Ch 207: Encounter

Monday morning, I woke up early for classes and discovered the weather was chillier compared to those previous days. Officially as of today, I am nine weeks pregnant.

After my shower, I dressed in a warm black hoodie and a pair of black jeans. Then I got in my new car Kai bought me yesterday. This time he bought us a modified four-door Aston Martin that was black, in color. Riding up to the campus in this snazzy car had many guys eyeing it. But I disregarded the admiring eyes on my car and sprinted to my first class.

Before I knew it, the day was flying by for me and I exited my last class with my Professor.

Once I sauntered outside, an unexpected encounter enveloped me. Orlando and his friends made sure I couldn't get by them. Just when I think everything has been going accordingly with avoiding them, this somehow occurred.

"I need to talk with you," Orlando said when he grasped my arm before I had any chance to talk.

He pulled me away and his buddies left to give us space. He took me to this section by a building where people would eat or study at these outdoor tables. Of course, nobody was around because it was nippy today. This made it more strenuous for me to avoid him.

"I'm so sorry Kai kidnapped you again," Orlando whimpered when he hugged me tightly.

With force, I pushed him away. "I can't see you anymore. Please don't talk to me again," I advised him and go to leave before my heart shattered. Again he stopped me and made me look into his eyes by cupping my chin.

"Please don't do this," he beseeched. "I'm taking you home today."

He released my chin and grasped my wrist.

"Stop it!" I shout and shove his hand away. "You don't get it, Orlando! It's done!"

"What has gotten into you?" Orlando asked downright alarmed.

I held my strength and tell him. "I can never leave Kai. He never signed the papers, it was only a trap."

"I know. That's why I am here to take you home with me," Orlando proclaimed.

But I shook my head no. "I can't, it's over between us. We can't see each other."

Orlando shakes his head in disbelief. "You don't mean anything you say. I know you're scared but I'll set this right if you give me a chance," he implored.

I bit the inside of my mouth and did everything I could to hold my tears. With all my might, I have to do what is necessary to keep him safe.

"I said I can't!" I strictly enforced, but Orlando wasn't going to let me go.

"You can!" He argued otherwise.

I took a breath and decided to ask him a question that's been nagging at my heart. Since he has me cornered, I might as well dig around and test who is telling the truth.

"Tell me the truth, did Kai visit me at the hospital?" I asked firmly.

I've been wondering if Kai's friends have been honest with me or not.

Orlando sighed, "Yes, he came and I told him to leave."

My heart was frizzled and I felt so guilty for how I treated Kai. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I didn't believe you'd want him there," Orlando justified.

"Why would Crystal lie to me!" I spat.

"I didn't ask her to do that," said Orlando with a sorrowful lip.

But my anger was fueled. "Yet you didn't tell me!"

Orlando was drawn wordless on what to say next. "I'm sorry. I was afraid to lose you to him. So I was scared to tell you. Just please don't be like this and come with me. I vow we will fix everything! Please, tell me I didn't lose you to him again," he begged desperately and was torn to the core of his soul, heart, and mind.

Yet, I had to be stronger-minded. I must keep him safe. Therefore I must bring this up only to tear us apart.

"I'm sorry but you have to move on from me," I frowned, heartbrokenly. "I know you care more about Ashley than you're willing to admit, so be with her instead."

Orlando expressed a dumbfounded look and asked as if I'd gone mad. "Where are you getting this from?"

I held my bitter tears and told him. "That day when I found you and Ashley holding hands together in the living room. I could tell she was guilty and so were you. And you never explained what happened after you chased me down to your bedroom."

Orlando sighed, totally stressed. "We weren't holding hands for the reason that you think. I chased after you so you knew I loved you, not her. I told you that already."

"Then why were you holding hands? To me, you both looked guilty!" I ask, not sure why I am pressing to know such a question. Regardless of whatever answer he gives, I still can't be with him.

Orlando sighed, lowly. "She went back to her cheating boyfriend only to find him cheating on her, but this time he beat her during the fight. So she came to me for support because we are only friends."

Any words I had were gone on what to say. I knew Orlando had a caring heart.

"I'm sorry that happened to her, but I am more sorry that I have to end this between us. I wish you the best," I told him like I had a stone heart.

Even though it was far from stone. I love Orlando, and that's how it is. But for his own good, I have to protect him by ending things between us.

Bittersweet, wouldn't describe how I feel right now. Pushing away the man I love goes beyond any pain I've experienced. For his sake, I have to be the one that ends this, in order to keep him protected from Kai and the Vampire Covenant.

His eyes were so unbelievably hurt but yet I held my stern poise. Inside my soul and heart were weeping and torn beyond recognition. Unable to bear this pain any longer, I went to walk away but he gripped my wrist and tugged me back gently from going anywhere.

"I know you don't mean anything you say," Orlando confronted. "I know you feel trapped. More trapped now compared to whenever Kai first had you. No matter what, my vow to you will remain. I will break you free from him."

"I'm pregnant with his baby, Orlando. I'm sorry, but I can't leave him," I blurted, yanking my wrist free while he was shocked to hear the news.

"You've only recently got back with him. How could you be pregnant?" Orlando said with overwhelmed feelings overcoming him.

"Goodbye," I muffled and ran from him. If only I could tell him I'd been pregnant. Not once since Kai kidnapped me again, have we slept together. Unfortunately, I had to let him assume whatever right now.