Dr. Riley tried explaining. "What Mrs. Collin is trying to say is. Since Kai was present during the pregnancy your baby learned how to use a protection gift against other vampires from knowing its existence. The vamp baby won't show on the ultrasound or any pregnancy test for this reason. Now the gift won't last but it helps if the mother is calm and happy, so the baby can feel safe enough to show itself. This way I can check on its growth rate and make sure everything goes normal for your sake."

"What do you mean for my sake?" I ask, perplexed as ever.

"Unlike you, the baby is immortal and will never die. Therefore, I need to make sure you stay healthy during the pregnancy," said Dr. Riley with sincere eyes and I wanted to faint.

"What am I? Some kinda incubator for Kai's offspring!" I yelled, uneasily.

Then Rome chuckled louder. "Oh, yeah, that baby's going to come popping out of your womb like some demon spawn!"

"Rome!" On the perfect mark, both Mrs. Collin and Dr. Riley yelled at him laughing it up like an idiot.

"Rome would you please act your age for once!" Mrs. Collin hissed her fangs at him.

"Alright. Alright," he chilled his laughter. "Sorry Victoria, I was only joking around. Your baby will be a little blessing."

I literally wanted to strangle him right now.

"Why don't you give us some privacy," Dr. Riley glowered at him.

Rome didn't reply and laughed himself out the door with Darlene.

Then Dr. Riley handed me a maternity polyester bag full of goodies inside it for expecting new mothers.

I took the bag as she said, "I put in a bunch of extra pregnancy tests for you to take at least daily. I also threw in magazines, prenatal pills, nauseous pills, and other things."

I skimmed through the items briefly and saw they were human items. "If this so-called baby I carry is a vampire. Then why isn't there any information about vampire babies?" I asked sarcastically, still not believing any of this nonsense.

"A vamp baby isn't any different than a human baby," Mrs. Collin smiled. "There are tons of human mothers out there that birth a vamp baby unaware of it. Only if the vampire father isn't involved. They grow up like any human child. It's not until they're eighteen is when their true instincts kick in that they learn they're a vampire or vampiress."

Sarcasm strikes my tongue again. "Then what happens if a Vampiress gets pregnant by a human? Does she give birth to a human?"

"Vampires can impregnate a human woman but a Vampiress can't get pregnant by a human man," said Mrs. Collin as I can recall reading about this in that old diary Mr. Collin gave me in Egypt.

Which means that book was real! Oh, gosh, I felt a huge migraine coming. I sat down at the end of the bed in utter shock about everything.

"This can't be possible!" I said to myself. "None of this couldn't be real."

"I'm so sorry things arose the way they did," Mrs. Collin said sadly when she sat next to me. "I'm afraid this is true. We've existed for a long while now."

"You're all vampires..." I whispered feebly.

"Most of us are either vampires or vampiresses. Others we will turn once the brightest blue moon comes," said Mrs. Collin, and I recalled Kai told me this at the courthouse.

"No, I don't wanna be a vampiress!" I stood up. "I love Orlando! I wanna grow old and die with him."

"I'm sorry, child," Mrs. Collin sympathized. "That is between you and Kai. You were fated to be together but I'll let him explain that to you when he's ready."

"I don't understand!" I said, nearly crying. "Please just let me go back to Orlando!"

"Kai, won't allow it," replies Mrs. Collin. "You need to think about what you'd be giving up if Kai does let you live your life to grow old with Orlando."

"What are you saying?" I asked, confused.

"You would die and your baby would grow up without you," Dr. Riley frowned. "It's happened many times that vampires and vampiresses lose their human mother. They mourn for them because they love them. But you have a chance to live forever with your mate. Then you'll always be with your child. Keep in mind, we only have one night over every thousand years that a vampire can turn you. Once that moonlet vanishes, you can never be transformed into a vampiress. Otherwise, you'd permanently sacrifice your baby and mate to live without you."

I was practically speechless to hear her say this to me. Yet it's another thing I can recall that I read from that old diary. Which would also mean, Kai must truly be my mate but yet I just don't love him.

"It's something to think about," Mrs. Collin said, lastly. "We'll leave you to rest."