The Interrogations

Audra sat in the center of the command post surrounded by the entire team.

"It could have been any of the Shelleys," Thomas said. "Just because she spoke with the principal doesn't mean that it was her. If the principal mentioned it to the family…"

"It would have to be one of the family members that knew about the adoption," Yolanda said.

"But, what would Kendra's coming back do that would be worth killing over? A family scandal nearly thirty years old?" Joshua questioned.

"Maybe Mrs. Shelley would have felt threatened by Kendra telling Margret that she wasn't really her daughter," Yolanda offered.

"We need to find out who is the source of the energy," Audra said. "Is there any way, if I were to get inside of the house, to get a reading up close?"

Audra turned to the agent at that computer who seemed to revel in the question.

"I've been working on a prototype." She smiled with glee.

"What's your name, again?" Audra asked.

"Agent Pierce," she supplied.

"Okay, get that prototype ready to go."

Agent Pierce sprang from her seat and went into one of the bedrooms.

"What we know specifically about the killer is that they appear to only be strong in the dark and they struck each victim near dawn. I believe that the next target will be Margret Shelley," Audra said.

"I'll have two agents posted at her door," Cordero offered.

"One needs to be inside and the lights need to be on. I believe the energy needs the darkness. That's why it stopped when I turned on Kendra's lights," Audra said. "We have to smoke out the killer. I think the only way to go is to arrest each person in that house with Margret on suspicion of abuse. We'll have to go in after dark and separate each of them at the jailhouse."

Agent Pierce returned with a device that looked very similar to a specter shield.

Audra asked, "Can you brief us in the next hour on how to use your device?"

"I sure can."

"Great, because we are going to need eyes here as well, just in case it doesn't work on site."

"I understand."

"Okay." Audra took a deep breath as she realized they were close to ending this. "Someone find a judge and get us our warrants. I'll call Ethan and give him a heads up. He might want to leave the hospital and join us at the jailhouse."

"I'll go with Yolanda to find the judge to sign the warrants," Joshua offered.

"Okay, once you have it, head over to the Shelley mansion and stake it out. We'll be there in an hour and we can all go in together."

Yolanda and Joshua both got up to leave.

"Okay Pierce, teach Cordero, Neil and me how your machine works." Audra turned to the agent and gave Pierce her undivided attention.

An hour later, Audra and Eric pulled in behind Cordero at the Shelley mansion. A high-powered specter shield was on and activated in the back of each vehicle. They looked for Yolanda and Joshua but they had yet to arrive. Audra was fully strapped, as were Cordero and Eric, with bulletproof vests and steel-toed boots. She held Agent Pierce's energy reader in her hand. From what Agent Pierce told her, its range was much like that of her specter shield; she would have to get within five feet of the source.

The news crew was still hunkered down at the mansion with bright lights turned up, primed for any more drama that may spill out.

"I hope they get time and a half," Eric commented.

Audra took a deep breath as she took a look at her watch, wondering where Yolanda and Joshua were. As she looked up she realized that the news crews had pieced together that the FBI had pulled up to the mansion and were scrambling to get front and center for the action.

"Great," Audra said. "My mom told me that I'm already a viral music video."

Eric laughed. "Yes, I've seen it."

"Great, how's my voice?"

"Computerized. The way they mixed you and Gwyn together… genius. You want to see it, I think I have it saved."

"No thanks, I'll take your word for it," Audra said as she saw Yolanda's car finally pull up in front of the mansion. Cordero called Audra's cellphone. "Yeah?"

"Okay, there is a warrant for each; the Principal, the Councilman, and Dr. & Mrs. Shelley, Sr. Eagles will take Principal Shelley into custody, Kane will take the Councilman, Wheeler, you are to take Mrs. Shelley, and Neil will escort Dr. Shelley."

"Got it."

They all exited their cars and were rushed by cameras and bright light.

"Get back!" Cordero barked and the news crews made a wide berth.

Cordero led the team through the news crews and the front gate of the Shelley Mansion. Audra realized that due to their high-powered specter shields in the cars, there would be no specters around to open the door and wondered who would have the honor.

Before Cordero could knock, his cellphone rang. He answered.

"Pierce?" He listened for a moment. "You read the energy signal now?"

Audra looked at her energy reader but there was nothing. She shook her head at Cordero.

"Where?" he asked Pierce. "The signal is on the left side of the house? Stay…" Cordero paused and listened. "It's at the hospital too? Contact those agents now and make sure they and Margret Shelley are alright. Call me right back."

Cordero hung up and knocked on the door. They waited several moments before the door opened and Councilman Shelley appeared with a bright and welcoming politician's smile.

"Councilman Shelley, we have a warrant for your arrest on suspicion of kidnapping and abuse against Margret Shelley." Joshua Kane stepped forward and placed a hand on the Councilman's shoulder.

"You are making a big mistake," Councilman Shelley stammered.

"You have the right to remain silent," Joshua said, handcuffing him and leading him back to Yolanda's car.

"Neil and Eagles, you go in next," Cordero ordered. "Bring out the good Doctor and his sister. Look towards the left side of the house first.

They both drew their weapons and rushed into the house.

"FBI!" Yolanda shouted. "Doctor and Principal Shelley, we have warrants for your arrest."

Cordero nodded to Audra. "Go on in, I got your back."

Audra nodded and drew her gun. She stepped into the house, spotting Yolanda and Eric. Eric signaled Yolanda to the left, into the drawing room. Yolanda hurried in with her gun leading the way.

"Principal Shelley, you are under arrest for the attempted imprisonment and abuse of Margret Shelley."

The team paused giving Yolanda time to cuff and escort the aging woman out of the drawing room. Yolanda made slow progress with the woman but nodded that she had it under control. Audra pointed the energy reader at the principal but got nothing.

When they were through the door, Eric indicated that he would search the downstairs and Audra should look upstairs.

Cordero covered her as she moved up. His phone rang but Audra focused on what was in front of her. At the top of the staircase she heard coughing and what sounded like light crying towards the left. She made her way slowly.

"Mrs. Shelley!" Audra called. "It's Agent Wheeler, I have a warrant for your arrest."

The coughing got louder. Audra followed the sound to a door partially ajar at the end of the hallway. The crying became louder as the coughing stopped.

"Mrs. Shelley, I'm coming in."

Audra pushed the door open and entered the room. She saw Dr. Shelley lying in bed attached to the same medical equipment that would be found in any hospital. His eyes were closed and the heart monitor was weakening into a flat line. Cordero followed her into the room.

"Call 9-1-1," Audra said, holstering her gun and pointing the energy reader at both of them. She shook her head at Cordero once again to indicate there was no reading. "Mrs. Shelley. I'm sorry for your loss, but I have to take you into custody now."

Mrs. Shelley stood without looking at Audra. She kissed her husband's cheek and touched his face. Eric ran into the room just as Mrs. Shelley turned to surrender herself to arrest.

"I'll take her," he said after assessing the scene.

"I'll wait on the ambulance," Audra told him.

"I'll wait with you," Cordero said. "Agent Pierce called back. She said the signal ended once we knocked on the door. Both here and at the hospital."

Audra nodded and walked over to the bed where the remains of Dr. Shelley, Sr. rested. She wondered what waited for him on the other side. He'd had a daughter that he neglected and then bought her child from her. It was beyond disgusting. Audra wondered if he'd also had Abigail killed as well. If so, what had he gained from it? Audra wondered if she would ever be able to feel anything other than contempt for the good Doctor.

When the ambulance arrived Audra gave them strict instructions to take the body directly to the hospital morgue. No cutting on the body until she authorized it. She rode with Cordero back through town to the jailhouse.

"What are your thoughts?" Cordero asked.

"Either the serial killer is dead or in custody. But, it doesn't bring any of them back. It won't wake Kendra up. It doesn't mean we'll ever know who killed Abigail."

"You don't think it would be the same person?" Cordero asked.

"I don't know. Her husband is a suspect, but I expect him to come tomorrow. He seemed pretty anxious to talk to me as soon as he finalized some business."

"Some business?" Cordero asked.

"I don't know any specifics but, from what I gathered speaking to Eli, Raj Kapure may have sold something to the government."

Cordero looked pensive. "Something like what?"

"I don't know. Eli admitted to setting Abigail up in his family apartment building and starting an account for her when she was pregnant with Gwyn but he says he's not the one that's been sending money to it every month for the past twenty-five years. And why would he?"

"You think that money was coming from Kapure?"

"Who else? They never divorced, if he thought she were still alive maybe it was some sort of staying married money for immigration. I don't know."

Cordero considered the theory with a nod.

They pulled into the jailhouse parking lot, cast in the darkness of night. Audra noted Yolanda and Eric's car as well as Ethan's truck already parked. She strapped on the energy reader that Agent Pierce concocted in place of her specter shield.

Cordero gave Audra leave to walk in front as they entered the jailhouse. Eric Neil waited for them at front processing and led them to the observation room with a view of three separate interrogation rooms.

"They've been booked, finger printed, and photographed. We split them into separate interrogation rooms. Yolanda is with Mrs. Shelley, Joshua is with the Councilman, and Ethan is baby sitting Principal Shelley."

"Assuming it wasn't Dr. Shelley, who would you put your money on?" Audra asked Eric.

"The Principal," he admitted.

"Me too. Keep an eye on her with the Sheriff," Audra said. "I'll start with the weakest link and move forward."

"Who's the weakest link?" Eric asked.

"Always the politician," Audra answered.

Audra followed Eric from the observation room to the right. They walked a short distance taking the first corner to the right. From there they walked through a short hallway, then turned right once again, entering the hallway containing the doors to the interrogation rooms. Eric pointed her to the first door and he walked to the third one. He gave her a nod before entering the room with Principal Shelley and Ethan.

Audra turned and entered the interrogation room that held Joshua and the Councilman. Brendon Shelley looked no worse for wear as he sat at the table sipping from a mug of coffee.

"Good afternoon, Councilman." Audra sat across from Brendon with her legs crossed and the wrist holding the energy reader on her knee. "I know you're just guilty by association, so please just tell me your side of the story so we can get you out of here."

"Exactly." The politician seemed relieved all at once. "I thought my aunt was helping Margret. Mother was tending to daddy, and honestly, I didn't think she was trying to hurt her."

"So, your aunt took care of Margret while your mother tended to your father? Where were you?"

"Oh dear, I was trying to go over my political campaign. I had thought to run for mayor, but after all of this…" The Councilman shook his head.

"I met your brother, Eli, earlier today."

Brendon looked up in surprise. "How is he?"

"As good as anyone serving five of fifteen in state prison. He's bulked up a bit. Survival of the fittest I guess."

Brendon looked down. "I should go visit him."

"If what Margret insinuated at dinner is true, you probably should."

Brendon sighed.

"Why would he take the rap for you?"

"Who said he took it for me?" Brendon didn't look up. "He confessed. If he didn't do it, he must have had his reasons."

"If he didn't do it, then who did?" Audra wondered, but the Councilman didn't answer. "Thanks Brendon. Sit tight, we'll have this matter resolved soon enough."

Audra stood, indicating that Joshua should follow her. Once they were in the hallway Audra locked the door to the interrogation room.

"Dr. Shelley passed away during the arrests," she whispered. "I think Eli made that confession under duress at the request of who he thought was his father."

"Wow," Joshua breathed.

"Right," Audra agreed. "I'm going to question Mrs. Shelley and the Principal. See if you can gently tell him about the good Doctor and get him to open up."

"You got it," Joshua said.

Audra went to the next room and found Mrs. Shelley red-eyed and wired tight. Yolanda sat next to her patting her back comfortingly.

"Once again, I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Shelley. Brendon has already told us his version of the story. If what you say corroborates his you both will be free to go."

Mrs. Shelley sniffed and took another Kleenex in a hand already holding a dozen of them and blew her nose.

"My husband fell ill Saturday night after the dinner, but he took a turn for the worst Sunday. We called Kenneth to look in on him. He said there wasn't much time. All we could do was make him comfortable. He ordered all of those things, the monitors and what not, moved into the master bedroom the next day. He told us to just prepare ourselves."

"Did Dr. Shelley tell you to about Margret?"

"What about her?"

"That she was being doped up by your sister-in-law."

Mrs. Shelley cleared her throat. "He didn't. I know earlier today the police came to arrest Margret, but… I couldn't leave my husband's side. Lily said she would handle things. The first I've heard about abuse was when you came to the door to arrest me."

Audra nodded. "Mrs. Shelley, one more question. The triplets are not Dr. Shelley's biological children. Do you know who the biological father is?"

"No." Mrs. Shelley blinked and tears spilled down her eyes.

"No idea at all?" Audra asked, confused.

"When I married Kenneth, we knew the chances of him having children were next to zero. But, about a year after we wed, Lillian, Principal Shelley, got pregnant. She was a schoolteacher at the time and I think he was a married man, another teacher. Her parents wanted none of the scandal so they forced her to give the children to Kenneth or move away from Specter. I pretended to be pregnant while she took a leave of absence. We all went to Atlanta and I brought the children back as my own. Lily stayed away for another year. Then she returned to teaching."