Chapter 5

Alexander and his subordinates entered the medium level forest.

When they left every normal beast celebrated with glee and happiness, the monster(Alexander)was gone a after 3 months.

They endured suffering and was even bullied by the three monster that was once considered weak.

Alexander sneezed and said someone must be thinking about me.

The three started to feel sad for the Medium beast they will have to endure hell from now on.

Alexander got excited when a huge 20 meter at was charging after him, he coldly stared at the eyes of the monster but at first it was kind of scared but seeing that the appointment was smaller than him he gained confidence.

Three looked at the monster and scoffed and said among themself foolish

Alexander started to smile more, he grabbed the horns and flipped the monster over unto his back, he hit the monster on it face and The bull like beast started to bleed and cry.

The bull became more furious and tried to overpower his opponent but it was unsuccessful, The grips strength of the person was much stronger than any monster he dealt with.

Alexander grabbed the bull lifting it up and slamming it unto the tree and at impact 200,000 pound tree broke down like some weakass wood.

The beast had died but Alexander didn't stop he kept punching until the bull became unrecognizable.

Some medium beast promised to themself to avoid him but most of them didn't care, medium beast was a prideful ranked beast and they wouldn't be fearful of such puny human but in near future they will regret this decision.

(ding the host has killed a medium beast and leveled up by one point, please check your status)

(Ding, you completed the task of going to the medium level forest, you have received 100 points)

(Ding, you have gained a new task,kill 20 medium beast)

Alexander smiled wickedly and said I have to kill 20 medium beast,that is too easy said Alexander mockingly.

System so my status

(name: Alexander


Sword level:4, abilities: hellfire level 4, controlling monsters and demons lev 4 can control 20 regular beast and 10 medium beast and 5 rare(can get more abilities by leveling up or by completing tasks

Intelligent:13(human IQ is equivalent to 135 IQ)

loyal subordinates:red horned best lev12, four legged beast lev12, tiger like best lev13.




brute strength:810(equivalent of whole army of a normal humans and can easily defeat 20 medium cultivator and is able to defeat upper medium ranked cultivator one time

Righteous or evil: evil

titles: killer of beasts, merciless

occupied areas(The common beast area)


Wife or wives(none)

Hated(99) almost all of people(not including beast)

Loved(1) only one person loves him(sad), The person is trying to find you.

Agility(115) fast as hell boi

Points:150 points

Shop: available to look at or buy things from it

Umm nothing really changed his brute strength changed he can defeat one upper class medium cultivator

Boys it time for you three to hunts make sure to bring dinner.

The three beast nodded and disappeared like lightning.

After the three beast left, he started his daily routine by grabbing the strongest and most tallest tree out of all and pulling it from its roots

right now he was carrying 900,000 pounds and 800 feet tall tree

Pov of the three beasts

They where fast as lightning and killing anything that came near them, Of course they couldn't kill medium beast easily so they hunted in groups.

90 meter tall beast came trying to hunt something

The three walked slowly without making a sound and care fully looked at its weak points in it body, it was like a lion and a tiger mixed together.

It looked terrifying but in front of their boss this monster was nothing.

One of the beast used his skilled to hallucinate Lion tiger beast and it worked,the beast looked confused.

One of the beast used his fire power burning some of the skins and fur, Lion tiger beast yelled in pain.

When the beast opened its mouth, One of the three beast use his water and ice ability to choke the beast, when water entered through the mouth using his skill beast turned the water inside of the mouth hard as steel but it was ice.

The lion tiger beast couldn't breathe and to quicken the death of the beast,the pack attacked the beast together at once and each leveled up three times.

(Ding your three subordinates has leveled up three times by killing a medium beast together)

Alexandra was sweating because he was training for two hour nonstop

The three beast quickly came in front of their master and when he looked at their master they saw that their master was pleased.

My servant you have done a wonderful job,working together is a good thing and you have leveled up three times which is a fast progress.

Remember if you don't reach level 30 at the end of this month, you will receive your punishment.

The ground shook with mighty force and Alexander said look at that,how lucky am I?.

Alexander said to the three beast, you three have no chance of winning against this beast so go and hide.

The three beast disappeared like they were never there.

System tell me how tall is this beast and how much does it weigh and tell me the level of this beast

(This beast is 300 m tall, it weighs 900,000 pounds,level 90, risk of losing high chance)

The beast noticed him and quickly ran toward him trying to attack him but Alexander blocked every single attack that came from the beast.

The beast was fast no it's faster than him, Alexander couldn't see nothing but he felt the wind and the leaves vibrating.

This helped him a lot to locate the beast and to block his attack.

While fighting this beast he was using his bare hands, The beast slowed down and before he could go fast again,Alexander held him down with his brute strength and slammed with all his might on the ground.

Which created a earthquake

Every medium beast was looking at this fight some was stronger than the beast that he was fighting but the Alexander didn't notice that.

But the slam didn't have no effect on the beast and The beast quickly Rose from place.

The beast paw Quickly moved like A thundering lightning, Alexander was unable to see paw and was quickly punched back 40 meter away.

Alexander was bleeding and he coughed up blood,he was not person that feared death but now that he wanted to see lee he feared the death most at the current moment.

Alexander stood up and moved in the speed of lightning and punched the monster which made the monster move only two meter.

Monster Grin at him, it seemed that it was mocking him

He had to use his last option

He held up his hand and called his sword

The beast was confused and so was the other beast but the three beast was not confused but got excited.

They saw a black long sword heading toward them and cutting everything in its way be it medium beast or anything.

Alexander saw the flying sword coming near him and he quickly grabbed it and swinged his sword at the beast,with The wave of black energy the beast the surrounding nature and some other beast was completely demolished into matter.

(Ding the host is losing his Conscience, activating healing help from the system)

(Ding host has leveled up by 20 levels)

(Host has completed The task that was given to the host, 300 points please check your status)