
Your Family Dummy

The joyous sounds of children laughing and talking echo throughout the tree house. Inside the Cafeteria lies the future of House Huri, With unfathomable potential; what will become of the innocents born into this world?

"BROTHER, YOU ARE SO WRONG! King Milos was a great dad, not only that, he was one of the most powerful witches EVER!" Koil explains to Reyna mouth full of food

"Of course you would say that, your attributes are basically the same. And he did nothing but have a bunch kids, That's all i got from yesterday, that friggin pussy"

"Yea but he also challenged the gods, More he took up sword and county against the gods" Soyo says

"AND LOST" Reyna shouts victoriously

"BUT HE TRIED, huh have you, Huh, are you even bold or smart enough to try. NO"

As these three go from thoughtful discussion to Shouting emotions. Quillo eat's her food with a smile, legs swinging under the table she just watches and listens to the argument looking Back and forth between them all. Brosac eats with his eyes closed, acting indifferent to everyone else and Vatu looks down, poking at his food. Looking around him, seeing the others talk like everything was normal, even Quillo, she acts like he's not there. Glancing around with the argument preceding Vatu looks at a calm Brosac, admiring his obvious strength, standing apart from all the others Vatu continues to, well awkwardly stare at him.

Brosac slightly opens his eyes looking dead at Vatu scarring him back into his food, letting him know 'I see you' as he chomps on a dumpling, tacking a good long look at him then closing his eyes.

Vatu's head pulled down his spine looking down with a red face poking at his food. Hearing a loud exhale "So, Why the face kid" Brosac says

"Ahh, wait what" Vatu respondes, jittery and confused.

"You're scared. And freaking out too" Brosac says, eating his food while the conversation happening between them begins to devolve into something else. Vatu looks up bushing but when he sees Brosac, his eyes dart around avoiding direct contact.

"I understand little bro, It's okay to be nervous the first time"


"Yea little bro, but you know what's not okay? Wasting food" As brosac says this Vatu notices Soyo pressed against the table like a prowling cat inches from him food with her fork. Caught in the act soyo looks up and smiles wide as Vatu quickly raises his tray of the table, Turning Soyo's smile to a poughty puppy dog face begging for some.

"OH Mystery Dumplings wow, thank you Vatu" Koil says plucking one of the dumpling from the tray

"Hey, That's mine" Vatu jumps like an animal biting at the while holding his tray. Koil narrowly pulls the dumpling from his jaws. He holds Vatu at bay but still taunting, reminiscent of a owner playing with their dog

"Hahah, Come on i thought you were offering it to me, Haha" Koil enjoys himself playing with Vatu when he notices Quillo standing up on the seat making a puffy face and Reyna reaches past Soyo for his tray.

"Hey I see you So.." "Koooill! Let my baby brother go" Quillo interrupts koils stairing with a seething rage as he holds Vatu down with one hand. Reyna inconspicuously gets a finger on his tray and slowly slides it away.

"O come on Quillo im just playing" Koil smiles at her restraining the wild Vatu still biting for the Dumpling.

"Here it comes." Brosac says, still camly finishing his food. With stealth precision Reyna keeps pulling the tray away, Soyo still lying down drools with wide eyes.

Quillo jumps without warning, mouth opens like Pac Man but full of jagged teeth, she comically bites the whole top of Koils head. Sent flying back with Quillo latched on like a face hugger He throws the dumpling in the air. Vatu sees this and tries his best to position himself right under the falling dumpilling, mouth open as far as he can confident in its trajectory, he closes his eyes in an attempt to open wider. But amidst the chaos Brosac looks at the falling dumpling, Waiting for the right moment he dolly positions the way his fork is held and flicks at a crazy fast speed. Bouncing off the table in a v angle at the roof not even close to the dumpling, being half way in its descent. But it bounced again off the roof towards the wall behind Vatu, bouncing for a fourth time it shot back in Brosac's direction. Piercing the falling Dumpling like an arrow carrying it past Vatu just to be caught by Brosac.

"Yep food is very precious, Especially when made with love"

Brosac waves the Dumpling around, then he puts it close to his mouth, Mocking Vatu he slowly acts like he is gonna eat the Dumpling. Behind him Reyna and Soyo are devouring Koils food like wild monkeys, just like Quillo is gnawing on his skull, Ramping around the table He swings Quillo around like a wet noodle.

Vatu looks at him stunned, as his new brother takes the very thing he just made important. His hands clasp onto the table, wrenched in anger, Vatu struggles, unable to even think he looks helplessly at Brosac. Closer and closer it gets to touching his tongue, milking every second watching Vatu stir. Brosac freezes looking him in the eyes and cracks a smile, and breaks the act. Laughing as chaos ensues, Brosac settles down reaching over he gestures with fork, giving it to Vatu. Seeing this Vatu loosens his grip on the table and stiffness in his face this being the first time someone was both mean and nice to him, He's just thrown off but chooses to forgive and eats the dumpling in one bite off his fork.

"Don't worry so much kid" Vatu chews on the dumpling happily listening to Brosac as the other two sitting next to them laugh at Koil flailing around the table. "We are all in this together, so Vatu. Just trust your family, trust us" He puts his hand on his chest looking at the boy. Vatu feels this hard tightening in his chest, forcing the dumpling down Vatu looks at him with admiration and out the corner of his eye. Koil, running around the table, stops near Reeyna and manages to yank off Quill. Holding her by the neck Koil uses her like a boxing glove and hits Reyna in the side of the head , knocking him on the floor and attaching Quillo to him. Then he jumps at Soyo

Tackling her to the ground, wrestling on the floor.

"Ahh yea just believe me when i say it won't be easy, but the minute you walked in we loved you like family. Trust you like family, so be sure to give it back." Brosac eats his food as the other siblings fight, rolling around the table.

Vatu blushes and looks down at his food, he begins to eat. Brosac sees this, smiles and does the same.

"Gosh, Quillo stop already" Outis appears either magically or just not noticed she pulls Quillo off Reyna, setting her down she looks at the other two fighting and slowly raises her hand. They began to glow green, lift up, and hover in mid air holding on to each other.

"Okay that's enough girls, why can't you act like your two brothers, aww look at them, so cute" she puts her hand on the table making a cute puffed up face for the kids.

"Yes, my two precious babies. Okay everyone" Her makeup begins glowing and she waves her other hand in a circle lifting Reyna and Quillo high up in the air with the other two. All of the spin sound in the air, put back into their seats neatly. Outis sits up on the table legs on top of each other hand down with the same hand she used to levitate everyone, she waves once more grabbing all the trays, stacking them up and floating them to the kitchen.

"Boys and girls" looking at all of them She pauses

"Who knows what a demon is?"