*Ch 275: The Alpha Tone

Once Kai exited his father's office, he straight out left the mansion for downtown, where he went right to the sheriff's police station with his friends.

Right when they entered the building, "Why are we here?" Glenn asked.

"I need to speak with the sheriff." Kai casually replied as he welcomed himself back into the wide hall. No one questioned them. Although they may have gotten a few unusual looks from these cops, that were humans.

Once they reached the office door, Kai knocked a few times, then waited. For no apparent reason, Rome crossed his arms behind his backside and started to whistle while he rocked on his dress shoes between Ivan and Glenn. Ivan shook his head, and felt that impulse to wanna punch Rome for his annoyance.

"Like seriously! What is wrong with his head?" Ivan inwardly thought.

"Come in!"

Everyone heard the Sheriff invite them inside his office, which spared Ivan the headache and Rome from getting nailed in the shoulder by him.

Taking the invite, they went in as the Sheriff hung up his phone. "Is there something I can help you with?" he asked them.

Kai replied, having a seat at the front of his desk. "I have a favor to ask."

"What favor would that be?" the Sheriff hesitantly asked. He had a bad feeling in his gut, especially whenever Kai had that uncanny glint in his eyes.

"I need you to fatten up a handful of your worst criminals," Kai got straight to the point.

"What for?" the sheriff lifted a brow, along with his friends behind him. His friends questioned in their minds on where this was going, with him asking such an unusual request.

"To be sacrificed," Kai grinned mischievously, and now it made sense.

"I can't do that." The sheriff declined, reaching for the phone on his desk. "I have to confirm this with your father."

"You will not contact my father!" Kai adamantly used his alpha tone, which coerced the Sheriff to his will.

The sheriff's hand shook as he tried to resist, dropping the phone. "You know I am an elder. I serve your father." He struggled to say while his hand shook as if he suffered from neurological tremors. He was doing everything in his ability to keep that phone in his hand.

Meanwhile, Kai waited patiently for him to give in as he defined. "I know you solely serve my father. However, I am an elder alpha over you. Therefore you have no choice but to obey me. No matter who you serve in my family. Being older than me doesn't stop my authority over you."

The sheriff painfully gritted his teeth before the phone slammed into the charger outlet. Without a given choice, his fingers released, and then he gave Kai his undivided attention.

"You shouldn't be doing this without your father's consent." the Sheriff urged, but Kai dismissed it.

Using his alpha tone, Kai began. "He won't approve. That's why it will be our little secret. In the meantime, you will gather at least twelve criminals for preparations right away. While you look for fifty more candidates."

"Fifty!" the sheriff copied as if he was having a stroke.

"It's either criminals, or I can collect fifty innocent people or perhaps children. We both know Vlad has a taste for the youngest blood. And I've overheard the orphanage is overrun." Kai snickered, but he was far from joking.

"Your father would disapprove." The sheriff grumbled. "Vlad and his followers weren't to be awakened."

"I need him, so you will do what I asked, or else I'll do it my way," Kai asserted his vocals as the alpha.

"As if I have a choice!" the Sheriff grunted since he couldn't disobey. Nevertheless, Kai gave a satisfied gesture as he stood. "Perfect. I'll be in touch," he confirmed. Then he left with his friends.


Since they were in town, they strolled the streets to browse around since Kai was on a mission to get his wife a gift to cheer her up.

"I like how you're sacrificing criminals." Ace teased at random with bringing this up.

"For now." Kai coolly replied, trying not to engage in this conversation for too long.

"Awe, so you can change." Next to Ace, Rome teased as Kai was staring in the window at these colorful teddy bears on a spinning rack.

Ignoring them, "Do you think a teddy bear would cheer Victoria up?" he asked his friends.

"Possibly." Aside from him, Ivan replied while he thought maybe Mia would like one too.

"Pfft!" Rome rejected. "It's not Valentine's Day."

"Valentine's Day?" Kai raised a brow before they walked into the store.

"It's a day for couples." Ace chuckled as they entered the store, which had many glass items, jewelry, and cute things inside it. Shiny expensive glass knick-knacks mostly filled the shelves. It was by far too girly for them, so they stood out like a sore thumb in their masculine black suits.

"If not a bear, then what do you suggest?" Kai asked Rome.

"Sure, take advice from the bachelor." Ivan rolled his eyes. "You saw how well his advice went that day he hooked you up with another woman to make Victoria jealous at the club."

"And what are the odds that you'd be in this mess now with those detectives for her death," Ace added in a whisper when he lowly laughed with Rome.

"Don't even remind me," Kai grumbled, annoyed. "Just help me find my wife a gift."

After the group chuckled, Ace simply recommended. "She's pregnant, so get her something that would be for her and an extra gift to show your thinking about the babies."

Now his simple suggestion gave Jack the inspiring idea to get Sharlene a gift too. "I like that idea," he remarked as he went about his way, searching throughout the store. Conveniently enough, the store had a small section of memorable gift sets for newborn babies.

"Do you think green is a good color?" Jack picked up a fluffy blanket, and asked his friends.

"I'd say anything neutral since you don't know the gender." Ace threw in his opinion as he picked a blue blanket for his unborn son to give his wife, Rose.

Kai picked up a gift set that held neutral-colored stuffed animal rattles and pacifiers inside it.

Once that was done, he checked out these lovely bouquets, "What about buying her flowers?" he asked everyone.

"Sure!" Rome snickered to say as Kai's hand was reaching for one, "If you wanna give her something Orlando probably bought her over a dozen times."

Kai furrowed his forehead as he withdrew his hand. "Don't even mention his name." He lowly hissed, which had Rome laughing.

For the most part, Kai disregarded him when his eyes saw a beautiful glass-made music box. So he picked it up in his hands as Ivan smiled. "That's more like it," he praised.