There Are Three Possibilities...

"He's a blind man with a headwrap covering his eyes. Claims to be an old war vet that barely survived the charge to Holy City and woke up after the final victory." A tiny chuckle escaped Zac's lips as he added, "And I've never seen such a defense before. He can channel fire and use heat sensory in order to see and sense the world around him, to the extent that he can easily go hunting whenever he wants."

"Oh… That would explain his unique sensory skills."

"That's not all," continued, Zac. "Because he's blind, he wields a monstrous shield that no one else would dare use. But his senses let him disregard being blinded by the shield. And he uses it in tandem with a large morning star."

Nodding slowly, Tiberius wore a tiny grin. "Interesting… That's a rare find indeed… You said he wears a headwrap to cover his eyes? By chance, does he know Jash and Nelphy?"