So You're in Hiding?

"But what's wrong with entering cities? Doesn't that mean you're living in hiding?" reasoned Jash, staring suspiciously at Bil. "Living a private life and living in hiding are very different things. So why are you in hiding?"

"..." Bil slumped forward and leaned his arms into his knees. Staring at the ground, Bil shrugged. "Why indeed…"

"Bil, you said you'd answer any question today. Please, tell me why you're in hiding," Jash asked, softening his stare and reaching out to put a hand on Bil's shoulder. "If you're in hiding because of a certain enemy, maybe I can find a way to help."

Dragging his hand across his face, Bil groaned, "That… You have no idea… But

I've kept that from you two, so, of course, you'd have no idea…