What Are You Implying?

Zac blinked. He dropped his humorous tone. He leaned into his hand, mulling over Nelphy's words. "... I think I get what you're saying. You don't want to be close to someone if they're not going to be completely open with you, right?"

"Yes… and no," Nelphy replied. "The problem isn't keeping secrets. It's just… I know what it's like to live with someone that has to keep secrets. I just don't like it when those people don't even trust me with the bare minimum, or some sort of answer. The thing I hate most is when people blow me off like something doesn't matter. At least, address something as a secret and move on… Does that make sense?"

Zac took some more time to take in that answer. "... You mean… If someone was secretive with you, you wouldn't mind so long as they don't hide the fact that it's a secret?"

"Yeah!" Nelphy nodded, feeling a bit better about her own explanation. "That's exactly what I mean. Though, I would prefer to be included, so long as I'm allowed."