When Bao and old Feng returned to the mansion, it was almost evening; old Luo and Sumi were present at the time and returned before them. After that, Bao returned to his room with the items he had purchased, and he pulled out the stone that the elderly man had given him for free.
Despite the fact that he claimed the stone was from outer space and that astronomy was used to cover it up. He recognized the stone at first glance; it was a Moon-stone. This type of stone is not unusual in the immortal world and can be mined from any desolate star, but here in this isolated world, its worth was no less than a diamond, and if someone knowledgeable were to discover it, it would be one of the most priceless treasures.
Moon-stone is comparable to energy crystals formed by the condensation of spiritual energy, but it differs from energy crystals in that it contains other types of minerals and impurities that energy crystals do not have. If one is skilled at removing impurities, those minerals could be used as medications or alchemical material.
The moon-stone appearing in Prithvi is unlikely, although it may fall in the form of a meteorite in some situations, but the moon-stone he possessed had no indication of burn or cracks, and it appeared to have been extracted directly from the source.
After widening his senses inside the clear sky pagoda, he noticed a few things. There was some kind of barrier preventing his senses from entering the upper floors, and while he could easily break through it, doing so would alert other guards. The guards were all warrior-ranked martial artists, with the strongest in that pagoda being the elderly man who gave the moonstone, who was a grandmaster-ranked martial artist. He was most likely a high-ranking member of the pagoda. The elderly man clearly understood what it was but still gave it away for free; Bao had no idea what the old man's objective was.
Bao stopped thinking about those things and set the moon-stone aside because he didn't need it right now. He took out the two remaining stones he had picked from stone gaming, raised one finger, and split them in half with a slight gesture of cutting. This was one of the skills he created by combining two different skills, the first of which was Dragon's claw and the second of which was sword point.
he named this skill Deus Palm, and it was simple with no flashy moves. It was one of the skills he could use at his current level, but he could only use it with one finger; even if he cultivated to the nascent soul stage, he would only be able to raise three fingers, and the more fingers he raised, the more energy he consumed. When he was at his peak, he could sever the mountains with a single finger and separate the ocean with a single finger.
Although this skill sounded good and simple, it was far more complex and ruthless. The first single finger can cut through anything with a body, two-finger can cut through spiritual beings like ghosts and spirits, three-finger can cut through one's fate, five fingers can cut through the fabric of space, but the main reason it was deemed ruthless was due to four-finger cut, it can cut one's bloodline, no matter where they hide,
When he was in the immortal world, he once used the fourth cut on a race; it was a horrible scene, but it was necessary at the moment. That was one of the reasons many people dreaded him. But this bloodline cut won't work if the other person is stronger than the one he cut; it is to cut the weeds from the root.
After he cut both stones, they began to shine brightly, but he was inside a closed room, so no one saw. It was spiritual energy manifested as an energy crystal; generally, spirits are not visible unless they are crystallized or in their purest form. This amount of energy was sufficient for him to finish the core construction stage, commonly known as grandmaster rank on this planet.
although his cultivation seemed fast and easy within this isolated world, but when compared to the immortal world, there would be great difference in core-formation master from this world compared to the immortal world, due to density of the spirit energy.
If a normal core formation master In the immortal world could live UpTo 300 Years, then In this isolated world it would be around 100-150, there was a great difference due to environment.
Bao carefully swirled his hands in the air to make an energy swallowing diagram, derived energy from one of the crystals around his quasi-core, and energy from the other crystal entered his muscle from all angles completely covering him.
Bao took out the herbs he had purchased inside the pagoda, placed a piece of them in his mouth, and began chewing them. The herb he chose was a type of numbing poison; nevertheless, despite its name, it was not poisonous to the body. It was largely used as an assassination tool, mixed in the target's food and drinks; after taking it, the target's body would be numb and they wouldn't move for a while.
This herb was not prepared for the core-forming procedure, but rather for the second stage bone refinement process of the Life Gate. It was one of the most painful stage of the life gate, second only to marrow refinement. Unlike muscle refinement, which was done simultaneously with his foundation establishment, bone refinement could not be done concurrently. Because the bone refinement process takes longer, so he prepared numbing herb.
Bao's body went numb after eating the herbs, and he lost all sense of his body. Then he used his quasi core to absorb all the energy around the core, and his core shrank and shrank.
Simultaneously, he let all of the energy from the second crystal to permeate every part of his bone. Every portion of his bone was constantly breaking and reconstructing until it reached the desired perfection and strength. He didn't feel anything because his body was entirely numb, yet he remembers the bone-breaking pain without a break.
Then he checked his core forming process; the core had already been compressed to the smallest possible size, and it was about time for it to start expanding inside one's body; when it begins expanding inside one's body, one must suppress it and form a stable size, and not let it expand or it will break. Unless they transplant the beast's core or another cultivator's core, that person would remain at the foundation establishment for the remainder of their life. This was not an issue for Bao because his soul strength was that of a former quasi-immortal soul. He could easily build a core and keep it from spreading, but the key challenge here was that he must form a mortal core rather than a higher core, which could lead to tribulation.
He began compressing after his core increased to the size of a football, and then halted when it reached the size of a fist. If he is suppressed below that size, it will eventually become a high-grade core, potentially triggering tribulation. When his core was established, a rapid burst of energy overflowed his body, driving buried impurities out. Bao immediately began the final bone reconstructing phase, which was one of the most painful stages if he did not take the numbing herb. One can only picture the misery of having all those repeatedly damaged bones repaired and united at the same moment.
All of the excess energy was returning to his core, which was rotating clockwise. It was gradually absorbing surrounding energy without his having to meditate. His body was red, as if it had been boiled, and after a while, when the herb's effect had worn off, his body began trembling violently; it was his body's muscle memory, not his dread of pain, that was causing him to shake. He checked his core and found it to be a perfect mortal core, so he was satisfied.
After that, he took a long bath, and when he got out and walked downstairs, Yue and Lu Mei were already home; it was late in the evening.
"Have you grown taller?" Yue asked
"Perhaps you're tired, and imagining things,"
"How was your day?"~~~
Many bones fractured and reformed continually as a result of the bone refining process, some of his prior body components were altered, and he appeared taller and slightly different.