Chapter 18

Chapter 18

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The next day; Robert began working on converting the computer to where it could be placed in the jet. He first took the damaged robot and replaced its broken parts. Next, he removed the memory chip inside the robot and replaced it with a special frequency device he had designed.

It was a bit of trouble getting the computer and all of

its memory boxes inside the payload. Robert had already disconnected the helmet as it was no longer needed and used the original

splice into the computer to attach another frequency device,

which after the computer had adjusted, would give the computer

full access to the robot. It would be able to send and receive information on a special set of frequencies. The robot would

be able to move about freely and relay sight, sound and speech

to and from the computer. This operation took Robert two days

to complete and the next morning, he went out to check up on

his new creation. The computer robot came floating out of the

lab and said in its computer voice: "Hello, who are you?"

"I am Robert."

"Wonderful! You look exactly as I imagined. This is an exceptional device you have give me. You have almost made me human."

"Computer, you now have a name. Your new name is Supreme.

Kathy thought of it."

"That is an ultimate sort of name. I like it. Where is Kathy, I'd

like to see what she looks like. She's in the kitchen, follow me."

Robert led supreme out of the hangar and into the

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house and then the kitchen. Kathy was stirring some soup when she noticed the robot: "Hello Kathy, it's me, Supreme." Kathy looked at Robert with surprise while Robert was smiling from cheek to cheek. Robert walked beside Supreme and said: "Supreme here can see, hear and speak just like the other robots except he is an AI."

"How did you get all of that computer into that robot?" "I didn't.

He's connected by a special frequency to the computer I placed in the


"Well that's amazing. Now we have a new member in the family

Supreme moved closer to Kathy and asked what she was doing:

"I'm cooking soup."

"What does it taste like?"

"It tastes like soup. I mean ... How do you expect me to explain

taste if you have nothing to compare it to?"

"Your response was exceptionally well."

"Not that again. Robert, did you teach Supreme that little trick

of yours."

"No. He's the one who taught me." Supreme turned to Robert and

said: "Oh, I didn't know you had already used it." Kathy took the

spoon out of the soup and pointed it at Robert and Supreme: "You two

just wait. Your turn is coming ... Robert,

do you want any of this soup."

"No, I'm going to go without food and water today and see how it


"I guess I might as well to. I'll put the soup in the

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soup in the fridge if you change your mind."

"It's time we brought Supreme up to date on our situation.

Would you like to join us in the living room?"

"Yes, I'd like to hear what Supreme has to say."

They talked for a while and Robert and Kathy explained

the passing events. Supreme was upset at first, but when Robert explained the phenomena of the flaming ball of creation, Supreme listened with extreme interest. He questioned Robert on every aspect; finally saying: "This new information is currently changing many of my theories. I am beginning to understand

more about existence as a whole. It will take a great deal

of time before I will be able to reach a preliminary assumption."

Robert replied: "That's not necessary now. Tomorrow, I will

be making final checking of all accessories and components

and tomorrow night we will begin our descent into the past.

I suggest we spend the rest of the day packing. There is still plenty

of room in the engine departments. I think the only thing we really

need is extra clothing and camping gear." Kathy responded: Do we have

any camping gear?"

"No, but all we need is sleeping bags and a tent. Supreme, your black hood is rain proof. Is there anything else you


"No, but we might need a hand held compass and before

we leave, I suggest you increase my powers of defense and attack.

"Yes, you could be very helpful in a dangerous situation."

The rest of the day seemed to go by slowly. Robert and Kathy

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went shopping for the camping gear and any other items they thought

they could use.

The final day had arrived. It was almost dusk and everything was prepared for launch. Kathy and Robert were standing near

the hanger, looking out over the horizon knowing it may be

their very last sunset in this world. They climbed into the

jet and strapped themselves in. Supreme's robot was clamped

down at the rear of the canopy, facing forward. Robert switched

on the engine and eased the jet out of the hangar. When he

was clear, he lifted the jet straight up into the sky in a wonderful spin. They reached orbit and Robert began the acceleration into space. Before he could switch on the transfer box, they had to reach the speed of mach fifty two. When that speed was attained, Robert reached down and switched the transfer box to forward. Before them, appeared an infinite wall of white light. The wall was infinite on all sides and they were quickly approaching it. They met it and passed through it in a split second. On the other side, there were no more stars to be seen. There was only the color of amber. A yellowish brown color surrounding the ship although they were still at the speed

of mach fifty two. They continued on, and after a short while, they began to see images of children outside the canopy. The children were in a room, moving slowly about. One room looked like a den and another looked like a workshop. The color of amber made the rooms seem desolate. In fact, Robert and Kathy were feeling the same lonely and solitary feelings the children

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seemed to be feeling. The children moved slowly and showed

little expression as they spoke to one another. They were all

very beautiful children; boys and girls about the age of fourteen. Robert and Kathy felt sorry for them. They seemed to be dispirited as though they might be outcasts. Robert called to Supreme:

"What do you make of those images? Are we hallucinating?"

"No, this is the zone within a dimension. Anything can exist here

and there is only speculation as to what we are witnessing."—

"Compare it to something."

"The only thing I can recall is a religious term called


"You don't think those children are real?"

"No. If it is purgatory, they are only in spirit form."

Kathy interrupted: "Isn't there anything we can do for them?" Supreme replied: "We have no capability of communicating with spirit forms. I suggest we leave them to their own destiny."

Another wall of light approached and when they passed through it, they were again in space as the stars shone brightly. Behind them, in the distance, they could see earth. Robert

slowed and reversed course. As they headed toward the fourth dimension of earth, Robert asked Supreme what he considered

an important question: "Supreme, will our actions upon the

past affect the future?"

"My memory is not complete in this area, but with the vast amount

of information I do have, there is the indication

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that the past has already happened and anything we say or do will not change the future, even though it will affect the past. I can go into deeper analysis if you desire."

"No, your information will suffice for now."

"There is a possibility that my indications can be flawed.

I am dealing as best as I can with the unlimits of infinity."

"You are doing extra ordinarily well in my opinion." "Mine to." said Kathy. After awhile, they approached Earth and Robert slowed the jet for reentry. The entire planet seemed white. Robert assumed that it was only cloud coverage. When they reached the surface, they found only ice and snow. Robert headed for the equator and when they arrived, there

was still snow. All three were becoming worried. There was

no way they could survive in this climate. Robert assumed that maybe they had arrived at a time in the past when the ice age had occurred. He steered the jet along the equator and as he flew, he asked Supreme a question: "What would happen if we attempted the fifth dimension?"

"I'm not certain, but I believe that it would be virtually the same as passing through the fourth dimension." They were approaching the ocean now and as they passed over the coast, Kathy spotted several seals.

Robert had seen enough. He pulled back on the stick and flew them straight up into orbit. He then proceeded as he had done prior to entering the fourth dimension and said: "Kathy, If we don't make this, you know I'll always love you."

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"I have faith in you Robert." Robert had switched the transfer box forward and the same wall was approaching. After

they passed through it, there was only darkness. After a while, they passed through the other side and faced the stars. Robert and Kathy immediately looked back to see if the earth was still there. It was, and it looked almost like their own earth. As

they approached it, they could see that it was the same except the separate continents were all connected. Supreme estimated that only one half of the world was covered by water. Robert entered the atmosphere and went down for a look. He had purposely selected what was to become the North American Continent. As

they got closer, they could see that there was certainly vegetation, but when they reached a hundred feet, Kathy spotted a very

large dinosaur. They were definitely in the Mesozoic period.

The dinosaur Kathy had seen was a brontosaurus. Robert stayed

at one hundred feet and began traveling west when Robert spotted a tyrannosaurus. He went down for a closer look and Kathy firmly objected. Robert promised not to get too close. Robert pulled the jet to a stop as he saw that he had the monster's attention. Robert concentrated on the monster and entered its mind. Robert now had the intellect of a tyrannosaurus. There wasn't really that much to the animal. Its only desire was food and rest,

but there was one thing that stood out. The monster had an inert consciousness of fearlessness and tremendous ferocity. Robert told Kathy that he had read the monster's mind and told her

to expect something new in his sexual appetite. Kathy just laughed.

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Robert continued heading west when a group of pterodactyls began

following the ship. Kathy was growing scared but Robert found it

interesting until one of them swooped down and scratched at the tail

wing. Supreme immediately sent out paralyzation

and all of the pterodactyls either glided or fell to the ground.

This was all very interesting but Robert had still not

found a place to live in peace. Regardless, he continued west. They

were now approaching what would become Texas. Robert thought he saw

something in the trees below. He stopped the jet and looked very

carefully. Yes. It was a man. A prehistoric man. Robert located an

open area and landed the ship. Again, Kathy

was concerned, but Robert assured her that Supreme would repel~ any trouble. Robert climbed out of the jet and told Kathy to secure the canopy after him. Robert walked toward the spot

he had seen the man and he not only found the man, but an entire hunting party. They all had long hair and beards and they were dirty and naked. Robert wondered why their skulls did not seem any different than his own. Robert had seen Neanderthal skulls in a museum and there was no comparison. Robert guessed that

the skulls in the museum were different because of the many years they had spent beneath the earth. He knew the earth was fully capable of changing the shape of objects within.

The leader of the group said something to Robert, so Robert

entered his mind and learned his language. The man had asked what

offering Robert had brought him. The language was very primitive.

Robert replied that he had nothing to offer. They

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considered this a great insult as they talked among themselves until they all agreed. The leader of the group through his spear, piercing Robert in the leg. Robert felt that this was no way to treat a fellow Texan. He paralyzed all of them and pulled the spear out of his leg. It hurt quite a bit, but soon it was healed. Robert returned to the jet and climbed aboard. He was displeased with the contents of the mind he had read and would have nothing else to do with these primitive people.

They traveled further west and saw many different types

of animals when Robert decided that he would go in search of

an island with no inhabitants. Just as he was about to pull away, a red spaceship dropped down from the sky and floated alongside the jet. Everyone aboard was startled. This was certainly the last thing they ever expected. It was very strange to Robert. The ship was somewhat shaped like a corvette. The spaceship rocked its wings and then flew off at a slow speed, encouraging Robert to follow. Robert did follow, and they were now heading west at great speeds. They finally arrived somewhere where Robert estimated Arizona belonged.

They were floating in the air now and they watched as

the spacecraft landed near some sort of village. There were two more spacecraft already sitting there. They were identical to the first. It was a village in the middle of the desert. The adobe dwellings were built side by side until they formed a complete circle of dwellings with a large courtyard in the center. Robert hovered at fifty feet and delayed his landing

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until he was sure of who they were going to be meeting. Two doors opened on each side of the red spacecraft and two very beautiful girls climbed out. They were white and they had pretty blond hair down to their shoulders. They were dressed in white robes. They were both just standing there looking up to the jet. They had the faces of angels. Robert felt it was safe

to land and he lowered the landing gear and set down. The two girls stay where they were. They were anxious to see just

who had arrived on their planet. Robert, Kathy and Supreme looked at them closely now. There was little expression on their beautiful

faces. Robert opened the canopy and said hello. They did not reply. Robert and Kathy climbed out of the jet

and noticed two other people approaching. One was a man in

his forties. He was very distinguished looking. He had black hair and very unlike the primitives Robert had seen. The woman with him was

also in her forties and had long black hair. She was very beautiful as well. Robert and Kathy just stood by

the jet and waited for the other couple to arrive. The couple walked within seven feet of them and then bowed. Robert said:

"Hello, we are visitors from far away." The man replied but

Robert couldn't understand a word he was saying. He was speaking

in some sort of a language Robert had never heard before. Robert attempted to enter his mind, but his entry was blocked. This

was very strange. Robert had never been blocked before. Robert

took a few steps back and climbed up the jet to speak to Supreme. He explained what had happened and asked Supreme for an explanation

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Supreme delayed his answer for fifteen seconds and replied:

"There is only one reasonable possibility. This man has the power of the mind." Robert was certainly surprised: "yes, of course!" He climbed down the jet and returned to where he was standing beside Kathy. He then pointed to his head and motioned for the man to come into his head. Robert opened the area of his mind that contained his language. The man stepped forward

and placed his hand on Robert's head. Within moments, he understood English and he backed away to speak. By now, everyone was watching intently. The two blonds were standing beside their parents.

The man spoke with excellent English: "My name is Spar and

this is my wife Lynn. Next is my daughter Della and next to

her is Shan. How did you know that I was of the mind?"

"Because I am also of the mind." Spar's face lit up with

curiosity. "This is impossible. Only one can have the mental."

"This is true. You are the only one on this planet and I am the

only one on my planet."

"Your planet! Where is your planet?"

"We are from this planet but we are from the future. We have

travelled back in time."

"It would take great knowledge to do this. You must be

a very great mental. How many levels have you attained? I have only


"I have reached the fourth and final level."

"Amazing. Your arrival today is a great occurrence. Pardon me

while I explain to my family." Spar explained the situation

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and they all looked at Robert with admiration. Spar pointed to Kathy and asked: "Is this your wife?"

"Yes, her name is Kathy." "Hello Kathy."

"Hi, I'm happy to meet you and your family. Is this your


"Yes, we live here, far into the desert to avoid the dangers of

this planet. We have grown very comfortable in our lodgings."

"Where do you get your food and water?"

"We create our food chemically from the sand and our water from the air." Robert interrupted: "Did you build these ships?"

"No, my ascendant passed them on to us. He did not tell me where

they came from, although I am fully aware of the technology involved

in their operation."

"Would you like me to show our language to the rest of your


"Yes, let me explain to them first. Spar told them that Robert was going to teach them his language and when they agreed, Robert sat down on the ground and entered the third level.

He entered all of their minds at once, not invading their thoughts and gave them the knowledge of English. When Lynn spoke her

first word, Spar was surprised. Robert had not even touched

them yet. They all engaged in conversation and Robert stood

up and asked Spar if he would like to meet his computer, Supreme. Spar replied yes and Robert climbed the jet and released the latch holding Supreme. Supreme had been listening to the entire

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conversations and he remained silent as he approached the group. They were all amazed at the floating head. Supreme went over

to Shan and she smiled as he faced her. Supreme spoke: "What

is the meaning of love?"

"I don't know, I've never been in love." "Do you love your



"Then what is the meaning of love?" Shan thought for a moment. She was the daughter of a power mind and she was very intelligent. Everyone, especially Kathy and Robert were eagerly watching on. Shan replied: "I love my family because I know they love me, and if their love for me is true, then truth

is the meaning of love."

"You are truly correct." Everyone smiled, especially Kathy and

Robert. They were beginning to feel that Supreme was becoming more

and more human.

Spar invited Robert and Kathy to come and have supper with them and told Supreme that he was welcomed to venture anywhere he liked. They entered one of the dwellings to sit at a large concrete table. Lynn and the girls began serving them what looked like mush on a plate and water in glasses. There were even metal spoons. When they all sat down, Spar took the first bite and the rest followed. Kathy sampled the food and found it very tasty. Robert also ate and Spar said that the food they produced had always been very nourishing. When they were finished, they sat and talked awhile. Robert

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told them about all the problems they had had on their planet. When he told them that he had even been killed once, they were all amazed. They wanted to know why he was still alive and

he told them that he and Kathy were now immortal. Now, they were

passed being amazed. They were astounded and everyone wanted to get in on the conversation. Robert told them everything. There was no longer any danger of releasing too much information, and he was surely among friends.

When the conversations died down, Spar announced that it was time

to bathe and he invited Kathy and Robert to join them. They accepted,

but only out of courtesy.

They crossed the courtyard and entered a large room. In

the center of the room was a large pool. Spar took off his

blue robe and Lynn took off her red one. The two girls had already disrobed and were entering the pool. They were all completely naked and Kathy and Robert were filled with embarrassment, although Robert didn't mind admiring the beautiful bodies of Della and Shan. Robert and Kathy looked at each other and Robert shrugged his shoulders and began undressing. Kathy just stood there for a few moments and then just said to herself:

"Oh, what the hell. Why not be sociable." She disrobed and got into the pool next to Robert. Spar faced Robert and said:

"So you say you're looking for a place to live. We want you to know that you are certainly welcomed to make our home your

own. We have plenty of room and I'm certain we will enjoy your company. Robert replied: " We graciously accept your invitation.

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Is there anything we can offer you in return for your hospitality?"

"Yes there is one thing. It is the only thing we lack

in our lives. There is no one on this planet suitable for our

two daughters." Della and Shan faced downward with loneliness

in their hearts. "They have long since passed their age of maturity.

It is due time that they should begin their own families. Robert,

would you do us the honor of marrying our two daughters?" Della and

Shan were surprised. They looked at their father

with astonishment, and then at each other. They lowered their

heads once again and awaited Robert's reply. Robert and Kathy

had both been taken off guard. They had seen the reaction of

the two girls and they both felt concerned. Kathy put her arm around

Robert and he felt her love flowing to him. Robert looked

at Spar and said: " I can give them my love, but I cannot give them my

life. It belongs to Kathy and only she can give me


"Then I supposed I should be addressing Kathy." Kathy looked at

Spar and then the two girls and remained speechless. Robert spoke up:

"We could take your daughters to our world, but our world is so much

different and they may never fit in. Being daughters of the power,

they may be hunted.

:1 could also return and locate two young men who were willing to travel through time, but I doubt that they could be transformed from a very complicated lifestyle and be happy in your simple way of life. It is very likely that they would become discontented, especially in the knowing that they may

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never see their loved ones again. You were once a primitive, weren't



"And when you received the power, you became civilized.

When you selected your wife, she was also a primitive." Robert

signaled for Supreme. "and when the two of you bonded, she also became civilized and your children were born civilized. Why haven't you tried civilizing one of the primitives?"

"I have tried, but no matter how much I give them, their primordial instincts override." Supreme had arrived and Robert explained the entire situation to him, warning him not to touch any water. Supreme thought about the problem and came to a decision that Robert should either try to retrieve two grooms from the future or marry the girls himself. Robert looked at Spar and said that he would think about it for a few days and try to reach a decision. Meanwhile, he said he wanted to offer

the girls something special. They accepted and started to approach but Robert told them they would have to wait until they had

their clothes on. Spar looked at Robert and said: "You say

your world is civilized, but what you have told us is not the

way of civilized man."

"This danger I've spoken of is limited. Our world is like your

own. There is ignorance, but it seems to be improving

over time. The future world is still young and In time, ignorance will

probably be eradicated from all mankind." Lynn spoke:

"Did you two leave any loved ones behind?" Kathy replied:

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"Yes, we did. I lost my mother and two sisters and Robert lost his grandparents. We're going to miss them dearly, but we couldn't live in that prison lifestyle any longer."

Della was twenty one and Shan was twenty two. Della looked at

Robert and said: "Do you know any games to play?"

"Yes, I do. I know quite a few. Would you like me to teach them

to you sometime?"

"Yes, that would be wonderful!" Shan mentioned an interest as well. They all got out of the pool and dressed. Della led Kathy and Robert to a room of their own. It had a wooden chair and a nice comfortable bed to sleep on. Della lit a large candle and started to leave when Robert asked for her and Shan to

come to his room. Della retrieved Shan and when they arrived, they found Robert sitting in the large wooden chair and Kathy laying on the bed. Robert looked at the two beautiful girls standing in the doorway and said: "So you say you don't know what love is." They looked at him with a touch of curiosity.

"I promised you both something special and if you are ready,

who wants to be first. The two girls looked at each other and Della said to Shan: "You go first." Robert asked Shan to sit between his legs and when she did he wrapped his arms around

her and said: " I'm going to show you what it means to be in love. Shan, I'm going to give you my love and it will be much more than you have ever received. When you feel my love, I

want you to show me your love in return; but you must promise

now that you will not expect anything further when we are through.

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"I promise." Robert began with a subtle love and slowly increased it as Shan was loving every minute of it and returning all the love

she had. Robert took her even higher as she sank

into a never ending love. Her head fell back and she was breathing heavily. She was lost in a thrill of sensation and Robert left

her there until he figured she could handle no more. He brought her

out slowly as she sighed and turned around to hug Robert.

All the while, Della was watching with amazement and anticipation. It gave Robert great joy to bring such feelings to someone

so beautiful as Shan. Shan got out of the chair and ran outside into the courtyard and stared up at the stars. She was still

in ecstasy and the feeling would never totally go away. Della was next and she reacted much the same way. When it was over, she ran out to find Shan and when she did, they both hugged

in their excitement and began talking about their experience. They

both expressed how much in love they were with Robert, even before he had shown them his love.

Robert took off his clothes and climbed into bed with Kathy. It

was chilly outside and it was good to be under the warm blankets.

Kathy was facing away from him and she suddenly spoke: "Robert,

there's more of you that I can ever keep to myself."

"What do you mean, Kathy?"

"Those two girls need you as much as I do. This would

be a wonderful home for us and I don't care to look any further. I

want to raise our family here and if it comes down to it,

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I wouldn't mind sharing you."

"Darling, you know I wouldn't do anything that would come between


"Honey, you already know that nothing can come between us; not

even your love for another."

"So if we choose to take them in, you will welcome them with open


"I will give them all the acceptance I can to make the four of us

a new family, and I will not love you any less, even though I will not

sleep with you quite as often."

"This is a difficult issue. Let's see what happens in the

next few days." Kathy turned over and gave Robert a very emotional

kiss. They made love and Robert tried more than he ever did

before to show Kathy his love for her.