*Ch 241: Political Vampirism

At the end of the corridor were our dates for tonight's masked ball. My heart skipped, making eye contact with Kai. He was dressed like the phantom of the Opera. His mask was cut like it was chipped on his facial side, above his lip. The cape made his appearance more alluring over that black v-neck suit coat and the dark blue silk vest. Everyone mingling around us faded to non-existent. Like a daydream in the clouds, he and I held each other's gaze for a lengthy time. Then our fingers intertwined together. We were fixated on one another in a fairytale realm.

"You're beautiful," he uttered in a whisper. My heart fluttered to his enchanting voice. Desirable warmth magnetizes our lips to fill that gap, keeping us apart. Until...

"Let's go party!"

Rome's annoying voice ruined the romance, and our puckering lips deflated from touching, all the way. I rolled my eyes at Rome, hooked on Leah's arm. It's like he and Leah were drugged on helium because of how goofy the pair were swaying their bodies back and forth while they walked.

"Is he drunk?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Possibly," Kai replies, denying nothing. Now it made me wonder, what the heck were they doing for all those hours?

I didn't bother to ask. Considering the fact there was already one missing little girl. So I don't wish to know anything further.

If a vampire fed on someone that is under the influence of a heavy drug, there will be a side effect. I've read it will affect a vampire as if he's drunk, not high. Rome's silly behavior matched the description of a drunken sailor, and Leah was playing along for the fun. But I found it annoying like Rome's sisters, however, Kai smirked amusingly.

Altogether, we reached the ballroom, which reminded me of the one in the Anastasia movie. Already the ballroom was getting filled with space to spare, of how enormous the area is.

It was filled with food stands, decorative fountains, huge flower pots, pillars, and chandeliers that dazzled the high ceiling. Other rooms were behind the pillars, and there was a double imperial golden staircase to a second floor to mingle on. Artwork paintings of these vibrant birds colored the ceiling. Gold and silver plaster were sculpted into flowers and plants to adorn the walls. Lastly, the ballroom floor was marbled gold with creamy tan and white swirls in it. The floor was like looking into a glass mirror.

Vampires and vampiresses were dancing in circles like in the old eras, wearing victorian dress wear. The mysterious gothic-like medieval time costumes fit the atmosphere of the 15th century. Orchestra music set the theme to the vampiric opera feeling.

This was my kind of party. Although, many evil eyes lurked toward mine. Butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach from how nerve-wrecking this is for me.

"Remember, you're my mate. No one can hurt you," Kai whispered in my ear. I guess he must've picked up on the fact, I was feeling anxious.

Our massive group broke off elsewhere to socialize and do their own thing, which left Kai and me to stand near the huge opening. I watched as Mrs. and Mr. Collin were getting polite compliments about her pregnancy. Ava and John were talking together with a group. They were laughing and congratulating Ava on her pregnancy. Aside from Kai and I, everyone seemed to blend in and found their friends. I could tell this was Kai's first time to be here.

Despite everyone getting along and having a nice time, you couldn't miss the minacious glaring eyes of those enemies. Tons of resentful and noxious expressions locked on Kai and me, standing here aimlessly.

"Let's dance," Kai finally said, taking my elbow.

We joined the dance floor and smoothly spun together. Until it was switched to a foreign historical dance. In a backward spin, my footing delays and I nearly trip over my heel, which caused us to look shabby. Nevertheless, Kai turned my waist and spine into his torso and guided me on what to do.

Before he spins me to face him again,

"You're doing well," Kai flattered me by whispering in my ear.

But I knew I was chopping this dance into veggies. "Don't be so ingenuous," I giggled, sheepishly. "Alice is doing way better than me."

Kai peeked their way, chuckling, "Glenn taught her."

Around us, everyone danced gracefully. Even Alice was dancing like a princess with Glenn. But I made it seem like the floor was moving as if we were in a funhouse.

"Who taught you how to dance?" I asked before he walked me in a circle around him like everyone else was doing.

"My father, of course," Kai replied, then he pulled me to his body for us to twirl together like beauty and the beast.

"Are you ever going to tell me which generation you were born in?" I asked, and then I was dipped so low that I thought my breasts came out of my gown. To my relief, I found they didn't, when I touched them, being nearly upside down to the flooring.

Once he sharply pulled me up to his face, he toys, "Maybe, or I'll keep you guessing." On that last word, he twirled my body away from his. Then he railed me in backwards against his torso.


After dancing with Kai, tons of vampires approached us with their wives. I was asked a variety of questions that pertained to politics, culture, war, constitutions, and life in general.

"Do you feel history should be forgotten like it never existed?" A vampire asked with such coldness while his glaring wife clutched his forearm.

"On the contrary," I replied, holding Kai's arm tighter from my nervousness. "History tends to repeat itself. It should be respected and never forgotten. Everyone should learn from it. To avoid making any wrongful mistakes that would lead to disastrous consequences."

"Hmm," he hummed and then walked away with his glowering wife.

However, we didn't get far from another vampire overwhelming me with more questions. I knew as these vampires asked such questions, they weren't asking about human political affairs. Rather it was about political vampirism.

"Why am I being questioned?" I whispered to Kai.

"They're gathering information about you. It will help them determine whether to kill you, or keep you alive," Kai informed me, which was unsettling to hear.

Overall, I could tell he wasn't happy about it because his enemies bombarded me with questions, but I answered honestly to the best of my knowledge.

"How did I do?" I asked, seeking Kai's approval.

As we walked, he smiled tenderly. "You did a beautiful job," he praised. "It's the best you can do given the circumstances. You aren't the problem, they are. Always remember that."