persuading him

"Can't I join you? I don't have anything planned this summer. I mean I got kicked out… Can't you take me in for a while as I sought stuff out?" I put on my puppy eyes.

I am one hundred percent sure that he could not say no to that. He has that weakness. I was going to use all my resources right now if it was gonna work.

What did I have now? Me. So I was going to use me for the best results.

"...." He looked a bit hesitant as if he was supposed to say no. At that moment I could tell he was having a war in his mind. "How long?"

Finally! As I said, my puppy eyes always win him.

"Just the summer. I promise I will find a place after."

It was a white lie. I wasn't kicked out, I walked out. I wanted some freedom so I went to the head and threatened if he had any objections he could as well say goodbye to his only successor.

He knew to weigh the pros and cons. To agree and keep his heir or refuse and lose him. The choice was obvious.