Meeting With Lyndarr

Eventually, the sun finally awoke and peeked over the distant mountains, spreading the day's first rays of sunshine. 

Knock, knock, knock!

Rubbing his eyes, Zac answered the door and sighed, "What is… Dad?"

"Just stopping by to say one thing." Tiberius was still in his disguise from the night before, already turning to leave. "It's confirmed. He's just a kora captain. He knows you've been told, but tell no one else, not even your mother or aunt."

"O-oh!" Zac immediately became more alert. "I thought–"

"Certain things happened and I ran into him by accident during my meeting with Hathon. Just needed to let you know. See ya!" 

Zac rubbed his eyes again and his father was already gone, leaving only some static electricity lingering in the air. 

"... Okay… I can work with this!" shouted Zac, feeling a huge burden disappear from his task list.