Ch 201: Communicate with Noises [R-18]

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Every follicle on my arm ascended from my trepidatious feeling. He had no self-restraint to confine his concupiscence to stop. Licentious intentions blurred his mind. Before I realized it, my jeans were undone and my zipper was down. I pushed forward on his toned body but he denied me any chance to escape.

Fright made my skin crawl when his lips touched the fragile pulse on my neck. His fangs taunt there on the tiny pulsation in my throat. Only for his amusement, he licked the tiny heartbeat that was thumping in distress. Tiny faint kisses trail along my throat when he groans louder. I swallowed hard which provoked him to let out a demonic chuckle. Hot undesirable breath aired my collarbone. Above my clothing, this vampire fondles his hands on my breasts and squeezes too harshly. Any slightest touch sickened me to the core of my stomach.

Yet, I had to keep whatever mindful strength I have and strategize on how to escape him. Unfortunately, that mindset was depleted when I watched Mia get pinned down again. She screamed when one vampire smashed his body on her. She struggled and I closed my eyes to conceal my doom from those vampires watching the scene like an entertainable movie.

Once I feel my jeans start to slide. My eyes open from hearing a breeze gush in. Then I saw Ivan, Ace, Rome, Glenn, Jack, and Kai emerge. In one grasp, Ivan chucked the vampire off Mia. He hit the opposite building and then Ivan flew his body on him. With one bite, Ivan shreds his neck, and that vampire howls in utter torture.

All at the same time, Kai twisted the arm of the vampire that had me. Crack! A prolonged crunching bone sound emanated the second Kai broke his arm. Then Kai's huge fangs rive into his neck before he discarded him off to his buddies while he yelped in misery.

I fix my jeans when six more vampires showed up in front of the vampires that tried to **** Mia and me.

Officially, it's like watching a wild west standoff between them. The two injured vampires healed instantly behind the other six. I got the idea the vampire in the center that is glaring at Kai was their Alpha and the other five are his advisors. Which means the seven perverts are likely his guardians.

Sounding like a gurgling noise, they seemingly communicate. The noise they translated would roughly mimic the sound a raptor would make from its vocals. I heard Kai vibrating that very sound beneath his lungs towards this other alpha. What Kai got in reply was a snort from that Alpha. Even the snort sounds comparable to a prehistoric dinosaur as well.

Truly, if anybody were to write a documentary about vampires. It's the best wording you could use to describe these unusual noises. Not one word was spoken but these odd unfamiliar sounds rumbled in their chest.

Vampires were the line between humans and animals. They were neither of the two and far more superior compared to humans. Their intelligence by far surpassed us.

My body shuddered when that other Alpha took his ferocious gaze at me. He looked back at Kai like he was piecing it together that we were mates.

"Don't you even try it!" Kai warned like he could read his mind. "You best take your clan out of here if you don't wish for any trouble."

The Alpha glared in hatred. "It's intriguing to see you have a human for a mate, Kai."

Additionally, I was further surprised to discover they knew each other. But they certainly aren't friends.

"You try anything then you know what comes next!" Kai pledges venom to imperil them.

"Will see what the Vampire Covenant has to say," he disparaged Kai, and then they wither into the wind, laughing. Till their laughter creepily echoed away.

I took a breath of relief to know they were gone. Mia however felt different and shoved Ivan into the building across from me.

She slammed him so hard that the brick cracked vertically along the building as she shouted. "What took you so long!"

Ivan heartily smiles at her and snuggles her in his arms. Meanwhile, I was astonished at how strong she was. Nonetheless, I understood vampires were far stronger. Reading those vampire books I've been learning a lot and knew vampires weren't to reckon with. Vampires made earthly predator animals look like a joke from how powerful I've read they're. Dealing with one vampire was bad enough but dealing with seven vampires! Yeah, you might as well admit your downfall.

Another words, Mia wasn't lashing out because she was mad. She yelled because she was scared and she has every right to be. Still, Ivan smiled warmly and then vanished with her out of sight.

"Are you ok?" Kai asked me with concern and his friends stare at me with the same worry.

"Yes, but please take me home?" I asked and Kai agreed to that. In one fast zip, I found myself back inside the mansion, and then Kai disappeared again.


Maybe an hour expired or longer. Truthfully, I wasn't keeping track and stayed in the bedroom to work on another assignment. Until a knock tapped on the door and distracted my concentration. So I got out of bed and answered it to find Mia standing there.

"Hey, are you doing anything?" She asked happily from when I last saw her.

Not bringing up what happened to us, I replied. "Just working on my assignment. Why?"

She giggled and teased. "Goodness Victoria, it's Friday night and you're in here working! Let's go out and do something fun. Even Sharlene left to go out."

Before I could decline, she grabbed my wrist, and the next thing I knew I was in her car's passenger seat.

"Buckle up, we are meeting everyone at the club." Mia practically cheered like a teenager on summer break.

"Let me guess, Kai is going to be there?" I asked with sarcasm.

Mia giggled while driving. "Would you quit being so stingy about him! I swear ever since you've gotten pregnant his grumpy personality is rubbing off on you!"

Now I couldn't help but laugh at her proclamation. Nor can I disagree.