Chapter 15

Ariel was standing amongst the four spys and coldly looked at all of them.

one was spys suddenly moved in a frightening speed but that speed had no effect on Ariel.

Ariel grabbed the leg of the spy that was moving faster then speed of sound and slammed him unto the ground.

he put his leg on the spy that was thrown to the ground and smirked and said,all of you are extremely weak let me show you the Pinnacle of real power!.

Ariel disappeared in thin air and reappeared like a lightning which shocked the enemy before they could react, the body of one of their comrade fell upon unto the ground.

the body of the person that died had many cuts and the bloodstream that came russing as a ocean was suddenly dried up by a mysterious power.

they didn't know what happen but now they knew that they had fucked up real bad.

Earl who was enjoying the candy and also looking at these people dieing didn't feel any sympathy for them.

a while ago they tried to rape him but failed because of his general or husband blushed earl.

the two spy slammed their heads on the ground and tried to ask for forgiveness but Ariel who had no mercy for enemy killed them.

their heads rolled down on the ground.

Ariel looked at earl who was enjoying his candy and said calmly,should I accompany you through this mission? and I will also be able to meet my brothers.

Earl nodded

Ariel picked up the mask of earl and calmly give it back to him and said,don't take your mask while being in a mission because you look to much like a girl and anyone will be attracted by your appearance.

Earl became sad and said with a sad voice,sorry I will not make the same mistake.

Ariel heart soften and said,no need to be sorry it not even your fault.

earl became surprised because he was being carried by Ariel,his face became red as tomato because this was to intimate and started to imagine what they should do In the future.

Ariel who was carrying earl didn't know what this little devil was thinking,if he did knew what earl was thinking he would have committed suicide.

Ariel sat down on the horse while he was still holding earl and started to travel.

The horse had became fast because of Ariel who had power to make anything do anything he wanted.

this power was given by has master Alexander who is the incarnation of the son of the warGod.

Earl who was being held like a girl by his general started to ask questions which made Ariel blood boil but kept in control.

can you answer my question about Alexander the warlord asked Earl.

Ariel stayed silent but being annoyed by earl started to speak.

earl has heard many things about Alexander and became curious about him and suddenly he heard his general speak with a majestic tone.

Of you seen Master Alexander asked Ariel who was focused on clearing the path and avoiding monsters and beasts.

No answered Earl

Ariel smiled and said,i and my other two brothers has been with master Alexander since when we were weaker then ants.

earl puffed his chest and said,I can't imagine my husband and other general being weak.

Ariel couldn't understand why this child was so strange and weird compared to other because his soldiers always called him general but this little kid calls him his husband.

what does husband mean questioned Ariel but he concluded it must mean similar to that of a general.

he looked at earl and smiled

strange little cute cat

Ariel smiled and said,your husband and other generals was extremely weak but our lord was merciful and trained us.

Alexander is a person that has no limits he is like a ocean forever flowing with power and authority.

earl became curious and said,how does our governor look like.

he has a mainly appearance and has no woman like face.

he has lean and buff muscles but not that much that it looks like he is a beast.

(Alexander does not look like a bodybuilder but a lean and buff athletic person I will post a example pic)

he wears a golden garment that has a pattern of a dragon.

he seems detached from this world but at the same time he seems attached to this world.

his eyes are blue as ocean that looked like it was filled with sadness and his long hair that reaches his knees.

his skin is clear and his face is perfectly shaped.

his height is that of the gods great and tall.

he looks like a devil and a holy being,his powers are matchless and beyond comprehension.

able to do what ever he likes,he Is indeed the incarnation of the son of the warGod.

he is full of mysteries and has no Mercy for anyone be it his own disciple.

earl kept praising the glory of his lord that he didn't even notice that earl was softly sleeping on his lap.

earl stoped talking about his lord and softly held earl near him he didn't understand this weird feeling that he got from this child but he liked it.

his two brothers was already gathered on a place that was isolated from the ten camp.

Hades and area looked at Ariel and the young boy and started to scoff and said,you seem quite protective.

Hades suddenly appeared in front of Ariel and said,don't tell me that you have a feeling's for this human being.

Ariel dismissed Hades and said,I will be staying in this camp and this human being is staying with me.

Ares looked at Ariel and said,you know what master has told us.

Ariel coldly looked at Ares and said,I know.

brothers I promise that I will not catch feelings for this human being said while gently placing him unto the side bed inside of the tent.

hades and area looked at this scene and said,look we don't care if you like this human being but this boy can become a burden for us and the Lord Alexander plan to conquer this whole planet.

Ariel looked at them coldly and said,I don't have any feelings for this boy.

Ariel spoke coldly

we will attack one of the ten camp and distract them and suddenly attack the other camp while they try to find us but before we do this we have to work carefully.

hades and area nodded and disappeared.

Ariel looked at earl and smiled at how earl was sleeping like a cat

author here

you'll be wandering why I started to describe how Alexander looks because I forgot to describe him on the earlier chapters.

I mean I did kinda describe him by his action but not his appearance.

earl is 21 years old and Ariel is 23 year old