**Ch 290: Brothers will be Brothers

"Where is Kai?" Chester griped a little. "He's going to make us late if we wait any longer."

"I'm here!" Kai's voice rang from behind us at the door ready to leave. "Why are you dressed like a dummy in an eye patch?" he eyed his brother oddly before glancing at Chester's family.

"I'm a pirate." Chester chuckled, and Kai gawked at the fake parrot bobbing its head on his shoulder.

"Is the stupid bird really necessary?" Kai questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"All the coolest pirates have parrots!" Joshua defended his dad, and Chester laughed.

"My bad." Kai laughed with everyone else. Joshua loved pirates, and everybody knew that.

"Didn't you have pirates back in your day when you and Daddy were our age, Uncle Kai?" Colton asked, blinking his big bright blue eyes.

"No, grave robbers came before pirates," Kai replied as he seemed to think back to who knows how far.

"Grave robbers sound lame!" Joshua rants loudly, rolling his eyes.

"They were," Kai chuckled at the thought.

Meanwhile, Zoey walked forward. "If we don't leave, we're going to miss trick or treating," she announced.

We all followed her out as Rome waved us goodbye. "Will be here once you're done if you aren't late!" Most of us waved and acknowledged tonight's plans.

"What is that contraption?" Kai asked as we walked near the vehicle.

Chester laughed. "That's called a minivan."

"That's hideous!" Kai scrunched his face, revolted by it.

"Get used to it, little brother. Before too long, you'll be buying one yourself with having triplets on the way," Chester laughed while Kai shook his head.

"I'd rather be detained than own anything as hideous as that thing!" Kai argued, seemingly serious, but no one took him seriously. He had us laughing as if he had told a funny joke. "I'm being serious."

I kissed his cheek, giggling. "We know."

He chuckled before we all got into the van. Kai and I sat in the back row, between Coraline and the vamp boys sat in the seats behind us. Once we were situated, Chester drove off.

Minutes later, we were out of the van and walking around the nearby neighborhoods. Kai and I held hands. We were the only two oddballs that weren't dressed in a costume. Mine was at home for tonight's party, but I wasn't sure if Kai was going to fully dress up. The way he narrowed his eyes at the kids and their parents trick-or-treating certainly gave me the hunch he wasn't liking Halloween. Briefly, we stopped to wait for the vamp kids to come back from this one house.

"Is this your first-time trick or treating?" I outwardly voiced and hoped to get an age out of him.

Kai chuckled. "Is it that obvious?"


Chester laughed, overhearing us since we were next to him and Zoey. "You still haven't told her what generation we are."

"Not yet," Kai admitted.

"He's been quite obstinate with telling me anything," I griped, rolling my eyes, which made them laugh, of course.

"Keep prying," Chester jokingly advised. "I'm sure he'll break soon."

I giggled, shaking my head. Not even his older brother would share their secrets. Brothers will be brothers, they say. I guess it's even accurate for vampires.

"Nice to see you are on Kai's side," I teased, making them laugh.

"The Collin brothers maybe ten years apart, but they're certainly a pain to handle. Chester played the same game with me too," Zoey shared, laughing.

"I'm starting to see that." I giggled as the kids came running back with their candy.

"Hey, Uncle Kai, do you wanna try a crunch bar?" Joshua offered, holding up a candy bar.

Kai gave a friendly smile. "Uh, I'll pass this time."

"Don't you like candy, Uncle Kai?" Colton asked as we walked along toward the next house.

"Not exactly," Kai chuckled.

"Uncle Kai is on a blood-strict diet," Chester announced behind us before we heard Zoey smack him. "What was that for?" he chuckled aloud, and I tried not to laugh, but Kai had no limitation from holding back. He bent his head forward and bellowed hysterically. Vampires or not, the Collin brothers were like any ordinary brothers when it came to their jocular pranks on each other.

"Must you say that so loudly!" Zoey reprimanded him, and I had to say it was downright hilarious.

"Oh, who cares, it's Halloween," Chester replied lazily.

I had a feeling he was hungering to feed. Unlike Zoey, Chester actively feeds on fresh blood, whereas his wife takes what she needs, but I think she tries not to hunt. I'm not sure how long it's been since she's transformed into a vampiress, but she still fights for her humanity. I could only hope I have her willpower after I turn into one.

Seven thirty came in a flash, so we all returned to the mansion to get ready for the main event. Kai's friends were still here, so we made it back in time, and everyone was dressed up in their costumes.

"Wow, you guys look amazing!" I complimented them. I must say, everyone's makeup was so realistic looking.

Rose was dressed up as a dark widow, who lost her husband, and Ace was the dead husband she murdered for his money, which was just like them to come up with something so genius for Halloween. Fake blood paint and torn flesh covered Ace's neck, and he wore a suit. Rose wore a long black lace gown with a veil on her head. Mia and Ivan were Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstein. Mia's costume was on the sexier side because she wore a short mini-skirt and a tight revealing top. Glenn was the Joker and Alice was Harley Quinn. Jack and Rome were both dressed like the typical Dracula, but they weren't the same costumes. Ian was a Ninja. Sharlene was dressed like a sexy cat in high stockings to her knees. She had a tail on the back of her tight mini black and pink dress, and the ears on her head made her look like a cute Japanese anime kitten.

"Why thank you, Princess." Rome gleamed, and my mouth gaped to notice the large fake fangs glued on his canine teeth when he spoke.

"Did you glue fake fangs on your real ones?" Kai questioned him before I had a chance to ask him myself.

"Yes." Rome gave a sheepish answer.

"You could've used your real ones," Jack proclaimed, laughing.

"What for!" Rome laughed. "Now I'll get double the penetration when I feed."

Oh, goodness, it was just like him to say that. While everyone was laughing, I started to walk past the couch.

"I'm going to get ready." I giggled, not getting involved with this conversation.