The First Floor

As the rest of the party walked over to the twins, the disciples looked at the rubble left behind by the elemental. It wasn't their first time seeing an elemental or a core, but they had only seen and fought lightning elementals up to that point.

"Well done. Grab the core and let's keep going," Zac ordered with a smile and nod. "We'll have you two handle the early mobs since it will help you prepare for the later floors. And after taking down the hidden boss, we'll give the disciples a chance to do the same."

The party immediately accepted, putting Nelphy and Jash right beside Bil in the formation.

They fought another elemental a little further down, giving them each a core to keep. But the next mobs appeared as a duo of half-brome scorpions. The monsters spotted the party and rushed to attack. 

As the siblings stepped forward, Bil suggested, "Remember. Defend and evade until you learn where to hit it."