Fuel Depot Part 1

It is a bright sunny and warm day; the sun is beaming. Hakon waits in his room within the Tesero camp. The camp has several unpainted wooden huts for officers as well as multiple tents for recruits. Several guards patrol the outskirts of the facility.

The room is in a room with unpainted wooden wall beige drawers, a beige desk that has a black leather chair, and a grey bed. The officer sits in his chair and shuffles through pictures of his family. Hakon shuffles down to one page and looks at his great grandfather. Major Fu-Chae, he was a bold man. Someone who lived on principal as he passionately fought for his nation.

Fu-Chae lived a long life and had seen the Fire Nation before Sozin took over. When Sozin switched and entered the war effort Fu-Chae had doubts and disagreements with Sozin's direction. Still, he assisted them and loyally served his nation. When the time came that the Air Nomads were ordered to be wiped out, the captain became gravely ill. Hakon's grandfather Ren later faithfully served the Fire Nation and had many successful campaigns against his enemies.

Each era brought a different challenge for Fire Nation leaders and servants. Still Hakon wonders what his purpose is, in the grand scheme of things. Alev pops her head into the hut. Her hazel eyes and light brown hair shine as she glances at the colonel. Hakon: "Alev, you look..."

Alev finishes his answer, "Stunning."

Hakon rolls his eyes, "I knew you would say that."

Alev: "Is there really any other answer?"

Hakon: "Umm." Alev gives Hakon a death stare. Hakon cheeses, "Of course not."

Alev smiles, "Good." Alev looks at Hakon's desk, "Scrolling through family pictures."

Hakon responds, "Being nosy."

Alev: "Yeah, it's not like you can stop me."

Hakon sighs. Alev: "Are you looking at the pictures for inspiration? Your grandfather looked pretty handsome, old school, not the best dresser but."

Hakon asks, "But?"

Alev: "But you didn't seem to inherent those looks."

Hakon: "How did I know this would turn into a roast?"

Alev: "Oh really, you saw that coming? Good foresight colonel."

Hakon: "But honestly I was thinking, we have such big shoes to fill with our ancestors. No matter what side they were on, they all stood behind their nation. They made decisions with a unified Empire or Nation. They were never scrapping on the sidelines like scavengers."

Alev looks at him curiously, "So you think we're scavengers?"

Hakon: "I'm just saying it's never been like this."

Alev lays her golden fingernails on Hakon's desk, "Well, times have changed but if you dig back far enough in history, I'm sure you'll find a different answer. Nothing is new under the sun. It takes strength to fight when you don't have an entire nation behind you, but when we are finished with our work we will be remembered. And I'd rather be remembered than rot in a cell!" Alev stomps the group while finishing her statement.

Hakon shakes his head, "Well put, so why did you come here Alev? Or do you really enjoy my so much that you just came to say hi?"

Alev: "To say hi? What you think there is an angle to everything I do?"

Hakon: "In that case, it was good to see you. But I have some planning to do."

Alev: "Maybe you should ignore that planning and have some fun. Lighten up."

Hakon: "How do you have fun?"

Alev: "Sometimes I just get together and talk with friends. You should meet some of my friends and stop being such a loner."

Hakon: "I have a couple of friends, we do things every now and then. I've just been reflecting a lot more recently."

Alev: "I'll show you how to have REAL FUN. No worries. But there is actually a reason I came. General Hepeski has decided to visit this branch. It is a surprise because he schedule to come at the last minute and a messenger that was looking for us was captured by a national patrol. Captain Bundi would have done it, but I insisted."

Hakon: "You just had to see me."

Alev: "I decided to entertain you. I'm sure you get tired of those same old boring intros."

Hakon: "Say Alev, what ever happened to your loyal friend Zuri. You two were like sisters. How did the split happen?"

Alev: "She left my unit and didn't want to commit to the Remnant. More importantly, she left ME! Her childhood friend. In the end, she was weak and feint-hearted. Not willing to truly commit to anything. She claimed we were unnecessarily fighting, killing fellow nationalists, and putting our followers in danger."

Hakon: "Go figure, I understand why she thinks that. But, everything starts with honor and principle. Why give up on Ozai? Why give up on our original leaders? Why support and harbor traitors? Zuko didn't legitimately win over our nation through an election or even through an Angi Kai against our true leader. Instead, he fought his mentally unstable sister who was only our second-in-command and the Avatar didn't win fair-and-square. He had an entire collection of past Avatars fighting with him. Why should we acknowledge that as honorable and why should we let others bully us into submission?"

Alev: "And life has always been competitive. No matter how many Avatars emerged equality was never real. Some people have always been poorer than others. Some nations have been more successful and powerful. It's natural and only the strongest will thrive. I can't get behind a weak leader like Zuko who focuses on enabling the pitiful, sapping the strength of the strong, and putting the interest of other cultures over our own. He is literally giving the Earth Kingdom tools to pass us up and the Water Tribe tools to rival us."

Alev continues, "If they want to get there, they better earn it. Through their own dominance, brilliance, and ability! We don't need to give them anything back! If they want it, they should take it from us. And if they can't then that's just too bad. Because in the Fire Nation Empire we would have still improved the people's lives in all nations. We also would have justly rewarded our citizens for the ones who greatly created this future and put ourselves at the top because we earned it. The Avatars always wanted to stop what was destined, so we will need to find a way to deal with Aang just as Sozin dealt with Roku. And Azula also took Aang out for good."

Hakon: "They will always come back to fight us another generation, but as long as they perish it could really buy us time. And then we'll just have to keep taking them out until we can find a spiritual expert who can destroy them for good."

Alev: "Imagine that? With no Avatar to hold us back our nation would be UNRIVALED. We are the most powerful people in the world! The other nations should be thanking us for allowing them to exist."

The Big Meeting

Alev, Hakon, Kedo, Ronin, and several other officers arrive in a massive meeting room. The room has two red Fire Nation banners on the left and right walls. The walls are light grey in color, the ceiling is tan, and the floor is brown.

While it was traditional for the Fire Nation soldiers to wear dark red armor with light red markings and the remnant forces wear crimson red armor with gingerbread brown markings. General Hepeski has dark brown hair, a full heard, yellow skin, medium ears, a sturdy forehead, and a large nose. A Fire Nation soldier lays out a large map across the table.

General Hepeski: "Our enemies have a major fuel depot located on the coastal town of Berani. Here fuel for naval ships, airships, tanks, and commercial assets are transferred. What I love about this facility is that its protection is only moderate. That fool Jugotai (the Facility's Commander) focuses more on quick transport of fuel rather than security because he is more concerned with profits than defense and he really let the current 'state of peace' get to his head."

Alev comments, "After we hit this, we can rescue Ozai. That would make our enemies quiver and would show everyone that the remnant is in full effect! Capable of challenging the nation's full might."

Fire Nation captain: "Ha, you're insane Alev! Too much of the public has grown weary of fighting. Especially with the chaos the Disciples of Justice caused!" The captain that counters is Captain Wujo. Wujo has curly black hair, thin eyebrows, light yellow skin, hickory brown eyes, small lips, and a thin nose.

Alev: "When Ozai gets his powers back they will quickly fall in line and more will step when they realize this is a battle we can WIN. Not only are we a threat, Ozai changes the game completely."

General Hepeski looks at Alev, "Alev, I remember hearing about your little plan to bring back Ozai. For now, I cannot permit such an attack. It is too risky."

Alev retorts, "Such a risk is necessary. If we get Ozai his bending back, we will be a huge threat again!"

Hepeski slams his desk, "I will NOT risk our organization based on conspiracy theories and hallucinations. If Eyre wants to reunite his army good. But for now, we need to avoid taking excessive heat on our enemies. I have another plan that is big. It will cripple the Zuko administration's regional war capacity and disorient its national efforts in the short run. This will give us time to plan our next strike."

Hepeski continues, "But if we strike too soon, we could get too much attention from an angry Fire Nation administration that will seek to destroy us all. That will maximize its military force. A hit like this is just enough to throw our enemies off and hurt them then to turn around and pull out. That damage will not certainly motivate them to fully commit to fighting us, but it will weaken their military in the time being. Granting us enough time to make another plan."

Wujo: "Not to mention Ozai lost to Aang? Why are we still praising him? He couldn't beat a twelve-year-old."

Hepeski yells, "Wujo ENOUGH!! And experts say Aang was closer to thirteen during that fight. Besides the avatar is no ordinary being and I will NOT have someone disrespect the rightful Firelord like that."

Wujo: "Well I'm just saying, obviously someone else will need to rise up later with his bending gone."

Hakon: "Well, I think we should get going. Leave it to my unit, I will send a detachment of the 79th Lockdown Regiment to clear them out."

Alev asks, "What ever happened with the remains of the Shockwave Battalion?!" Alev is referring to her old unit.

Hakon: "I can answer that. Most survivors in that unit were captured. A third was wiped out during the battle, which I'm sure you somewhat recall that. About a fifth were knocked out or injured during the fighting which made them easy to capture later."

Hepeski adds, "And if you remember Alev all of that happened because you became a leader of your own region. You were too flashy, too bold. After a series of wins and victories you quickly brought a massive army against you led by General Mak himself. It was only a matter of time before you were taken."

Alev: "And you forget my enemies outnumbered us ten to one."

Wujo: "Experts say that is debatable. Might have only been eight to one."

Alev: "The range was between eight and twelve to one. I know you aren't that bright Wujo, but the middle ground between those numbers is ten. Despite that number difference, we took out half of the enemy unit. Only reason they captured us is they had us cornered and trapped."

Wujo: "Well you never were much of a strategist. Your gameplan always was, charge."

Alev: "Yet my troopers fought well enough to always outperform your unit. And I taught them other tricks as well that you seem to have forgotten."

Hepeski: "Save the back and forth for another encounter but don't waste MY time. Hakon will go on this mission, but you may also accompany him Alev. You are also free to bring a team of any other specific members of your choice. After this attack you all will report to me on our projects (the General looks at other officers) meeting adjourned."

Memorable Visit

In Berani, most of the surface consists of a mix of sand and dirt that has a light brown color. The islands climate is special because it has semi-desert qualities. Yellow-green bushes are scattered throughout the area as well as short trees with long scattered leaves. The homes and buildings mainly consist of two-story cream-colored structures with red markings to signify their Fire Nation status.

It is midday and the sky is light blue with a moderate mixture of light grey clouds dispersed throughout the sky. It is relatively cooler than usual, being around sixty-two degrees. A steady breeze flows and a moderate amount of villagers are outside walking, mingling, and shopping.

Most citizens dress relatively modestly in this town. Boots are popular, robes are common, and hats are a popular clothing accessory in Berani. Many of the young women in this town rock dual ponytails. Three Fire Nation troopers stand in the middle of a road. One is a swordsman with a black goatee, another has curly light brown hair and fair skin (firebender), and the other has a spear strapped to his back.

The Fire Nation troopers have dark red armor with light red markings. They also wear helmets that don't cover their faces. Swordsman: "Oh look, the 31st marines are coming in."

Firebender: "No way! The 31st are here?"

Swordsman: "Yeah, I heard their on a casual patrol." Three 31st marines walk past them. These marines often wore masks that concealed their faces under their helmets before to instill fear. But now, with Zuko's new administration they are not wearing masks under their helmets to foster more trust between them and the public.

31st helmets are black in color with red markings at the bottom left and right ends. Their helmets once had horn-like red extensions, but they now have been removed from their designs. Their armor is primarily dark red but also has light red markings. Their armor also includes some dark grey sleeves which is different from the standard light grey sleeves most troopers have.

Their armor is particularly well clean and shiny. Their commanding officer, Macai always made it a major priority to make their armor look exceptional during non-combat and other formal duties. The other troopers are in awe with how well put together the 31st shock troopers look.

Three notable 31st members advance across the road. Sonna arrives with a bow strapped to her back. Sonna has long brown hair, light skin, dreamy brown eyes, a thin frame, and a beautiful smile. She is the best archer in the 31st. Dade walks beside Sonna. He has dark brown skin, black wavy hair, a slim yet fit build, and a sword strapped to his utility belt. Irina has a long combat spear, black slick hair, small lips, a small nose, pale skin that is beginning to tan, and deep brown eyes.

Dade: "So I wonder if anything is worth seeing in this town."

Sonna: "They have a famous prayer temple here. Where the legendary prophet Izon finished his pilgrimage and spent the later days of his life. Izon was dedicated to a life of service and helping less fortunate people."

Irina looks at the duo, "Do I look like I'm more seasoned now?"

Dade: "Irina, you'll always look like a twelve-year-old to me."

Irina frowns. Sonna: "Don't take him seriously, he's just messing around. Right?" Sonna elbows Dade's right shoulder.

Dade: "Ah, right!"

Meanwhile Kanna talks with two of her friends Desan and Gammal. Desan has caramel eyes, light yellow skin, dark brown hair, and sideburns. Desan is a known for being a great swordsman but he also has the ability to firebender. Similar to Kedo, he doesn't rely on it because it isn't his greatest strength. Desan was below average when it came to his bending skills but above average as a duelist. It ended up working out for him as he progressively made more of a name for himself on the battlefield.

Kanna has medium length light brown hair that has been dyed blonde with yellow ink. Her skin is light, body thin yet slightly tall, her arms lanky giving her slightly greater reach than most women, thin eyebrows, small hazel eyes, her face graceful but less innocent looking than it was before Kett's death; now she looks slightly more mature than before. Kanna has a simplistic beauty.

Gammal didn't have that choice, he was born without the ability to firebend. Gammal has thick dark brown hair, olive skin, brown eyes, thin eyebrows, and scattered specs of hair throughout his lower face. Gammal looks at Desan and opens up a novel, "Man, I love this story! It is insane."

Kanna asks, "What is it about?"

Gammal: "A story about a man who delivered eggs for a living. He hated his life, but it is hilarious. And overtime he looks to do something to make it more meaningful. So, he starts a new business with a friend selling making music. It's wild."

Desan: "Say Kanna when did you dye your hair?"

Kanna: "Just a couple of days ago. How does it look?"

Desan looks at Gammal and Gammal glances back at him. "It looks great. You really rock it and that is a rare hair color."

Kanna: "I noticed more women in the town Finjago try different hairstyles. They have experimented with the colors. Red, dark blue, and yellow are pretty popular. I had to try it for myself. Just for a couple of months, I hear it is not healthy to do it too long." Kanna picks up a cup of hot tea and sips it.

Gammal: "What type of tea is that?"

Kanna: "White tea with a little honey."

Desan: "Hmm, that sounds refreshing but I prefer Black tea. With orgeat syrup mixed in."

A confident, somewhat elegant, and powerful voice sparks behind them, "Well isn't this a surprise." The trio turns and notices Macai, commander of the 31st company with Princess Azula at his side. Macai has golden brown skin, black wavy hair, hazel eyes, and a shredded psyche for a slim body. Azula has dark brown hair (that is often black but lightens when exposed to warmer climates), fair skin, gold eyes, and an elegant dark red uniform with a black belt. Macai is wearing a black shirt and dark red pants with a gold belt.

Kanna smiles, "You both seem to be dressed somewhat differently than normal."

Azula: "A bit more casually."

Gammal: "Yeah you both are supposed to be on vacation, why did you come here?"

Macai: "Well, the Princess only got to see you all during a couple of missions against the Disciples of Justice. Tensions were high and nothing was normal for anyone. I wanted her to have a look at how we usually operate on our off time."

Desan: "Well yeah, we are pretty cool. We known how to get loose and have some fun. Unlike some of the boring army units."

Macai teases, "I'm still trying to teach Azula to have a little more fun."

Azula counters, "Oh Macai stop it! You know I'm the most fun. I'm the one who always thought outside of the box with creative adventures. The only issue was I used to go off the deep end and times and I'll admit I was a bit insecure."

Gammal: "Azula's admitting her flaws, who is this?"

Azula: "I don't even know you."

Gammal chuckles, "But word travels fast in this nation."

Azula: "Tread lightly, my fists travel faster." Gammal gulps and Azula laughs.

Macai: "Don't worry, she'll just pulling your chain."

Gammal: "You seem to trust her a bit more than I do."

Desan warns, "Speak out at your own risk."

Azula confirms, "Listen to your friend. What was your name again?"

Gammal grins, "Gammal, this is Desan."

Azula: "I think I'm vaguely familiar with him. Just not you."

Gammal: "I'm not offended."

Azula: "I never said you should be."

Kanna: "Here we go."

Macai: "She's actually acting good. Her banter will never go but she isn't lashing out."

Azula nods, "I've become a master of self-control. I merely verbally roast people for fun."

Macai: "And that fear you have is just in your mind."

Gammal: "Who says I'm afraid?"

Kanna: "You should be."

Gammal: "I've stood in the face several days of my life without the power to bend to defend myself. I should have been dead months ago, on paper. But I'm still breathing. Partially luck, but a lot had to do with this wonderful unit I have with me. These troops are my family."

Macai replies, "And suddenly Gammal has made a very wholesome comment. Come here!" Macai hugs Gammal.

Kanna: "This man and his constant hug fests."

Azula: "Tell me about it."

Kanna asks, "Do you get sick of it?"

Azula: "For a moment I do, but the minute he stops I miss it."

Desan looks at Gammal, "Buddy take notes, this is how you reach a woman's heart. Everything starts with a hug."

Kanna: "Do not take his advice Gammal, hugs have to be used correctly. If you just hug a random woman on the street, you might get beaten up."

Gammal: "Well, I guess if the woman is like half of the women in this unit, I'd have to admit that is a possibility."

Desan corrects his friend, "Probability."

Gammal blurts, "Hey! POSSIBILITY, don't undermine my valor!" Meanwhile as the 31st converses with each other and Azula, Remnant forces gather for a strike at the fuel depot.

Berani Outskirts

Hakon waits with his squad of two firebenders and three guards that have spears, short swords, and rectangular shields. Ronin prepares for combat with three swordsmen, two spear warriors (one male and one female), Cafri, a firebender, and Kedo. Hakon is wearing his full battle armor, which is crimson red, black, and silver.

Around another thirty troopers wait on reserve, including Gendall. Seconds later Alev arrives in her black battle armor. Alev's armor has red, purple, dark pink, and orange markings on it as well as gold wrist gauntlets and slim gold boots. Hakon tilts his head and notices four firebenders emerge beside her.

These firebenders don't look like most remnant troopers. Their armor is primarily scarlet red, with wine red and orange markings that resemble flames. The warriors also have wine and scarlet red masks with square shaped visors. Behind them are two archers in sangria purple and bright red uniforms with brown bows and silver arrows. The archers have yellow masks.

Hakon: "I see you brought company, but I thought this was a fight, not a fashion show."

Alev rolls her eyes, "They are meant to instill fear and you will see they are quite effective."

Cafri asks, "What do you call them?"

Alev: "Incineration troopers and phantom archers."

Hakon: "Hmm, let's see if they live up to their names."

Alev: "No one ever questioned the Intel Troopers."

Hakon: "Because they were appointed by the Fire Nation administration."

Alev: "And I personally picked these warriors."

Hakon: "Exactly."

Alev: "Partially for their loyalty, but partially for their ruthlessness and the fact that they ask little questions. I only pick the toughest soldiers, you should know my standards are high. I don't roll with losers!"

Hakon: "We will see Alev. How did you find them anyway? I don't remember assigning you personal troopers."

Alev gloats, "Have you forgotten I have my own unit? I also have my own fans. Several loyal members of my unit sought me out after they realized I escaped. Now they are here."

Hakon: "Aren't you popular." Hakon signals for the teams to move into position. Several supplies and fuel canisters are loaded by workers in the distance. The workers have black uniforms. Several newer tractor-like machines are driven to ship fuel canisters. Fire Nation Army troopers patrol the pathway and five troopers watch the process from an elevated beige platform.

Two swordsmen, two firebenders, and an archer can be viewed at the top of the platform. On the ground, a swordsman sergeant, spearman, and firebender can be seen. Hakon motions for his team to engage the front entrance.

Hakon rolls forward and shoots a beam of cherry red and white fire into the archer's chest. The man screams and falls off the balcony. Two firebenders leap down the platform while the other warriors on the ground rush toward Hakon. The colonel smiles that his enemies so easily pursue him. The firebenders simultaneously punch rods of orange flames at the officer.

Hakon leaps backward and flips behind three emerging shield-wielding guards. The firebenders swiftly punch four orange flames at the guards but the block shots with their shields. Two of them toss their spears into the firebenders. Firebender: "Awwwwhhhh!!" The guards switch to short swords and charge before cutting down two army swordsmen ahead of them.

Hakon launches himself onto the platform. A swordsman charges at his left flank, another moves across his right flank, and firebender hops a few feet ahead of him. Hakon blasts the left duelist off the platform with a ray of light red fire. Seconds later he swiftly pops two fireballs into the right swordman's chest. The man hits the balcony hard and his blade flies out of his hand.

The firebender ahead of him punches a stream of orange and yellow fire at Hakon. The young warrior rolls right and shoots his own beam of red and white fire into his opponent, blasting the man off the structure. A remnant guard on the lower platform blocks a blow from an army spearman with his shield before rushing forward and lunging his blade into the man's lower chest.

A firebender shoots a flame at a guard but the man blocks the shot with his shield while another guard rushes the firebender and slams his gauntlet into the man's nose. Blood gushes from the trooper's nostrils as he falls and the guard proceeds to slam his blade into the man's stomach.

On the left flank of the fuel depot three army swordsmen supervise workers. Two firebenders walk alongside them. On the balcony above, three archers watch over their allies. Two arrows suddenly fly into the face of the right archer and the chest of the left one. The third archer takes aim at his opponents but Alev swiftly hurls a large cascade of light orange and yellow fire into the sharpshooter. The man is blown to bits.

The workers immediately scream and flee the scene as the army soldiers remain calm. Alev signals for two of the incineration troopers to stay with the archers while she launches herself in the air onto the balcony. One army firebender kicks a flame at Alev and another pops a rectangle of flames at her. Alev pulls her hands down and intercepts the shots by raising two walls of bright fire in front of her. Alev extends her arms and launches the walls at her opponents.

One firebender jumps out of the way but the other is too slow. A loud pop is heard as the man is dispatched and his body tumbles. The man briefly shakes, yells, and struggles before he is no more. The other firebender rebounds and shoots a beam of orange flames at the major. Alev flips right as two incineration troopers leap on her platform beside her. One swiftly blasts the army bender off the balcony with a fireball.

On the ground, two arrows fly into two swordsmen. The remaining swordsman hides behind a crate while two firebenders look to engage the incineration troopers. The firebenders are quickly blasted by the incineration troopers. The swordsman begins to shake and drops his weapon as he trembles in fear. The man scrambles back to his feet and shouts, "Help! Help! We need back up!"

On the right flank, two swordsmen, two firebenders, and a spearman stand guard. They suddenly hear a siren. Swordsman: "You hear that?"

Army Spearman: "We're under attack, it must be Remnant troops! Get ready!" On the upper platform two archers and a swordsman keep watch.

Swordsman: "Stay frosty, keep an eye out for-." Ronin launches himself onto the balcony.

An archer panics, "Where did he come from?!"

Archer two: "Shut up! Just aim!"

The swordsman boldly declares, "I'll take him!" As the warrior runs after Ronin and lunges at him with a vertical strike Ronin rotates his body left and shoves the soldier off the balcony. The swordsman screams, "Guuuuaaahaa!" The man's body painfully hits the ground below as he breaks his right arm and left knee cap.

One of the archers winces and Ronin takes advantage of the hesitation by pumping flames at both of his opponents. One of the archers fires back with a metal arrow but Ronin swiftly spins right as he barely avoids it. As Ronin turns he notices both of the archers are down and steam is flowing from their uniforms.

The captain mutters to himself, "That was a close one." On the ground two remnant swordsmen and two spearmen charge. Two army swordsmen and a spearman move to engage them. Kedo looks up and notices another archer preparing to take a shot at Ronin from an unexpected angle. Kedo rapidly pulls his arrow back and engulfs it with fire. A second later, he launches the projectile and blows the archer away.

Ronin looks back and salutes his long time friend. A firebender blasts a remnant firebender. Cafri instinctively counters and launches his own flame into the bender's chest. A remnant trooper vertically cuts down an army swordsman while another army swordsman diagonally slashes a remnant warrior. Seconds later, a remnant spear warrior slams her blade into the trooper's chest.

An army firebender kicks a fireball into a remnant spearman's face. Kedo proceeds to launch a fiery arrow in the man's chest while Cafri hurls a gust of orange fire into the remaining army spear soldier. Cafri takes a breath in relief as he realizes his enemies are down.

At the front flank Hakon looks around in relief as he notices the enemies around him are dispatched. Hakon raises his hand, "Bring in the reserve unit, but only half of them." Fifteen remnant troopers emerge with around five carriages behind them. The carriages are driven by dark brown leopardmules. These creatures are fast and strong. Capable of swiftly taking supplies and escaping.

Hakon commands, "Quickly, load some of the crates into the carriages. We could use some of the extra supplies. Then we will blow this joint to the ground." On the right flank, several 31st shock troopers move from outside the facility to engage. They include three swordsmen, a spearman, an archer, and a firebender. One of Alev's phantom archer's immediately launches an arrow into the 31st archer's neck.

Seconds later a tank emerges behind the squad and shoots a long beam of flames into the phantom archer, blasting him to pieces. An incineration trooper leaps right as he narrowly avoids the explosion. On the left flank, seven 31st troopers advance (two swordsmen, three spearmen, and two firebenders).

Hakon hears the commotion, "Quickly get those mules out of here before that tank takes them out! Tell Alev and Ronin to get out of there. Have some of our men reinforce them and buy some time for our most valuable troopers to get out." A few remnant troopers rush to the right and left flanks to assist their allies and 31st troopers begin to clash with them.

An incendiary trooper on the lower right flank blasts a 31st swordsman with a swirl of fire. As a 31st spearman guts a remnant swordsman ahead of him and a 31st firbender kicks a beam of orange fire into the remaining phantom archer. Alev looks down as two of her incineration troopers stand beside her, "Good job troopers, now let's clean out those marines."

Alev hears a gust of fire, but it sounds more gracefully than normal. Something about it is more precise and not wasting an unnecessary around of energy. Alev turns and sees Azula fly down from a gust of blue fire as he lands just three ahead of the remnant major.

The sky begins to change as the sun starts to set. It is a mixture of pink, light orange, and light blue. Smoke flows in the air from battle damage in the nearby fields. Alev looks forward at the legendary Fire Nation Princess and prodigy. Alev: "Princess Azula, it is an honor. I've heard a lot about you."

Azula: "Alev, your reputation proceeds you. Though it pales in comparison to mine and I know that kills you inside. These days, it wouldn't bother me but in my past, I know it would have eaten me up inside to know someone else is so much more relevant than I."

Alev: "Ah, we are a bit alike aren't we. We both were talented, ambitious, but one thing clearly separates us."

Azula: "It is my intelligence, you were never a great strategist. All your successes come from brute force at the cost of some of the troops who served you." Azula looks at the incineration troopers, "If I were either of you I'd leave, her ego is not worth dying over."

Alev chuckles, "Nice try, but these are two of my most loyal warriors."

Azula: "They would gladly leave you to serve me."

Alev hisses, "Perhaps they would have before you faltered. The big difference between the two of us, is I never back down. When I commit to something, I remain fully committed."

Azula: "Again, because I'm smarter than you."

Alev: "No, because I'm more ruthless than you. I give it my all every fight, I'm willing to do what no one else will. Don't compare yourself to your weak brother who never had the backbone to please his father."

Azula warns, "Don't ever mention my brother. Only I can scold him."

Alev: "Everyone used to taunt him and you never had a problem with it before. Funny how you suddenly choose to be a hero now. Now you care? But you never did when it counted. Look how you jumped ship to stay with the winning side. You call that smart? Maybe it is, but I call it weak. I'll stand with my cause even if the whole world comes down crumbling around us."

Azula: "You don't know the meaning of heart. I got up and never gave up when my entire life went crashing down before my eyes. Don't act like you ever tasted my level of fame and pressure. At one moment I lost everything, absolutely everything except my family's love. That is what kept me together and by family, I mean blood and family in spirit."

Alev: "You are so miserable. Stop it with these pity stories, I don't care for them. You are weak. You were raised to be one way. Strong, dominant, unwavering. I don't know you personally, but I know the code we all were meant to follow. I know how you wavered and backed out. You went soft. You used to be a killer could have been the best firebender in our history, but now you'll never surpass your father."

Azula: "I don't care anyone about who I surpass. I care about my best and I will reach it. Nothing will change that. I will reach it because my burn a new flame now, I have a new passion and that is love!"

Alev laughs and paces around, "You make me sick. You have made a mockery of our people. I will hack you to pieces and spread your remains to Macai, Zuko, to all of team Avatar, your mother, and your father. Then I will tell them what a disgrace you were. Then I will gut each and every one of them except possibly your father."

Azula remains calm, "Such feeble things don't get under my skin anymore. Before I'd really fear for your life after those statements but the result for you still won't be pleasant. I've a league above you, Alev."

Alev: "Convince yourself. You were battered by Macai and lost to your brother."

Azula counters, "I wasn't in my best state the first time I lost."

Alev: "Because you were weak and have always been weak. You have always tried to overcompensate to please your father. You were never strong on your own, never for yourself. You thought everyone loved you, but people hated you and prayed to find a day to surpass you. Unlike them, I'd smash you in your face and not wait for you to become vulnerable. It's a wonder the Dai Li didn't assassinate you when you were clearly mentally slipping."

Alev continues, "And that would have happened eventually. You would have NEVER been a good Firelord for that very reason. Always doomed to fail. And now you are BROKEN. Rest assured I will purge what is left of you!"

Azula: "Are you done? Your monologues are beginning to bore me. And you will learn to watch your mouth because I will beat you for every careless insult you hurled at me."

Alev: "You wish Princess, you were the past. I AM THE FUTURE! Troopers, watch how it's done"! Alev leaps in the air and hurls a rotating swirl of light orange and yellow flames at the redeemed princess, "Ahhhhhhhhhaahaaa!!" Azula raises her arms and a gust of royal blue and white flames intercept the Nyarri noble's attack.

Alev leaps forward and diagonally hurls two massive fireballs at Azula. The princess ducks her head and rolls forward as an explosion erupts behind her. The second ball flies at her chest but the princess leaps left as a second explosion occurs. Azula rotates her body and shoots a beam of blue and white flames at her opponent. Alev leaps backward off the balcony onto the ground below her.

A second later, Alev encases her hands with light orange fire before she blasts away three 31st marines (a swordsman, a swordswoman, and a firbender). Azula leaps down across her before she rapidly extends two of her right fingers while popping a blue flame into an incoming remnant swordsman. A firebender charges at her from right flank but the prodigy quickly rotates her body and kicks a blue fireball into the man's chest.

Alev spouts, "Reeeehaa!!!" The remnant major hurls a surge of bright orange and yellow flames at Azula. Azula's eyes widen as she swiftly leaps over the fire in the air. Azula rotates her body pops a blue flame at her enemy's face. Alev rolls forward and Azula lands across her. Azula raises her hands and launches a storm of blue flames from the ground at her opponent. The flames quickly rise and become twelve feet wide and eight feet tall.

Alev quickly gets up and dives left as she barely avoids the strike. Azula confidently pursues her opponent. Azula hurls two blue-white flames at Alev. Alev performs a right cartwheel as blue and white sparks bang near her. Alev raises her hands and swings two light orange-yellow flames at Azula from awkward angles making them difficult to block.

Azula rotates her body left to right and she narrowly evades each shot with exceptional coordination and timing. Azula extends her arms and shoots a blaze of blue fire at Alev. The female warlord leaps forward and left as she begins to stumble. Azula smirks and ignites both of her hands as she throws a square of blue-white fire at her.

Just when she seemed out of the fight, Alev rapidly launches herself in the air with a gust of bright orange and yellow flames and hurls two fireballs at her opponent. Azula dives diagonally right and attempts to catch her breath as she lands. Alev: "It will take more than that to keep me down!" Alev flies after Azula, using a gust of bright flames to propel herself. Alev's offensive rocket propulsion ability (the ability to fly in the air using fire) is the best in the Fire Nation, it was second only to Ozai's before.

However, it is important to note that Alev almost exclusively uses it in a very offensive nature. She does not use it in a defensive way like other famous firebenders such as Jeong-Jeong. Alev shoots a ray of large light orange and yellow flames at Azula. The princess crosses her arms to block the strike but is knocked seven feet back and flies into a crate. Azula hits her head and spirals on the ground.

Alev frantically laughs while hovering in the sky, "Hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, I knew I could beat you! I am really going to enjoy this."