Chapter 7

It has been two years that the Eldest son of the warlord Asim has been missing!

Your royal grand prince why are you trying to find a useless person that has no mana questioned one of the soldiers.

The prince looked at the soldiers and said coldly, shut your mouth and don't question my orders.

The soldiers nodded and didn't say nothing.

The prince spoke again with brilliance, he was 17 when he went missing in some forest even though he had no mana he was extremely strong and had massive amount of brute strength.

For his age he was extremely tall and muscular, he was 7 foot 5 inches tall when he was last spotted.

He had long and curly hair and he is extremely wonderfully handsome.

He looked mean but was not,he is like a baby in a man body.

The Soldier looked motionless because the prince always talked about Alexander like it was his lover or something.

While talking about Alexander the prince always blushed.

Take 100,000 soldiers with you and go and find Alexander.

The soldier bowed and said, yes sire.

This was the eldest prince of the kingdom of levil one of the strongest kingdom of the 5 greatest kingdoms.

His name was the grand prince, Levi

He was 6 foot 3 inches tall and he has a secret crush for someone that was Alexander.

This was a long time ago

9 years ago he met Alexander

At first, he didn't like Alexander at all because he didn't of any mana and because of that he considered him weak even though he was extremely strong without mana

Levi wanna play with me said Alexander excited

Levi looked at him like he was stupid, why should I play with some that has no mana.

Alexander said nothing but he was depressed and turned around to leave

Levi looked at Alexander leaving but said nothing

Alexander was a person that trained a lot even when he was young He faced many discrimination and was called many names even though The people that was calling him names and calling him weak they were also weak.

but when other ran saving their own life,Alexander was one that protected me.

2 years after first time Meeting Alexander

Many strong demons attacked the kingdom of levil these demons where medium demons and could easily defeat any medium soldier.

The medium soldiers all ran Savings their own life and leaving him behind between numerous medium demons.

Levi was 12 when these things happened

Levi tried to use his mana but his power had no effect on the demon.

He was crying and screaming for help but no one came for his rescue

But when he saw that the demon is going to kill him he closed his eyes but nothing happened but rather he heard a bang.

When he opened his eyes he saw the demon was Smashed to the point where it can't be recognized.

He saw a tall person smiling, it has been a long time grand prince.

Levi stood at spot shocked, this person was Alexander that was considered weak.


What is this feeling

He stood their watching Alexander killing medium level monster like they where some ants

The idea of Alexander being weak was completely gone and replaced with something more than that.

Current time

Levi looked toward the sky and said, I have to find you.

In the medium level forests you can here the screams of a Terrifying monsters.

The monster looked helpless and almost looked like asking Alexander to spare his life.

rather than sparing you it be more fun for me to kill you laughed Alexander.

Alexander punched the monster making the monster fly towards the trees.

It looked like the whole earth Vibrated because of Alexander punch

The leopard like beast coughed out blood and he had bruises all over his body made by Alexander,it still had life but it was nearing death

This monster is to weak said Alexander pissed

Alexander ones more punched the monster killing it

The three generals just stood there just watching their master killing high medium monster and calling it weak for them this monster was not weak.

Of course they can kill it in team but not alone they were destined to die if they did.

You three there is five demon heading toward us go and kill them.

They three nodded in Union and dispersed like shadow of death .

System show my status



Sword level:9,abilities: hellfire level 6,controlling monsters and demons lev 8,can control 40regular beast and 17 medium beast and 6rare(can get more abilities by leveling up or by completing tasks

Intelligent:13(human IQ is equivalent to 135 IQ)

loyal subordinates:red horned best lev38(Ariel), four legged beast lev36(ares), tiger like best lev37(Hades)




brute strength:13,000(equivalent of whole army of a normal humans and can easily defeat 80 medium cultivator and is able to defeat 25 upper medium ranked cultivator and 10 high raked cultivator

Righteous or evil: evil

titles: killer of beasts, merciless

occupied areas(The common beast area)


Wife or wives(none)

Hated(99) almost all of people(not including beast)

Loved(1) only one person loves him(sad), The person is trying to find you.

Agility(115) fast as hell boi

Points:730 points

Shop: available to look at or buy things from it

The three generals looked at the five demons these where 5 medium level demon.

Ares go to right and kill the other two demons

Ares looked pissed and said to hades who are you to order me?

It not about ordering,it's about team work said Hades calmly

Aerial looked at Hades and Ares

Stop being a child and stop fighting with each other for no reasons at all.

Get ready these demons are attacking us

Aerial quickly moved to the side and let Hades kill the monster with his sword.

The monster screamed in agony and pain and which made demon to be caution.

Aries looked around and saw the two monster trying to attack Ariel and Hedes.

while spinning his sword he quickly moved like the speed of lightning quickly cutting the monsters in half.

Pay attention you two said Aries annoyed.

Hedes and Ariel nodded and said two more demons to kill.

Fire magic said Ariel which killed of the two demons.

these five monsters was to weak for them though Ariel.

They quickly came before Alexander who sitting on a rock and said With outmost respect

We have killed the five demons master.

Alexander coldly nodded and said I saw a village 30 miles from here we will go there and occupy the village understood?.

We understand master