Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The final day arrived and everything was set. There were only goodbyes left to be said. Robert held all of his children and kissed his wives. He went over and took Spar's hand and shook it, telling Spar that this was how they said hello and good bye in his world. Spar gave him a hug and so did Lynn.

They also 'hugged Kathy and wished her good luck. Della wished Supreme a short circuit and Supreme laughed for the very first time.

When everything was in place, they lifted off and everyone waved as Robert aimed the jet skyward and began acceleration. They reached orbit and attained the necessary speed to switch on the transfer box to forward. Robert would leave the box

in that position for approximately two weeks.

In the next few days, they passed through at least a hundred

dimensions. Robert and Kathy had run out of things to talk

about, so Supreme would entertain them with fictional stories

of his own making. Some of the stories were funny, and some

were sad. He told them stories of mystery, romance, fantasy

and even science fiction. Robert liked the science fiction

but Kathy wanted more romantic stories.

The end of the two weeks was finally approaching as they were about to exit a dimension. The great white wall approached and when they passed it, flames encompassed the jet. They could see nothing but flames, although the flames were not affecting

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the jet in any way. It was as Supreme had predicted. He spoke:

"You should continue as usual. There should be one last dimension to

pass. When you are in it and approaching the outer white wall, you

must not pass through that wall. Merely approach

it and we will have to see from there. According to what you have

told me, there is no availab1e space beyond that wall.

No existence."

The ship entered the next dimension, leaving the flames behind.

As they approached the exiting white wall, Robert decreased his speed to a bare minimum. He came within a foot of the wall

and very slowly eased the nose of the jet into the wall. When

the nose had passed completely through the wall, it met an

abutment and the minor jolt shook the entire ship. This was

as far as they could go. They could not get any closer to original

love for she existed in nonexistence. Robert spoke to Supreme:

"We are at the beginning of time and original love should be

somewhere on the other side of this wall. Can you think of

any way of getting her attention?" Before Supreme could answer, the

jet was suddenly being pulled into the wall. Robert did

not counter. The jet was pulled completely through and was

now sitting in space that had not before existed.

Except for the lights inside the cabin of the jet, there was complete darkness all around. Before them, was a red cloud of smoke revolving about itself. Kathy spoke: "Robert, Is that original love?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I am receiving an intense

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influx of love." Robert's outside pressure readings were too low for Robert to leave the craft. As Robert thought about

it, the pressure reading climbed to that of the cabin. He climbed out of the jet and felt to see if there was any floor. There

was not and then there was. Robert stepped down and motioned

for Kathy to follow. Robert tried to speak but there was no oxygen and

Robert's voice sounded funny. Suddenly, there was oxygen. Kathy

reached Robert and took his hand as they walked toward the red cloud

of smoke. They stopped a few feet before

it and Robert spoke: "We have travelled far to reach you. We

are from the future. We believe, that at this time, you are

in great need of love and we have come to offer you all the

love we have. All the love in our hearts."

The cloud floated toward Robert and Kathy and encompassed them. Very slowly, Robert and Kathy felt emissions of love

and they returned the feeling with their own love. While still holding hands, they received greater and greater love and they equaled that love in return. The love was becoming enormous

and only the bond between Robert and Kathy gave them the power

to equal that love. The cloud was original love and the love

it was receiving was enough to heal all the wounds of its past

eternity of solitary confinement. In return, she took her wonderful visitors to her highest level of love. A level so high that

it would forever blind them from acknowledging the lower levels of mankind. Levels such as hate, greed and jealousy. Original love was backing away now and Kathy and Robert turned to face

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each other. There was a beautiful glow in each of their eyes

and they almost imagined that they were angels. Robert took

Kathy into his arms and felt a new, more beautiful love between

them. Their love almost seemed celestial.

They watched the red cloud as it revolved about itself,

and they waved as they turned and climbed into the jet. The

jet backed out as it came in and they began their journey back

to Carmel. They were going to be very special people from

now on. They could only see goodness in all things. There new

and very special love would have a great impact on the others.

Throughout all dimensions, in all forms of life, there was a sudden feeling of acceptance. For the first time, man was suddenly accepting itself and others for no other reason than sheer love.