

Vatu, Koil, Reyna, Soyo, and Quillo stand lined up facing a focused Outis and Sasha sitting down on the porch steps leading up to the Tree house.

"A family together, is a family that fights together. All of you know what its means to be born a Huri; right" Outis ask the children

Vatu looks down the line to see who would answer.

"Vatu. What are we fighting?"

"AHHh we fight, we fight." "Against god" Brosac says aloud

Shasha gets up from the steps " What else Brosac, Who else is their, why do we fight this so called God"

"His followers, the Queen, all of them believe that we are evil. And we all deserve to die"

Sasha starts to walk toward Vatu dragging her hand on the ground, holding a wad of dirt, mud she holds it out to vatu. "Catch"

Holding out his hands, vatu catches the ball of mud.

"This is how everyone sees us. Even less than that they despise us."

Vatu looks deeply at the mud even seeing some worms moving, Feeling it fall apart in his hands.

"What do we do" he looks up with wide eyes

Sasha smiles "We."

"Fight" Outis says exuding this heavy pressure stunning everyone even Sasha

"You will all understand at one point, the reason we fight and kill, but it's time. Koil, Reyna, Soyo and brosac come follow me, Sasha go have the others stretch i'll be back soon."

Outis walks to the side as they follow her around the treehouse.

"Okay you two let's step back into the training area A"

Sasha goes through some basic stretches with the kids. Sun overhead just a couple of feet away from the tree houses canopy the heat waves dance on the mud around them. Quillo stretches drenched in sweat while the others haven't even shed one drop.

"WHy are weee doing thiisssss Sisterrr" Quillo says exhausted

"It's been five minuted, gosh go grab a water pouch from the well"

"Haa thank you sister"

As she runs off to the side Outis walks back with the other kids following behind her

"Where is she going" "That girl cant handle the heat" "Hmm, Vatu are you ready for today's lesson"

"Yes Sister" Vatu says straightening his back

Outis raises her arm, flicking up her hand leaving a trail of green light with her index finger, causing three walls to rise up out of the mud. 8 ft tall walls lined with rows of various weapons. Outis makes a gesture signaling the kids behind her. Brosac, Koil, and Reyna all start to walk to the walls as Outis walks up to Vatu.

"Here" She kneels down placing a small black seashell with a spiral pattern attached to a bit of string like a necklace.

"This is a talisman, along with true name and contracts you can summon demons to this plane"

"Ahh how?"

"Use your will, right know i want you to hold this tight and focus on it, imagine it a puddle and your swimming down, deep down until you find her"

"Who?" "Subnautílos juggernaut of the deep"

"A lesser demon who lives deep in the ocean her children wash up on the shore eventually turning into what you have in your hand" he looks down, feeling the shell carefully studying it.

"Everything around us has a special power or emotions inside of it sometimes called a anchor this object is something that carries her will and only we can use it to contact her and ask for her power"

Standing around the two they all have a weapon in their hands "okay boys are you ready". They all nod Reyna holding a wooden staff wrapped in cloth, Brosac holds a wooden katana, Koil a wooden straight sword both wrapped in a white cloth. Outis grabs hold of Vatu's hands.

"Be calm. . . KAI!"

From all sides the kids dash at the two, Raising their weapons, They all strike down. Inches away time starts to slow down and Outis begins moving her lips.

"Subnautílos, protect"

Thud in the middle of the air their weapons collide with something hard. Sounds of crashing waves can be heard fog covers the area but quickly dissipates revealing a giant tear drop shaped purple seashell, large spikes grow from its spiral design, it stares from the shells center with one large yellow eye surrounded by five smaller ons growing out of the flesh collared seams of the shell itself.

"Huh where are we"

"Give it one sec" In the absolutely dark moist space Vatu and Outis find themselves in. Screens begin to open out all around them revealing well everything that was there just before it went dark. Except for the three kids floating above them with weapons.

"Subnautilos, she is a caring individual but only to her family"

Qulio walks over to see a giant shellfish being attacked by her big brothers " Wooooe what is the super cute thing, what is going on"

The shell begins to shake and move, then it completely explodes! Its shell unflurles like a blooming rose of tentacles, laying across the floor revealing the two standing in the middle and launching the kids back.

"When you master her, care for her, she will become your most reliable tool. A lot of witches on their path say your first pact should be a stable choice, something you can always count on. And that's what this one was to me, so now, it's your turn"

"Its time for you to focus and learn real control"

Vatu looks down at the talisman and clutches it tightly with both hands, squeezing his eyes, concentrating on this small shell pouring his energy into the best he can, simply trying to imitate what his mother just did.

" Vatu its time for you to really know what its means to be a Witch."

"ONE!" Outis shouts out of the right corner behind vatu, Reyna swings his staff hitting Vatu across the back of his head. Vatu leans over to side paralysed, slowly falling down.