While they were conversing, Bao asked a question that caught Princess Kaguya's attention.
"If you existed from long ago, you must have heard of the Aztec organization." Bao asked
"I'm aware of them, but are you a member of the Aztec organization?" The princess asked back
"No, I don't belong to any organization."
"As one would anticipate from someone like you, you will not tolerate another boss," the princess added.
The princess was not a mortal or a ghost; she was a unique entity capable of sensing and seeing one's true nature. As a result, she concluded that Bao was someone revered; it wasn't his arrogance or pride. It was Bao's very existence that warranted the utmost respect, that was evident in him.
"Have you met the founder of the Aztec organization?" Bao asked
"Yes, I've met him before."
"What kind of group is the Aztec?"
"They are similar to our organization with a certain goal."the princess replied
"Do you mean the clear sky pagoda?"
"Yes, You must have heard of it by now, so allow me to reintroduce myself, I am the founder of the Clear Sky Pagoda," the princess said to Bao.
Bao noted the odd geography of the ground and surface he was walking on before entering the core of the hallowed area. Despite the fact that there were numerous buildings with an antique architect, the residents were not mortals but something like spirits, but the primary thing he noticed was the faint smell or aura of profound grade herbs.
The aura grew stronger as he approached the core area, but as the princess led him to another section with several rooms, his suspicion was confirmed. Almost all of those rooms had herb gardens, and the clear sky pagoda was the sole place that sold high-quality herbs.
"Your specific goal must be to travel outside of this galaxy in search of other lives," Bao said
"You're right."
"Then The Aztec founder must also be the guardian of a certain celestial" Bao said
"Yes, he is guardian of the Venus."
"Did the Aztec organization also lay this formation?"
"Yes, the Venus's guardian is adept at laying formations." The princess responded
"How did you guardians got the knowledge of all this?"
"We have no idea how, we were born with an innate understanding of these things."
"So each guardian is an expert in a different field?" Bao inquired.
"Yes, other guardians, like Venus and me, have distinct aspects that they master."
"Do other guardian have names like you?"
"No, we guardians do not have names, mine was given by humans, we call each other by the name of celestial body"
It was not unexpected that the Guardians possessed innate knowledge. There are races born with innate skills in the immortal world, but seeing guardians of celestial bodies with innate and diverse abilities was new thing.
"Who is the Prithvi's guardian? "And where is he?" Bao inquired.
"The Prithiv's guardian is in the Bermuda formation."
"Are you referring to the Bermuda Triangle? So the disappearances of aircraft and ships in that ocean have something to do with the guardian?" Bao asked with a curious look.
"Not quite. The disappearance of those things is linked to the formation built to conceal the guardian. Bermuda is a formation in and of itself." The princess responded.
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is an urban legend focused on a loosely-defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
"Didn't an asteroid strike close to the Bermuda Triangle in the past? "Did it have any effect on the formation?" Bao asked
"Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid that nearly killed all living beings was aimed towards the guardian, but the course shifted due to some strong field and hit near the Bermuda triangle."
"What do you mean the guardian was targeted?" Bao inquired.
"The planet you live on is safest, with the other guardians looking out for it, but when that asteroid came straight towards the prithivi, we couldn't do anything. For some inexplicable reason, Jupiter's guardian was unable to pull the asteroid."
"However, due to an unknown force, the trajectory of that asteroid was slightly altered, and it did not strike the guardian," the princess explained.
"What would happen if the guardian of the celestial body dies?"
"If the guardian of the celestial body dies, then the celestial body will fall apart with the guardian," the princess replied
"Has something similar happened before?"
"Yes," the princess said, "it has happened many times in the past."
The guardians of the celestial bodies were like a core of the body, just like cultivators core. If the core got destroyed, the body will also be wasted.
"Does that mean, the planets and Celestial bodies are alive?
"Not really, but once they gain awareness, it could said to be alive" the princess replied
When he was still in the immortal world, he had some knowledge about planets and stars developing self-awareness, but they had to be old or extremely posporous in spiritual energy. During his journey around the immortal world, he never met a guardian of a star or planet. This was the first time knowing about them, his home galaxy was mysterious one.
"if there are guardians, Does life also exist on other celestial bodies?"
"Life existed on other celestial bodies before humans. They were not like humans. They were more like monsters from a fairytale." The princess replied
"What exactly do you mean?" He was interested in these being who existed before Humans
"You're not going to get it with simply an explanation, see it for yourself." After saying that, the princess led Bao to another chamber.
The chamber within was like a museum, with paintings, statues, and bones, preserved in a unique container.
There Bao saw many familiar things, such as the bones of monster race, the hide of a spirit wolf, the scales of a ground dragon, and many other things from the Decem-Milia realm, but that was only a small portion; there were many other bones and scales that even he was unaware of.
[Perhaps someone from God's domain chose them all as an experiment?]
[NO, it should not be possible. Even if someone from the god's domain chose every being from every race, this number is too large] He thought to himself.
Each bone in the room was unique on its own way, even the total combined races in the Decem-milia realm, immortal realm, and god's dominion would not come close. The most shocking discovery was a human skeleton that was only structurally similar to the humans, but the skeleton was distinct in size and color from that of humans.
"Where did you get them? "How did they all become extinct?" Bao asked with a serious look because these beings should not exist in this isolated world
"They're all from different celestial bodies." "They devoured each other,"
"Oh, were they present in celestial bodies from the beginning?"
"I have no idea. Most of the time, we guardians are in a dormant state and do not interfere in other issues, but when we awoke, they were already present in the celestial bodies,and were on Verge of extinction" the princess explained
Almost all of the races present here were reliant on spiritual energy. They couldn't go on without it. In this isolated world, spiritual energy was weak and probably limited. Those beasts fought/devoured each other and eventually became extinct. Humans were significantly more communicative and understanding than other races, which may account for their continuing survival.
"Don't you think they're the extraterrestrial life you've been looking for?"
"Well, they could be," the princess said, "but we found them in celestial bodies, so we didn't classified them as extraterrestrial life."
Bao noticed a statue in the center of the room while examining the parts of foreign races. The statue in the center appeared to be unfinished; the person's features and expressions were missing; and it appeared to have been sculpted by a new sculptor.