Ch 220: Handleless Planet

Daybreak arose, and I found everyone was already up and breakfast was done. Kai wasn't in the sleeping bag with me. Mostly, everyone was around the fire, except for Kai.

"Good morning, Princess, breakfast is served," Rome said from the fire pit when he saw me stretching. I sat between him and Jack. Then Rome gave me a plate of pancakes he made me.

Once I started eating, I asked, "Is there any way I can get a shower?"

Behind me, Kai came out of the tent, saying. "Either I can get you a bucket of water, or we can rent a hotel room in the city. The choice is yours."

Of course, I went for the second option. "I'd love to check out the city," I replied.

Kai smirked, "I thought you might say that. Once you're done eating, wear the clothes I laid out for you."

I ate my strawberries and pancakes. Then I entered the tent and found a pair of brown camo shorts and a matching top. After I was ready, Kai flew me to these strange-looking hover chrome color vehicles that resembled the shape of a subway train. There were four of them across this chrome roadside. We each piled in one. And Kai took me in the one Rome was going to drive.

I sat in the back with the five vampires riding with us. To the front, everything was digital.

"Oooh, I love buttons," Rome teased like a kid, and I knew he was trying to get a raise out of me. He scrolls through the setting as Kai and everyone else chuckles.

"Auto drive!" He laughed. "Pfft, what's the fun in that!"

"Don't you even think about it!" I warned from the middle seat between two vampires.

"Too late, I'm thinking about it, Princess!" He teasingly laughed with everyone.

"ROME!" I yelled over their laughter as Rome tapped a few more buttons and this spaceship-looking handle opened out from a compartment.

"Fair warning, Princess, they don't have speed limit laws because all vehicles have crush resistance sensors in them. Chances of wrecking are zero!" Rome laughed like a moron and then took off.

My skin was jiggling off my bones! It was like being on a roller coaster!

"Rome, I'm going to puke on you if you don't slow down!" I yelled, and Rome slowed his speed to 50mph. Of course, everyone, including Rome, was laughing.

Up ahead, I saw the biggest city compared to the whole United States. You could smash every city on earth together, and it still wouldn't compare to this massive futuristic city. And to no surprise, the city was made out of chrome.

We zapped around traffic. Which was convenient if you were being chased by a tyrannosaurus or something larger.

In no time, we arrived at the hotel. Because Kai didn't wanna deal with humans, Rome checked us in.

Next, we rode in this glass elevator that gave you the feeling that you stepped inside a cylinder fish bowl. We got off at a very high level, and everybody's rooms were in the same corridor together.

I followed Kai to our room, and I noticed it didn't have a doorknob, but it had this scanner screen on it. All Kai did was enter our number, and it slid apart like a spaceship door.

Furniture was already decorated inside it. It had a diminutive kitchen with kitchenware, I didn't know how to use. There were no handles on the glass cabinets, and the stove was similar to Earth's. But the stove looked like it would eat me if I tried to cook from it. Sofas were built into the flooring. Pretty much, white was the main color on everything, including the kitchen.

"The shower is in the bathroom, and fresh clothes are on the bed," Kai said, but before we could walk off, a knock came on the door.

Kai gruffed before he pushed the open button. My eyes gaped to see this girl wearing nothing but a bra and panties underneath this see-through white lace fabric that appeared to be an extremely short dress.

"I've come here to offer my service in exchange for a baby you don't need to care for," she flirted and slid her hand between her cleavage to be all sexy-like.

You gotta be kidding me!

"I'm not interested!" After rudely turning her down, Kai latches the door on her.

"You brought me to a prostitution hotel!" I snapped at him.

"Every hotel in this city has prostitution. They're outcasted orphans enslaved by their governor to have babies. Unlike your world, there is no protection, abortion, or birth control. In this world, both men and women have more than one wife or husband. It depends on what kinda marriage they choose. It's more common for women to share one husband. Living with dinosaurs, it's how they thrive by making babies."

"And what if they don't want a baby?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Kai grinned, "They use the same prevention from back in the day on your home planet before protection was invented."

I knew exactly what he meant, and I was revolted enough to vomit. "That is disgusting!"

"There's nothing wrong with a little back door action," he laughed like a stupid face. Choosing to ignore him, I walked away to the bedroom.

Inside was a long panel window. The bed was low to the floor, and there wasn't anything else inside it. After I took the clothes off the bed, I entered the bathroom, which was your typical bathroom. Only the sink and the toilet worked like everything else on this handleless planet. Comparing this place to earth, this planet was more futuristically advanced.

I stripped out of my clothes and headed to the shower. Unfortunately, the shower is far different here compared to earth. It took me multiple attempts, yet this door still won't open!

"This is so frustrating!" I ended up slamming it.

Finally, the door opened, and I stepped in and it shut on its own. Inside the shower was encased in a marble blue wave color. The flooring was a smooth stone that had uneven grooves chiseled into it to prevent you from slipping. Plus, it gave you the perfect foot care. The ceiling was rock and it had these tiny sprinkler spouts on it for the water to shower out of it. Another word, there were no handles or a shower head. Everything functioned through a digital keyboard on the marble.