**Ch 328: Distress

From being with his mother, Kai launched himself to the northern wing, where most of the spare bedrooms are located. Inside a lot of the rooms were Evan's detained followers. Hearable whimpers resonated from a handful of rooms because the vamp kids sobbed for their detained fathers. Heavier cries came from the vampiresses mourning the pain to see their life-wedded partner in such a dire state. Even the cries from their mothers were heard weeping to witness their sons in such a weakened condition. Sure, they could be awakened, but it didn't change the fact that this was part of their dismay because the mental connection they shared was cut off.

All these heartbreaking cries only reminded Kai of the suffering his Coven went through during the vampiric wars. Which killed his heart as he walked along the bleak corridor that was normally filled with laughter until tonight.

Once he reached Evan's room, he went inside to find most of his brothers, only three of his sisters, his only two advisors that weren't detained, and a handful of his offspring from being little ones to adults were at his side within the room. No joke, Evan had far too many offspring to keep track of, and they each had different mothers. If it wasn't for the fact that he was an excellent father, and he fully supported each of their mothers, then Grandfather Vlad would've exiled him from the Coven long ago for his adultery acts, Kai thought as he approached his bedside.

He watched Evan's oldest brother Henry who was just now pouring his blood into his mouth. With a loud agonizing hiss, Evan was quick to snap awake. Although he didn't shriek the way Mia cried because he was more durable to pain from being a mighty Alpha warrior to their Coven.

"Easy, brother." Henry soothed him by touching his forehead. "Rest well. I'll wake you in a week."

"You better get me a lot of beauties with smooth skin for me to feed on whenever you do." Evan hissed painfully while he still tried to be his humorous self with that remark which brought an amused smirk to Henry's face. After painfully hissing one last time, he closed his eyes and went into his detained sleep to heal.

"If anyone from Evan's clan needs anything. Come to any of the Coven Alphas," Kai told Evan's advisors.

"We will be staying here until he recovers," replied Evan's one adviser, who was Ivan's brother-in-law.

After that was confirmed, Kai stepped out of the room, and he entered a nearby living room. Upon his entrance, his cousins, his cousins' nephews, and their sons peered up at him. Most of them had shame on their faces since they knew he was right about the Mills being such a deadly threat. Beforehand, most of them denied it because it's been around a thousand years since the Mills and their Allies had done anything to bother them until now.

"Now, what do we do?" Marty, who was Evan's younger brother, asked Kai.

"We need to wake the Headmaster," Kai announced.

"Dad, won't allow it." Chester declared, walking into the room. After hearing about the attack, he left his family where they were with Madeline. Under the protection of her husband's Coven, so he knew they were safe while he returned to his father's mansion.

"What about waking our uncles?" Kai suggested after taking the time to think.

"They won't cross their older brother," replied Chester. "Vlad put Dad in charge, and unlike you, they will respect his authority."

Kai nodded since he understood, his dad was the firstborn conceived by their grandparents. Everybody already knew Mr. Collin's younger brothers wouldn't dare challenge him due to the respect they held for him and because he was slightly stronger than his younger brothers. However, Kai was born with a more powerful gift than his father's second gift. Though he'd never duel his dad to take authority because he respected him, however, he would cross him by using other means.

"I'll talk to him. In the meantime, it's time we start waking every follower and Alpha within the Coven," Kai announced with a behest order to his younger or far older cousins, and their offspring before he vanished from their sight.

Right away, he zipped himself to his father's office. Alone in his office, Mr. Collin was under a great deal of stress as it was. Then to notice Kai, his unruly son popping in had given him an instant vamp headache.

"I'm getting this whole situation under control." Mr. Collin was the first to speak as his son took a seat across from him at his desk.

"Let's hear your plan." Kai slumps back in the chair as he waits to hear this one.

Mr. Collin sighs, already seeing his son was testing him. "I'm calling the Headmaster to the Mill Coven to work out a treaty."

"Right." Kai seethed his mood. "Since you're negotiating terms with them, shall we send them a gift card? Or do you think they'd prefer that mom would bake them a fresh batch of blood-filled cookies? We can have them delivered in a basket on the double."

Upon hearing Kai's snide mouthy sarcasm, Mr. Collin furrowed his brow. "Do not test me!"

Though he wasn't amused in the least to hear Kai's smart mouth toward him, however, he was impressed Kai was learning more about this modern-day world to know what a gift card is.

"We need to wake Vlad and everyone else who is sleeping." Kai got straight to the point, which stressed Mr. Collin out of his mind again.

"I've already told you he gave me orders as to when he wishes to be awakened!" snapped Mr. Collin as he growled nastily.

"He gave you orders, not me!" Kai hissed.

"Over my authority you do not have my permission to awaken him!" Mr. Collin put his foot down with his authority over him.

Having enough of it, Kai sat up and slammed the side of his fist down to the desk. "We are going to war with the Mill Coven. You're–"

"I will fix it to avoid war!' Mr. Collin yelled over him.

From his previous blowup, Kai took a sigh to soothe his temper, and he sat in the chair. "I know you mean well, Father, but the Mill Coven will never agree to a peace treaty with us." Kai tried getting through to his dad's perverse determination to cooperate.

"I'm not giving up on the possibility." Mr. Collin choked on his own emotion. "I have to peacefully end this rivalry between our Covens, and I need you to respect my decision. If Vlad wakes up, matters will only get worse."

"Call their Headmaster then." Kai seethed his voice into a tranquil demeanor. He knew this was a personal issue his dad has been trying to fix since that tragic day Mr. Collin made the ultimate mistake that affected the entire Coven before Kai and his siblings were born.