Chapter 17- The kellari desert arena

After settling matters regarding the Taoist and his old master, Bao returned to the city. Although he got to know how they trained array techniques, he still was clueless about the old man's master and the kellari desert arena.

So after entering the city, he directly went towards the clear sky pagoda. As they were one of the most influential organizations with branches all over the world, in hope of them knowing something about this kellari desert arena Bao went there.

Bao went straight to the pagoda from the front entrance, after entering the first floor, he started to climb up towards the second floor. The last time when Bao came here, he was with old Feng, and with old Feng's membership card they were allowed to climb higher floors, but now he was alone without the membership card. He was expecting the guards to stop him and ask for a membership card, but to his surprise, nothing like that happened, he climbed to the second floor without being asked.

Other people who saw the behavior of the guards were also surprised, after all in front of them, he entered without a membership card and the guards didn't even bother to stop him.

Originally Bao wanted to create some commotion, to bring out the other people with the higher status inside the pagoda. But now it looked like there was no need for that, he straight climbed to the third floor, even the guards there didn't stop him.

On the third floor, Bao went to the stall where he previously received a moon-stone from an old man for free, that old man looked like someone with high status inside the pagoda. So he wanted to meet him, the old man was in the same place selling several items.

"Oh this little brother is back, what do want to buy?" the elderly man asked

"Today I am here for a different reason; I want some information"

"What do you want to know little brother? I am all ears" the elderly man said

"I want to know every information regarding THE KELLARI DESERT ARENA"

After the elderly man heard it, he stood up and became alerted.

"This is not the place to chat, follow me," the elderly man said in a low voice

Then the old man and Bao started to climb towards the higher floor, the guards didn't stop them from going towards the fourth floor. Bao guessed that the old man was some bigshot of this pagoda.

"Why did the guards let me in when I was climbing on the second floor?" Bao asked the elderly man

"Powerful people are welcomed in this pagoda, in the last arena battle you showed your strength, so you're qualified to enter" the old man replied

"Does that also mean powerful people could pick anything they wish in the pagoda for free"

"No, everything inside the pagoda costs, if we allowed others to pick for free, how would we make a living"

"oh, then what is your status on this pagoda?" Bao asked

"I am just one of many elders of the clear sky pagoda,"

While chatting they reached the fourth floor, only a few people were there. On this floor, Bao saw pills and herbs, which were all spirit grade low to high. This was indeed impressive, to be able to concoct spirit grade pills and grow spirit grade herbs, although it was hard to grow spirit grade herbs in this isolated world with thin energy but if the herbs are extremely old, they might form a spirit. Then again they begin to climb towards the top floor.

"Do you know where those herbs come from?" Bao asked the elderly man

"I am just an elder of a branch, how could I know such information, even if I knew I wouldn't be allowed to speak about it" the old man replied

The clear sky pagoda had branches all around the world, and the old man was only an elder from a side branch. it was to be expected.

"How do you people receive the order from higher-ups, have you ever met the founder of the clear sky pagoda?"

"No, we haven't met the founder, we receive the orders from the messenger who comes every 10 years" the old man replied

Soon they reached the fifth floor, it was empty without any people. It was to be expected only platinum membership holders were allowed and not many were in this city. On this floor only martial skills and techniques were there, although all of those were low grades in Bao's eyes, it was still really precious in this isolated world, to be able to create own martial skill and to pass it to others was not something anybody could do, one needed to completely master that technique to pass it.

Then the old man took Bao to a room on the fifth floor when Bao entered the room, he saw array formations were laid there and two-man were sitting opposite to each other near the array. Bao knew this array was the laid to interfere with others peeking inside the pagoda.

"Greetings Elder!" those two men bowed to the elderly man

"Rise, you two go outside, I have some important matter to discuss with this little brother," the elderly man said

Those two men followed the elderly man's command and went outside, this room was also protected by an array. So no sound gets outside nor anyone can peek with their sense.

"Now can you tell me what the kellari desert is?" Bao asked

"I will tell you about it, but first tell me how did you know about it?"

"I was informed by that old man, I fought last time in the arena" Bao said

"so you were contacted by the other party first, did you agree to what they said?"

"No, I didn't agree on anything and what do you mean by other parties?," Bao asked

"you must have already heard, that our organization is one of the biggest in the world, but other organizations are trying to climb up to our level,"

"by any chance are they also an organization of martial artists?" Bao asked

"correct, that old man you fought in the arena was from another organization formed under the name of Aztec, that day he was here to challenge me" the old man replied

"What is the relation between clear sky pagoda, Aztec, and the kellari desert arena?"

"Both organization's goal is to recruit strong people and train them, but the founder's main goal is still not known, and the kellari desert arena is the place where it is all decided" the old man replied

"say it clearly,"

"The kellari desert arena is a fighting arena which opens once every 100 years, but the rules there are different from normal arena"

"If someone dies while fighting inside the arena another party won't be held accountable, use of special treasures are allowed"

"But the main attraction of this arena is that the winner gets to directly train under messenger and may even meet the founder " the old man said

After listening to old man's explanation of the kellari desert arena, Bao got the gist of it. This competition was similar to sects disciple recruitment process in the immortal world.

"How powerful is this founder you speak of?" Bao asked

"I don't know how powerful the founder is, but I once asked the messenger to spare with me, it was a one-sided battle, I wasn't able to block any move"

"Ohh who won the previous kellari desert arena battle?"

"the messenger told me, it was a draw 100 years ago and they didn't find any good fighter who can use spirit energy" the old man replied

"When will this kellari desert arena open again? and When will this messenger arrive?"

"I don't know when it will open again, but the messenger will tell us beforehand, the messenger arrived 3 years ago, now maybe in the next 7 years the messenger should arrive again"

"little brother, I have something to say if you will listen," the old man said


"I was wondering if you would be willing to participate in the kellari desert arena on behalf of our organization. I know it will dangerous but you can surrender if it gets too hard" the old man said

"Why do you think I would participate?"

"Of course because you are strong and you specifically came here to inquire about that arena so you must be interested" the old man replied

What the old man said was false, Bao was not interested in such games, and had no intention to train under someone. He only wanted to meet that mysterious master from Aztec, he had matters to settle with him.

"I will consider it, if I have free time then I will tag along"

"I am leaving now,"

"Wait little brother, here take this card, if you ever went to other cities you can enter the pagoda freely," the old man said and gave Bao a Platinum card

After taking the platinum membership card Bao left the pagoda, it was late evening. He returned to the mansion, Yue and her parents were already there before him.