Chapter 12- Slap

"Elder Feng, stand aside and allow me to test him," Bao said from behind.

"I can't let you be in danger, or I won't be able to show my face to old Luo or Yue"

"Don't be concerned; he can't hurt me, and

I just happen to reach grandmaster."

As old Feng Heard Bao saying he was at the grandmaster stage, his expression changed from worry to shocked, he remembered correctly just few weeks ago Bao was a warrior in his eyes now a grandmaster.

"But....still be careful,"

Bao slowly went towards the stage at the center, Because it was a grandmaster-level duel, all eyes were on the stage, VIPs were also focused in battle between grandmaster.

When that old man saw Bao climbing up the stage his smirk grew bigger, he was brimming with confident in his face, as if he already won the battle.

"I'll let you go first, old man; come at me with your best move," Bao told the old man.

Because the audience was silent, they could easily hear it. It was a funny sight to have a young Grandmaster challenge an older Grandmaster while still giving them a chance.

"No, it will be the other way around; as a young grandmaster, I will give you ten moves," the old man said,

"Old man, you may come to regret your decision, but I still have patience, you may attack first,"

"Don't worry, I won't be sorry; even if I gave you a dozens move, you'd still lose," the old man said, it was not of courtesy but a clear mockery.

"All right, just try not to die,"

Originally, Bao intended to test the strength of a core formation martial artist known as a grandmaster in this isolated world, but he never imagined a mere core formation martial artist would be so arrogant.

Bao took a single step forward and closed the 30-meter distance in an instant. He was in front of the old man the next moment, and before the old man saw Bao's attack, he was already falling,


The right side cheek of that old man was imprinted on the concrete floor. Nobody saw how and what happened because it happened so quickly. All they saw was Bao closing the gap and the old man's cheek printed on the concrete floor.

Everyone in the arena were shocked, their jaws wide open, they were silent for a minute. They were dumbfounded by what happened within a blink of a sec. They were expecting great battle between two Grandmasters but never imagined it would end so swiftly.

When Bao closed the gap he used a quick dash of energy infused on his legs. When he got in front of the old man, he wanted to punch him in the face, but there was a possibility of him dying, so he changed it to a slap, and that single slap knocked out the old man.

Following that, the arena's current manager made an announcement.

"This concludes the arena battle for this month. The winning party now has entire authority over the property specified in the agreement; if the loser party breaches the agreement, the punishment will be harsh. Thank you for taking part in the monthly arena battle, and have a good evening "the arena's manager stated

To protect people's privacy, the manager did not name the property.

Before returning, Old Feng asked Hu Xin to complete part of his wager, and Hu Xin gave him a Black card with a value of one billion.

"Take this, it's yours; I was naive back there, and if it hadn't been for you, I would have lost the orphanage," old Feng said to bao

"Fine," Bao responded, "I'll accept it."

Bao was currently in need of money for herbs and other things; he might have asked for Yue, but it would be taking advantage of his lover, so he accepted the card.

Finally, they arrived to the mansion at 5 p.m. When they approached the mansion, there were no maids, so Bao pushed open the door.

"SURPRISE!" At the same time, Yue, her parents, and Lu Mei all exclaimed.

"What is this Surprise for?"

"Since we couldn't throw you a celebration when you were discharged, we decided to throw one now," Yue explained.

"It makes me really happy"

They were having fun while enjoying the variety of delicacies Yue and lu mei prepared. Suddenly, Old Luo received a phone call informing him that the opposing party had withdrawn from the orphanage case and no longer desired to build a factory there.

They were even more ecstatic after hearing the news.

"Feng, old man Did you pull any strings to get them to leave?" old Luo asked

"Yeah, something like that did happen," said old Feng.

"You are my true brother,let us make a toast" Old Luo remarked drunkenly.

"How many did we toast already?" Old feng replied

They started laughing while drinking, many good events happened today they were in a good mood and enjoying,

Bao told old Feng not to tell anyone about his fight in the arena since it would only make them worry more.