**Ch 337: Superiors

In the center of the palace, some architectural pillars still stood with these curly anomalous flower vines were curled up them to the ceiling while others were crumbled to different-sized rocks on the limestone floor. Outside was mostly dry, unlike the inside, which collected moisture from the broken early-age pipes. Moss and strange ferns were growing over sections of the floor because the water flowed here like a spring. So Rome drained the water with his water-bending gift. Above our heads, part of the ceiling, to another floor, still stood sturdy while the other half of it had collapsed across from us.

"Dad, you should check it out up here!" Ian called out from above our heads. Anyone in our group could hear him stumbling over rocks, that were once part of the palace.

"Let me finish lighting these seven incense, and I'll show you around," Jack replied as he was lighting these wooden torches that the guardians had cracked into the flooring from around our campsite.


Not a second later, Rome chimed above our heads too. "Sweet! I found a lucky golden coin that got left behind!"

"I guess it's your lucky day, Rome," Kai remarked as he was busily making a fluffy bed for me to lay on by the fire.

"It will go great with my collection!" Rome shouted to be sure we heard him.

Over Ian, he was making twice as much noise. And to think, he was supposedly watching over Ian to ensure his safety. He willingly volunteered to do that after he finished drying the water within the area we made camp on.

"What is the incense for?" I inquired once I started to smell this captivating aroma that was sweet like sugar, but it had a flowery scent to it as well.

Kai replied as he fluffed a pillow. "They're a healing incense for you. While you're in your time-gap it will keep you from getting sick. It will also stop the headaches, any seizures, dizziness, and the nosebleeds."

"And this tea will be an added benefit too." A guardian spoke before he poured me a berry tea from the freshly heated teapot he had kindled over the fire.

"Once you are done drinking it, lay down on the bed I made for you," Kai told me, and I nodded my head.

"Do you know how the Brightest Blue Moon occurs at the same time in every world?" I curiously asked before taking small sips from my teacup.

"That question alone would baffle even earthly scientists as to how it's possible. Not one vampire knows that answer," Kai replied as he was laying out more blankets on my small bed.

"You never studied it?" I ask, puzzled by it.

"No, we are too distracted by taking in the power, and turning humans into what we are," Kai answered as he had just finished the bed.

Next, I watched him open the tin box his dad gave him, and then he started to pull out a few items. One item was a small jar that had a perfectly preserved red rose inside this clear solution. There was also a small jar of black sand. Another item was a link to a chain that looked ancient.

"What are these for?" I audibly wondered, watching him line up a few of them alongside the small bed he made me.

"Important items that will trigger your time-gap. You're sensitive to touch, so your time-gap can be triggered by the emotional effects that are left behind. Other times, it triggers because you're thinking too deeply about something or someone." Kai clarified as I took another sip of my tea.

"I never knew that," I responded, rather surprised. "You know so much about it."

"That's because I know my mate." Kai pridefully smiled.

Once I was done drinking my tea, I laid down on the small bed that was big enough to fit me, and it was extremely comfortable from all the extra padding and blankets he used.

"Comfortable?" Kai asked as he gently touched the sprained hand I hit Orlando with. "Do you need me to rewrap your wrist?"

"I'm fine, Kai." My smile shone into his softhearted eyes from his indulgence towards me.

"How will we get started?" I asked, more than eager to begin.

Kai elucidated. "On the outside of your body, you'll touch every item I give you. It will skim through everything. So it won't be like your normal trance, but I'll be with you the whole time. I might not be there physically, but we can talk to each other. If you need a break, then I'll pull you out."

"Ok, I got it. But what is the first thing I am going to see?" I questioned nervously and excitedly at the same time.

Kai further explained. "You'll see the first night, the Headmasters on this planet arose from the ground. You'll see some of the Headmasters that we are allies with and others that our Coven aren't friends with."

"What's so special about seeing this take place?" I eyed him more questionably.

Kai seemed to grin. "My Headmaster isn't any ordinary Headmaster. Vlad and Morbius are two out of the eight original Headmasters who started the Predatory species. You'll be watching the very first of everyone's species arising from this planet," Kai proudly announced, and I was struck momentarily speechless.

"You're the originals! Like the first from your Kind?" Now, I was intrigued.

Kai chuckled at my enthrallment. "We have many names. Originals, Beginners, Superiors, Elites, we've been called it all. Mostly everyone now calls us Superiors. Being the grandson of a Superior Headmaster, I can take down any Headmaster that has arisen after me because we're the first of our Kind. I am only the second generation born in the first millennium of the Brightest Blue Moon. The next Millennium is the second, and so on going down each Millennium."

My mouth gaped. "Wow, that's amazing, but that would make you very–"

"Yes, I am very very old. Older than that," Kai chuckled, finishing my sentence. "But that's hardly the half of it."

"What do you mean?" I pried to learn more.

Kai exhaled before he responded. "What makes it more interesting and rare is that Vlad came from the same body as Morbius."

"How can that be?" I gawked at him strangely.

Kai answered as he thought back. "The body that died was a Siamese twin. Two heads on one body were enough for two Headmasters to rise."

"Then what happened? What broke their bond? Since they arose from the same body, what could cause them to become enemies?" I bombed him with curiosity.

"When the time comes, these questions will be answered as we move on," Kai replied, seemingly dismal before his expression changed to a blank emotion. He opened the jar of sand and said. "Touch the sand once you are ready."

More than ready, I touched the black silky sand in the jar, and my mind began to veer away into a drift.