Care to Play with Me?

Clearly unhappy, Bil met Hathon's lustful glare with a dissatisfied groan, "Hmmm… Your old reputation is more accurate than I'd expected…"

"So you'll–"

"Mayor Hathon, please, don't ask me this today," Bil stated. "I just moved here and have a lot to do around the house. After the party, we need to fix up a place to sleep. Then, I have to decide what to do about the house and the old store. There's too much for me to worry about before I can even think about roughhousing with you."

"But you did think about me?" teased Hathon.

Bil readjusted his headwrap and broke away from Hathon's gaze. "... Do you two think about anything other than fighting? Or was that rumor true too?"

"Well, we think about each other…" Hathon chuckled, licking his pencil mustache. "If there's any sort of rough play, then we seek it. Why else would Golby want a rematch after your boy's gotten stronger? Because it was fun!"

"True. And he offered his recommendation…"