Ch 238: Arrived at the Imperial Palace

Thereafter that point of returning home from Dr. Riley's office. The news about me carrying triplets spread throughout the mansion. Less than ten minutes later, it was announced by vampires, flying about unseen. Apparently, it's unfathomable for me to carry vamp triplets. Twins were rare, but having triplets has never been documented in their vampiric history.


The following day was hectic with racing around to get things done. Kai mainly did the packing because he didn't want me to exhaust myself. We have a long trip to Europe where the masked ball will be held in two days.

Nothing was close to being done. Between figuring out who was going or staying behind to care for the mansion and animals. Then there were flight arrangements that needed to be worked out. Most of the vamp families decided to travel at their hasty speed. Plus, we had to shop and pack our luggage.

Not to mention, I had butterflies in my stomach because I found out from overhearing Mrs. Collin, talking to her friends. All available five generations and the Headmaster has to come. Plus, the advisors and their families. The idea of how packed this masked ball will be filled with vampires and vampiresses, who likely want me dead was inundating.

To keep my mind at bay, I went shopping with the vampiresses for our gowns. Kai had Darlene go with us. He gave her over three-thousand dollars to buy a gown for the ball because he wanted her to attend, so she can be my assistant. Despite she was coming along to aid me, Darlene was excited to attend.


Between the rushed days, before I knew it, we arrived in Europe by Friday morning. All private flights landed together. Once Kai, Darlene, Rome, Rose, Ace, Ivan, Mia, Jack, Sharlene, Glenn, Alice, and myself got in the limousine.

Kai lectured with a warning. "Keep in mind, humans that don't know about our existence will be there as workers or guests. Do not mention anything about vampires or else you know what happens. If you see any humans being fed on. Say nothing because the human workers are to serve us even by feeding us, or maybe a guest saw something they shouldn't have seen."

If he was trying to affright Alice and me, it certainly worked in his favor.

There was this chilling pause before he spoke again. "Anyways, once the gathering is over. Whoever remains alive as long as those humans are still unaware of our existence. They shall be paid well and go their way. Therefore say nothing, and the more lives you might spare."

"What about the invited human guests that aren't granted to be turned?" I asked.

"You heard me, Victoria," he smirked hungrily, and I knew what it meant.

Across the seat, on Glenn's right by the window, I heard Alice gulp from Kai's warning. I assumed he was talking to her as well because she was a fifteen-year-old teenage girl.

If she wasn't Glenn's mate, her family would be raising her, instead of him. But I knew she'd rather be with him over her family that believes she's dead.


Fifty-seven minutes later, the Collin line of limousines merged with more limousines from arriving guests. In a single file, we drove through this bendy flat drive. Then I became ecstatic to see us drive to this isolated landscape that stretched out for miles on end. Right in the center was the biggest palace I've seen.

Golden rooftops shone brightly from the sunrise's reflection. Most of the stone structure was white marble. There were many courtyards, columns, pillars, gardens, fish-filled streams with waterfall fountains, and more if you could name it.

"This palace is breathtaking," I said as Glenn lightly woke Alice from napping on his shoulder.

Aside from me, Rose indulged, "This palace has been continuously built since before the 14th century. Every century the Vampire Covenant keeps adding on to it to fit everyone comfortably."

"Then who owns it?" I asked, interested.

On the opposite seat, Mia replied, "It's owned by each Coven Royal. Remember, from the Headmasters through the five generations."

"So Mr. Collin owns a portion of it?" I asked and they chuckled.

By Mia, Ivan answered, "Yes, including your husband."

"Wait, your part of the Vampire Covenant?" I questioned, looking at Kai beside me in the limousine.

Kai carelessly nodded. "As of recently from having over eighty vamp babies in my clan."

"So you're within the five generations?" I asked and he smirked.

"Indeed," he confirmed before I could pry any further.

The door to our limousine was opened and the Coven ahead of us had moved along inside. One at a time, Kai, his friends, and me, including Darlene, all crawled out. My eyes were all over the Imperial Palace.

Meanwhile, Kai yawned unimpressed. Quite frankly, I could tell he didn't wanna be here but he got dragged because he was within the five generations. The question was which generation is he, and who is the Collin Coven Headmaster?

Lines of limousines from our Collin Coven pulled forward after ours was unloaded and moved on. None of us carried anything, instead, we left it to workers that were either enslaved vampires or working men. Once our Coven was done unloading, the next Coven line of limousines moved forward to unpack.

Kai and I laced hands, then we entered the huge foyer with everyone else in the Collin Coven. When I thought the outdoors was beautiful. I found the inside was glorious. Airbrush paintings of angels and clouds decorated the ceiling. Art made from jade was swiveled in 3-D plaster on the walls. Richly cut white marble stone was designed into a beautiful imperial staircase, including the guardrails. This Imperial Palace was built from a dream. And it was packed with vampires and vampiresses.

After signing at the desk, the Coven ahead of us removed themselves to leave for their rooms. Next in line was our massive group. Which was a good thing because Coraline was having a crying fit from the trip. Chester bounced and carried her into the foyer. Zoey had their vamp boys, talking with this fully bloomed pregnant vampiress that looked like her. Their characteristics match very similarly. Then I overheard the pregnant vampiress was Zoey's and Chester's daughter! To be over decades-old yet remain youthful would be a human's dream. Bloodsuckers had it made. Zoey and Chester looked my age, yet they're going to be grandparents. That discovery was mind-boggling.