
The next morning Kali woke up to her squishy lying on top of her with her face nuzzled into her neck. She smiled and gently moved her over to the side without waking her up. She climbed out of bed and stretched her arms before walking out to the living room. When she saw her shitty old man sitting on the couch Kali pursed her lips and said: "Good morning…."

"Kali…. Can I ask what the relationship is between you and Ausi?" All Might was not stupid he could see the abnormal closeness between the two girls. He just wanted Kali to tell him herself. He was not against it if she had a relationship with the girl as many female heroes also had such relationships. In fact, he would prefer that to her being with some boy.

"Mmm…. I wonder? We kiss and hug. So more kissing friends?" Kali replied. She was still half asleep but she did not think there was any reason to hide it. She had never lied to her shitty old man after all.

"I see… Then my guess is that she will be staying here a lot then. I will need to make sure there are extra things for her use." All Might was happy that Kali was open about it and because of that he was even more accepting of it.

"Thank you!" Kali smiled and walked into the kitchen and began preparing breakfast. It was her normal routine.

It was not until a while later that Asui walked out of the room rubbing her eyes. All Might had to quickly turn away and look hard at the newspaper in front of him as the girl had her shirt stuck in her panties.

"Tsu, your frog printed panties are showing," Kali said with a chuckle causing Asui to blush and quickly fix her shirt. She turned to see All Might staring at his paper and let out a relieved sigh.

"Breakfast will be ready in a bit. Oh by the way, the shitty old man said you can stay as long as you want. He plans to buy you a few things that you can keep here." Kali shouted across the room causing Asui to look over at All Might again and then back at Kali who was in the kitchen.

"Is that okay?" Asui knew this would help her parents a lot because they would have one less mouth to feed. Her brother and sister are old enough to take care of themselves now so she was not really needed much at home.

"As Kali said, you can stay as long as you like. Just make sure you tell your parents. And don't make my daughter cry." All Might said the last part firmly, causing Asui to tilt her head in confusion. But she quickly caught on as she ran out into the kitchen where Kali was.

"Kali, did you tell him that we?" Asui blushed from ear to ear. She knew it would be found out sooner or later but she did not think it would be this soon.

"Mmm… I told him that we kiss and hug. I mean we do. I can't hide things from the shitty old man so it's fine. I never once lied to him and I do not plan to start now. So when he asked me about our relationship I told him." Kali replied as she scrambled the eggs in the pan. "Should I not have?"

"Not it's fine…. But it sounds like we are dating when you explain things like that…." Asui did not mind it but she did not know where their current relationship was.

"Then we will just say we are dating. I had been thinking about it anyway. Friends don't kiss and hug like we do. We are past the friendship threshold and into the dating threshold. So…" Kali turned her head and kissed Asui. "We should just date."

"Mmm…" Asui blushed and looked back over at All Might who was sitting on the couch pretending he just did not see his daughter kissing a girl as if it was the most natural thing in the world. His only thought at this time was that he had to get used to this….


Aizawa stood up in front of the class with a grin on his face. "You will all be preparing for disaster relief from fires to floods. It is rescue training! "

These words alone caused the whole classroom to begin chattering. Asui who was sitting in Kali's lap no longer caring what people thought of her leaned against Kali and said: "I will be right at home in the floods. What about you?"

"Mm… Anything is fine. As long as I am with my squishy I can go anywhere."